Turns out we DO have a Deep State…and it’s “awesome”
Kit Knightly

After years of denials, the mainstream media has decided to admit the Deep State does exist…and apparently it’s “awesome”.
At least, according to this new video from the New York Times:
It Turns Out the ‘Deep State’ Is Actually Kind of Awesome
The video itself is a six-minute strawman, presenting interviews with rocket scientists – as if they genuinely think that’s what people mean when they refer to the deep state – then piling on insanely manipulative attempts to “humanise” the concept of the Deep State by talking about these guys’ hobbies and interests.
It’s cheesy and flippant and every bit as cringe as it sounds:
We went on a road trip to find out. As we met the Americans who are being dismissed as public enemies, we discovered that they are … us. They like Taylor Swift. They dance bachata. They go to bed at night watching “Star Trek” reruns. They go to work and do their jobs: saving us from Armageddon.
Let’s state the obvious – when we talk about the Deep State, we’re not talking about people protecting children from exploitation in Chicago and we’re not talking about amiable Star Trek fans building life-saving rockets – and the New York Times video production team know this as well as we all do.
We’re talking about corrupt military and intelligence agencies, with ties to big business, who really control the government using “elected” politicians as sock puppets.
We’re talking about the machinery put in place which impoverishes the poor and undermines human rights to further authoritarian control over the people whilst facilitating and accelerating the transformation of public money into private profits.
Maybe the people that do all that are also Spock-loving marathon runners, maybe not. I don’t care, I’d just like them to stop.
The propaganda bait-and-switch is as pathetic as it is clumsy. They think that by putting human faces on the lowest and most amiable rungs of Federal power they can pretend it’s nothing but love and light all the way through. By defending the defensible, they hope to give the indefensible a pass.
The clumsy message of the video couldn’t be clearer, in fact here it is word-for-word from the NYT:
When we hear “deep state,” instead of recoiling, we should rally. We should think about the workers otherwise known as our public servants, the everyday superheroes who wake up ready to dedicate their careers and their lives to serving us. These are the Americans we employ. Even though their work is often invisible, it makes our lives better.
Golly gee. How adorable.
Personally, I am old enough to remember all the way back to 2017 and the dozen different articles all explaining, in great detail, why the US does not have a deep state at all. I wrote a long response to this at the time.
Turns out they were all wrong anyhow, the US does have a Deep State after all – it’s peopled by bachata dancing Swifties who “save us from Armageddon” – and we should be very grateful for it.
It’s all reminiscent of the meme that’s been doing the rounds for years, on how the formerly unthinkable is normalised in public discourse.
- That doesn’t happen, and everyone who says it does is a conspiracy theorist.
- That happens sometimes but it’s very rare.
- That should actually happen more.
- That is happening a lot and it’s a good thing (we are currently here)
- People who don’t like this happening are the problem.
Guess that means we’ve got number five to look forward to.
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We’re past number 5 on many topics, from climate change to election interference to vaccine mandates.
Armageddon is God defeating the Enemy, Satan. So it’s good, and anyone can read this from the Bible themselves.
Trusting Hollywood, news, money, false religions, false gods, or anything that belongs to the Enemy is, of course, believing in lies.
Truth wins, and there’s nothing the Devil or any of its demons can do about it.
Saving themselves from Armageddon, that won’t happen.
Remarkably concise & to the point piece of journalism, Kit. Katte should be becoming polemic with utter conviction and hopefully a tad more edgy with the …
Anger Management ( chuckle ).
Humour intended, ” Maybe the people that do all that are also Spock-loving marathon runners, maybe not. I don’t care, I’d just like them to stop. ” were it that simple… Counterbalance their feed & anger projection with transference, changing up the Psyop, coz’ you can’t stop it overnight: As you know: and I know that so many people know what is not known or owned up to publicly, knowing that Companies House has never been verifying any Company Registration from Freeholders to Arms Dealers, ever, unless instructed… from ‘Square Milers’, Vat-i-canners B.i.s. Carstens-Carstens,
(So big they named him twice) & The FED.
Corruption was preprogrammed, over a century ago: Central Bankers,
P.p.s. – Pulling purse strings, ponzi prepped systems: Driving Economics,
Without any Counterbalance, steering RMS Titanic !
Complete Laland Math & Spicey Narratives, with Hollywood
Amplification Of idle distraction & many of us here KNOW,
Regardless any Nationality, Bodily Sovereignty Rules:
This MUST S T O P ! ! And it will,
Because of the Human Will, finally.
Be angry, occasionally,
Or provoke Catte , 😂
Who was/is behind the so called “Taurus affair”? https://ansage-org.translate.goog/taurus-affaere-wer-sind-schneider-und-wilsbach/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
How nice of the NYTravesty for explaining how “all is well” in Oz, smile, dont worry. I think I am going to be sick. “No matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up.” Lily Tomlin
I see this featured at ZeroHedge. They have the website spelled wrong. And it’s for “premium” members. Good article, but not worth a subscription fee to read it.
General FYI: When the Murdochs’ NY Post bought the zerohedge site a few years back, their first action was to ban many hundreds of us anticommunist commenters — truly saddened me as I then considered zerohedge the last “free speech” web site!
brilliant as usual Kit, made it to ZeroHedge so expect incoming traffic
around peak times like Equinox they will hit the head lines head,
The head is where they want to get into. Hence the Head-lines.
scanning the bullshit.
Elon Musk Bizarrely Tweets About Pizzagate, Then Deletes Post
Puppet Season 50 Cent announces documentary on Diddy’s alleged sexual assaults to benefit victim
Mr hero fighting the deep state,,,,,,
Trump launches $399 sneakers line day after $355m fine
The Never Surrender High-Tops
regular price$399.
Andrew Tate is being re arrested and some Garcia fighter no one ever heard of is talking bohemia groove.
It is all about energetic YOUR energy is there food,
it is measurable and us using the devices they have given us (crystals screens we all use)
Monitor that montiors us,
If Tucker carlson is talking internet fashionable and Heir Morgan got the Pub crawl of idiots like trannie candy owen with her (his) fake leaving of Darkly wire discussing Low IQ keeping you in fear lockdown needing big brother government to save you.
Thrown in U>K collon and each country has at least 50 alt media channels channelling repeating MSM narratives repackaged as gossip TV of MSM.
The regressed religious folks also another bunch of the death cult needing there rapture.
Of course there is a deep state it is a level of sleep which many watching this nonsense is in.
Next up: yearly staged terrorists attack in a church just in time for eoster by a pro palatstaim trannie immaculate passport in a M3in ccampf holder brought from a conspiracy website.
and watch the same alt media outlets – sell it as real.
People mostly don’t know that the military services are all run by civilian employees at the Pentagon/DOD. It is illegal under this system for equally ranked civil service and military, for the military person to be in charge, the civilian always is. And the greatest concentration of federal employees with dual citizenship is in DC. Just a fact. Our military is not “our” military.
Good one. Thanks for this.
” They think that by putting human Faeces on the lowest and most amiable rungs of Federal power they can pretend it’s nothing but love and light all the way through.”
It begged correction . . .
My consumption of the NY Times ended in the 1990s —- FAKE NEWS and PuppetMedia are unacceptable! As we all should know, the minions of Deep State aren’t deep state, just their paid–for puppets! The Super–Rich are Deep State and nobody really knows who they are: Bill Gates is a nefarious meglomaniac, but ONLY has a 1.38% stake in Microsoft — to repeat, a ONE POINT THREE EIGHT percent atake, not even 2%!
When VP candidate, Nelson Rockefeller, was researched by the CRS in an unpublished report in the 1970s, they ascertained the net worth of the Rockefeller family then to be $70 billion — somehow that fortune vanished and they are supposedly worth only several billion?!?!
Kind of doubt it . . . .
It’s satire. But the question should be, should the US newspaper of record, the supposed pinnacle of US mainstream journalism, be doing video satire equivalent to a badly botched Saturday Night Live skit cloaked as humor, but actually a PSA for USA Corp?
It is a pinnacle of postmodernist confusionism. It attempts to be all things at once to every dupee peon in The System. A highly crafted CIA-style psyop that turns a once neat, false binary into a radiating beacon of ambiguity. This is how THEY (them/it) like US (we/human)… to be baffled and barefoot. It attempts to confirm the Deep State as conspiracy theory, spin government as universally good, the Donald as blithering buffoon, anyone who thinks there is a Deep State laughable, all the while pointing out, satirically but in the end accurately, that the entire system is the deep state. It’s all things to everyone, but not to be taken seriously, except DT is a doofus and gov’t is good. ‘We’ve had a laugh, now let’s get back to serious things.’ Like ignoring the need to flatten a 100% corrupt SYSTEM (deep state).
While the sad truth is the 100% corrupt SYSTEM deep state has nothing of value to offer anyone except the manager/owners of Plantation USA. It’s candidates are warped loudspeakers of the same version of capital totalitarianism cloaked in senility, incompetence, greed, corruption and stupidity. And it’s definitely not funny.
Time to find and buy your final resting place?
Your sarcasm is just like theirs. Good job!
I find the term “Deep State” useful and it’s partly due to the fact that the likely author of the term, Peter Dale Scott, also referred to “Deep Events” by which he meant events that signal the true nature of the society around us. If, as Edwige has noted, there is something dodgy about Scott, I still think that such characters can tell us at least part of the truth, even if they misrepresent other parts.
In the case of Scott, like so many others, I think he is wrong in describing what he calls “irrational” effects. This term might be useful in that when you have a “double agent” working in, say, both the police force and an organised criminal gang, then this may lead to unexpected effects for either party. A salutary reminder that these bastards upstairs never have total control. But I think Scott overplays this matter. It even leads to a certain naiveté. Scott may think an outcome “irrational” because it looks crazy to anyone working with common humane assumptions. But no-one is ever irrational i.e. everyone aims at a definite outcome which is rational to his own system of logic which may be utterly appalling to those with a sense of decency.
Scott also lapses into a kind of Jungian psychobabble mode about how “we” ought to confront “our darkness”. I see no “we” here and indeed this rhetorical gambit is so tediously familiar from one line of media hackery.
But the validity of the “deep event” verbiage still stands. JFK was a deep event, as was 9/11. And covid is the deep event of our lifetimes, the one after which no-one with a brain could remain “cheerfully innocent”.
There’s no deep state. That’s the psyop.
How long have the authorities been pushing this meme? Since the JFK hoax.
What would happen if the STATE, the incorporated entities posing as governments were to announce the truth? The scam, the con, the ruse would be exposed. It works so well, people wouldn’t even believe the truth.
“Yes, you are all slaves since birth, yes we steal from you, lie to you, give you faux democracy and don’t even bother to count most of your votes. We decide the winners and losers in advance, they are all actors with scripts. We showed you they are actors with Reagan, then again with Trump and you still believe. Then we showed you dementia Joe, yet you STILL believe.
We own all political parties, collude and profiteer with industry that we own too. We own and run the media (using front men in the “family”) which is our number one mind control tool. We run fake media stories on a daily basis, anything and everything to distract you from reality. Sports, entertainment it’s not there for your amusement but to control your thoughts, behaviors and beliefs. We make money from your mental, physical, fiscal, spiritual and emotional enslavement. We gaslight you, all day, every day.
The laws we pass in our ACTS don’t even apply to you but only to your straw man legal fiction, which we own too. But we have tricks, legalese and ways to enforce our fake laws, with thread of kidnap, threat of violence, or seizing your property and earnings. Our thugs and enforcers are the military, courts and police.
We don’t give you a chance to figure anything out, because all we do is run repetitive mind control scripts using AI generated psyops and hoaxes.
We fabricate and coordinate all the wars with our sister corporations you think are sovereign nations. You can’t run to the church for solace or protection, because that’s our parent corporation. It ran the first SCRIPTS called Scriptures. You don’t know what’s real or fake, because we poison your food, water, and spray the sky with metal chaff and radiate you with EMF/EMR and dirty electricity. We poison you with cancerous injections and toxic drugs, that we claim keep you healthy and safe.
We control the drug trade worldwide, human trafficking, mafias and cyber crime through our emissaries, the Black Nobility. We launder all the money through the central and retail banks. Run crime shows on tv 24/7 filling your heads with violence, fear and angst.
We force you to use only our legal tender, backed with your lives and the Cestui Que Vie trusts. If you attain property, we cull you in nursing homes and hospitals. We take 80% of your lifetime earnings, we control and regulate your behavior and earnings through professional associations, trade associations, unions and licensing.
We control all indoctrination, which we call education. We occult all worthwhile knowledge. We reward only those who comply with medals, titles, prizes, awards, degrees, but punish those who don’t comply or speak out of turn. We own your children, and indoctrinate them into our cult of authority, so they’ll stay infantile adolescents their entire lives, while we stay in control.”
This is Order out of Chaos. They create the chaos, to get the order they desire.
The state itself is the corruption, tyranny, democide, fraud, racketeering, criminal collusion, profiteering and social engineering GRIFT.
“ ..JFK the hoax. “
Instead of churning out a collage of pictures with some text and with scant supporting concrete evidence, read a very well written, supported with concrete evidence!
Concrete like i did poo-poo, was a big one, mum.
Oh dear, return of the numpties
Captain Beefheart you ain’t !
This definition, enslavement of US taxpayers from birth via forcing continuous warfare, makes the most sense to me, 11/7/2019, “The Deep State…considers global conflict as the price to pay for maintaining its largesse from the US taxpayer. Continuous warfare is its only business product.”...Philip Giraldi, 11/7/2019, “Deep State on the National Security Council: Colonel Vindman Is an ‘Expert’ With an Agenda,” Strategic Culture, P. Giraldi…2/21/2014, Then again Bush #2 simply called Deep State “the deciders:” “Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State,” BillMoyers.com, by Mike Lofgren
It’s false. Here’s why. Every fake country has the Cestui Que Vie trusts (Straw Man Legal Fiction) on their own citizenry, and all are controlled through The Crown Temple in the City of London, which is in turn controlled by the Holy See, run out of Switzerland and Vatican City in Rome.
The US is a corporation and the States are all estates of the Crown Temple. The Declaration of Independence was nothing more than an internal memo signed by Crown Temple agents. The Constitution has no authority.
All governments are for private for profit corporations. Courts also. Political parties too.
Do YOU have shares or stock in the Corporations masquerading as governments or courts? Do you know any member of the public that owns stock or shares in these corporations?
“ …turn controlled by the Holy See ..Vatican City in Rome. “
Lots of slinging of slime and smear but scant concrete evidence to support these claims.
Reminiscent of the Modus Operandi of the Main Stream Media !
This is astonishing. Not surprising but positively astonishing.
They don’t even try to hide it anymore.
The Deep State is your friend.
Pull up a chair, what’ll ya have.
I don’t know how you, Kit, or any commenters here could read through this.
Well done, you.
I’d have started smashing things.
But I will not vilify Taylor Swift. She did not write the article. Although the fact that she would allow them to use her name in tripe like this is very sad.
In any case, truly amazing.
I can only imagine the NYT comment section.
The Deep State is awesome, indeed it is awful.
I am reading a book published in 1973 called The Mind Managers by Herbert Schiller. It is a much lesser known prequel to Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death and Chomsky and Hermans’ Manufacturing Consent combined with McLuhan’s The Medium is the Message. But is is more than that, it talks about how the media works, it’s ideology but it also talks about the vastness of government influence, it’s close working relationship to Big Business. It talks about the awe inspiring influence of the military as the country’s biggest information generator and manager and well as biggest educator (and therefore its influence on public education). And I am still just skimming the surface. That was the deep state then, it’s only gotten bigger and more insidiously influential.
Take it from best-worst authority, the deep state accuses others/enemies of what it’s doing. We need to save ourselves from our protectors.
But Edgar Hoover is supposed to be one of the bad guys. He is smeared in all biographies.
But his statement here shows he knew what is evil and didnt support it. Its said even the biggest in America fear this Satan in their middle.
So the question is, who and where are these monstrous evil conspiracy that everybody fear?
The board of the 300 with Queen Elizabeth as Chairman also Chairwoman for
NATO, Kissinger as member and more? They dont look monstrous evil to me even with their reputation.
WEF has the most slimy members on Board, Blackstone Vanguard tremendous power, but still not representative for our target. So who and where are these rats?
In their narrative, the deep state is shallow people, like any of us just doing our jobs, everyday heroes for performing as parts in machinery making for a death march to Armageddon. The state is all, we are nothing. Techno-fascism.
“Humans are now hackable animals. The idea that humans have this soul or spirit, they (sic) have free will…that’s over.” (Yuval Harari)
Perhaps Harari is incapable of recognising soul/spirit when he meets it. And it’s in extremely short supply around the WEF. Perhaps he simply cannot have soul/spirit around him at all, because it reminds him of what he has betrayed, lost, and cannot have.
They despise it. When they meet it they see it as weakness, softness, without strength nor power. Something that too easily can be caught, killed and eaten.
They see humans as animals because they are themselves animals, and they are on top of that animal hierarchy.
Well, it’s the ‘Age-Old Choice,’ innit. (not a question)
God or Mammon?
‘Man doth not live by bread alone, by by every breath that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.’
Anybody who does breath meditation knows the truth of this. The Indians tell the tale of the man bothered by his restless mind. So he goes to a master and asks what he should do. And he is told,’ Tell the monkey to climb up and down that pole until you tell it to stop.’
Which is an allegory for what takes place within the breathing process.
There’s also deep state run fake ‘independent’ news media that you can trust, for the people, that asks for donations, because it’s not funded, etc.
You’re probably better off with short declarative sentences. You’ll make more sense. Commas can be hard to control.
“They go to work…saving us from Armageddon”.
Should that not read “leading us to Armageddon”? Oh legacy media and truth are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Funnily enough, if you look into it really, really deeply, you will find out that TPTB are indeed philanthropists, working relentlessly and thanklessly to save mankind from Armageddon (aka cataclysm) – carrying out The Great Mission: to escape Samsara.
The accurate term is PHILANTHROPATHS, and the grift is technically called STICHTING — goes back a long ways, pooty!
They are taking the ‘Philanthropiss,’ NO?
I decided to take a look at the NYT article and read some of the comments. The following was a part of the top rated comment:
“Money that could be used to better all of society will go to billionaires who will do nothing but build bunkers and a joyless Elysium-style authoritarian dystopia, which project 2025 represents. Please stop them – vote blue! For a better life”
The commenter seemed to have grasped at least a part of what is going on, until they said “vote blue” (Democrat), as if the billionaires they complain about, have no influence over that party.
It obviously has escaped them that their party of choice is fully behind building an authoritarian dystopia. The left/right paradigm false binary still really runs deep, even after the last four years, where both parties participated in adding bricks to the walls of a dystopian prison.
Absolutely, the leftist who want the good society live in complete denial of what they participate in.
It reminds me about, “I voted Hitlery because I wanted change”.
“They like Taylor Swift”
Like that’s a real person!
Proof if any were needed George, that on that point alone, this so called civilization is done & dusted, over with and beyond the point of collapse. Not Goethe, Shakespeare, or Cervantes nor Bach or Beethoven. No Taylor Swift and no doubt other noteworthy nonentities. These folk should read Gibbon ASAP and get a glimpse at what comes next, living amongst the rubble and dining on rats, nettles and dandelion leaves.
Taylor Swift fans reading ‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’?
There’s more chance of Pfizer and Moderna executives fessing up to FIRST DEGREE MASS MURDER.
Very good but do take a moment to look into nettles and dandelion leaves from culinary and nutritional point of view. Then try a recipe or two. Permit me to suggest a nettle risotto.
Dandelion, nettle, plantain, sorrel, wild garlic, wall pennywort. All of which figured in the raw/wild salad I ate tonight. The intense life energy that comes out of these plants is very detectable, as well as delectable.
Plus sliced and diced red onion, beetroot, grated carrot, slice and dice radish.
You are missing out.
The media always has trouble presenting a “punter friendly” face. One of the biggest hoots I had was when Teddy Taylor turned up on Have I Got News and said “I say, this Bob Marley chap is really rather splendid!” A more crass example of desperate fishing for “street cred” I cannot think of. The others on the panel – Hyslop and Merton etc. – looked as if they couldn’t believe this desperation. The irony being that they were just as phoney in their “prole” stance.
Thatcher had a similar effort to appear “with it” by saying she appreciated pop music like …. “How Much Is That Doggie In The Window” which was at least a more honest revelation of how removed from “the kids” these figures were.
And then there was Clive James saying that he could see that the point of the anger behind The Sex Pistols and even thought their music had “a certain vigour”. He had to put in these qualifications to appear “with it” ….before he went on to trash them for being so uncouth!
But then I always thought that CJ – as a self-consiously out-of-place Ozzie – was vulnerable before the UK hierarchy he was so eager to please. Thus he had to brush up on his classical licks whilst keeping a foot in the “Yoof” scene to sculpt an image of “relevance” useful to the vested interests.
CCP China is the WEF ideal: total, 100% control of every individual, they think.
China is very old and has been through the rise and fall of empires many times, plus the horror of the successive interregnum, periods of chaos and lawlessness that have lasted, in some instances for generations. We’ve had 500 years since Columbus and da Gama set sail, one turning west and the other east, that kicked off the whole western hearty Party, that is now coming to its eventual end, despite the hubristic hooray Henry’s calling for more Champagne. Meanwhile the likes of Xi and Wang Yi, quietly smile, shake their heads and go about their business recovering from the hundred years of humiliation.
We are on electrical running wheels, while the Chinese drive around in 1100 cubic motorbikes laughing. Why? Because China stole America’s freedom little by little.

Thats why! A Fact.
America on running wheels.
China is a FAILED DEMOCRACY: they had several presidential elections in the early 1900s as they transitioned from dynastic rule to democracy of sorts thanks to the founder of the Nationalist Party and father of China democracy, SONG JIAO–REN and the Dowager Empress Cixi. Sadly, Mr. Song was assassinatted in 1913 and everything unraveled, 50 years later in Dallas a very similar event occurred! Both China and America are on parallel courses of engineered societal collapse — rather blatantly obvious to neutral observers!
China is a technate – “CCP” is just the deceptive packaging.
BTW the machine has chewed up and spat out Varadkar. He’ll reappear either functioning for some mego-corp (like Clegg at Facebook – despite his being a disastrous failure in terms of what he did to his party’s seats) or get his very own Foundation to lead, if not both. Perhaps he’ll come back as Foreign Secretary? I hadn’t realised until recently that Varadkar had kept his homosexuality quiet until after he was in power. Look at the choice in Wales recently to see the future of electoral “choice”. They’re setting up Badenoch to be a future Conservative leader.
They want leaders who can sell the agenda but they also want leaders who fit certain profiles that tell societies what they now are (supposedly) and where they’re heading. No wonder the attrition rate is so high.
In other news. Leather Apron Club has been busy noticing Mr Musk. Musk (the real life Forstest Gump) is not the only one over representing the Jewish population on twitter and ytube. But don’t worry is just another “Cohencidence”. And you all thought he was a far right nationalist coming to save the day on his white horse.
Capitalism cannot exist without exploitation, brutality, rigged competition, kleptocracy, and other forms of psychopathy and injustice. What facilitates these is the deep state, a US euphemism for the oligarchy.
“…the deep state [is] a US euphemism for the oligarchy.”
I hope you don’t mind if I steal that! That is the most succinct and profound expression of what’s really going on.
The deep state and it’s conspiracy mongering has been established on the public record in USA for more than 50 years now…
“Intelligence agencies have undermined the constitutional rights of citizens,” the final report (Church Senate hearing) concluded, “primarily because checks and balances designed by the framers of the Constitution to assure accountability have not been applied.”
I think the unwritten text of the news article is
Never really liked the term myself and think it’s broad characterization that allows for too much interpretation therefore only doing those who want to obfuscate, confuse, and deflate any good, i.e., the opposition. Take Trump for instance, the self-proclaimed “Deep State fighter”. A billionaire, supposedly, who is anything but against the so called deep state, yet he’s created and maintained a virtual cult around the idea while allowing, participating in, and encouraging the so called deep state to keep on rolling. Take Operation Warpspeed for example.
There is certainly a plethora of information available on who is really in charge, from the Rothschild empire to the Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, the Vatican, City of London, Tri-Lateral Commission, Zionists Jews, the billionaire club, etc., etc. Personally, I think it’s best to focus on the class war and democracy (nationally especially, we have to take over our countries) at this point. And I know many here don’t like democracy (hey man! The US is a republic not a democracy, that means we are supposed to have inalienable rights!) But from my view, I want a fucking say, I don’t want anyone to rule over me, I want freedom. So, how else am I going to get that without a direct say in the matter?
The term comes from Peter Dale Scott and there’s quite a bit dodgy about him (for example look at his father or at where he studied/worked – McGill University was the home of Ewen Cameron).
There are many problems with the concept. One is that it locates the trouble within the state which is manifestly untrue given the role of corporations and foundations. This facilitates the delusions of libertarians. Another is that it puts intelligence agencies on a par with permanent bureaucracies and think-tanks. There’s a big difference between those who engage in “wet works” and those who don’t. Thatcher and Reagan took on bureaucracies and largely defeated them but they never attacked their intelligence agencies. BTW it might be noted that in the film ‘The Conversation’ Gene Hackman premanently wears a raincoat – this is a symbol of his fear of “wet works”.
There’s no PM or president who ever took on anything. They are actors. Useless potted plants. Reading scripts.
It’s all staged, to keep you engaged.
The “states” (all governments and government organizations) are owned by the same cartel who own the foundations and industry. THEY set it up. They work in tandem, in cooperation, in coordination, in synchronicity. Laws come first, then corporations and governments. Who made the first laws? Study history.
All the entities involved, including the fake religions and fake protest groups, or fake media regularly pass the blame around like a hot potato so the public can’t discern the conspiracy is much broader and more ancient than is commonly known or understood.
The term MOST CERTAINLY does not come from Scott — usage predates by centuries! Mustafa Kemal Ataturk established a SECULAR DEEP STATE in Turkey long ago to move into action whenever Islamic extremists rose above the crowd — sadly, Islamic extremist Erdogan dismantled it, killing many decent Turks in the process while ruining the lives of others — Tuekey will never be the same!
Good points well made. But to me, Trump fans destroyed the term and denuded it of all meaning years ago when they propagated the ridiculous idea that the Deep State is or ever was a Democrat phenomenon. Something they continue to this day.
It is imperfect also but I have always thought the term “shadow government” was a better description of the same thing.
The democratic underground alone is capable of being all those things.
They are the only ones I know of who can steal one day and conveniently forget about it the next day.
“Shadow government” already has a long consolidated significance. Let’s leave it that way, OK?
I do not know what you are saying when you write, “long consolidated significance” so I looked the term up on Wikipedia and still have no idea what you are trying to say.
Please explain.
I forgot the comma”. Like I said above, they can be hard to control …
Good points!
Humanising these lowlife is just another MSM attempt at polishing a TURD.
Serial killers and mass murderers have ‘hobbies and interests’ too.
Hitler, Pol Pot, Churchill, Stalin, Dahmer, Obama, Nixon, Johnson, Jack the Ripper, Suharto _ _ _ _
The Deep State is deep alright.
It goes all the way down to hell.
I came across a post recently that not only reference Hanna Arendt — the “Banality of Evil” lady — but completely missed the point. What Ms. Arendt was trying to say with her concept isn’t that evil isn’t banal (what the poster thought) but rather to do evil on a large scale needs a lot of people to just go about doing their everyday jobs. Ordinary people with ordinary lives with ordinary families, ordinary hobbies — just you and me. The important thing isn’t to question too deeply about why your job exists and what, exactly, you’re doing. So, for example, to deport innumerable people to the death camps in WW2 might have involved a number of the usual headline people — the SS with whips and dogs (“as seen in the movies”) — but it would have also needed a lot more ordinary people, people who’s jobs were to furnish the locomotives and rolling stock, plan the route and schedules, keep the trains running and so on, even to the invoicing to the SS of one third class rail far per person (you didn’t think the deportees rode for free, did you?). Put simply, the entire apparatus of extraordinary evil required a lot of people to “just do their jobs”, nothing more, nothing less.
So its not in the least bit extraordinary that people working for today’s Deep State are just like us. They are us.
Perhaps it should be referred to as the ‘Machinery,’ or the ‘Gears and Wheels’ of Evil.
We are all taught and trained to ‘just do our jobs’. Opting out is not easy in the prisons of debt and rabid consumerism.
The societal pressure placed on wage slaves is mind crippling.
The educated middle class on the other hand, are far more complicit in the banality of evil.
That’s one hell of a good meme – I hadn’t heard of it before. It can be superimposed onto the “Covid” era as well, where we got a trial run. The next round will likely be worse, now that they have their “Wellcamps” in place to deal with the Number Fives.
should we be surprised? after all, ny times readers/watchers are actually a low iq bunch. as are those in the higher levels of said deep state. they actually only have one talent, and that is exploiting anything and everything to amass power and money. in the end, most of the extremely stupid people are also some of the most heartless and selfish.
Sorry Orlando, I personally know NYT readers, more than one. And I even know an editor quite well. IQ has nothing to do with it if these folks are at all representative of the whole.
The deep state in action.
Watch the Game-Changing New Film That Explodes Climate Change and Net Zero Lies – The Daily Sceptic
Scientists not flat-earthers on repeat in action.