IMF Head Wants World Wide Carbon Taxes
Kit Knightly

IMF Chief Kristalina Georgieva has called for every government to implement some form of carbon taxes or “carbon pricing” in the near future.
Yes, we’re into week two of the UN’s COP28 climate change summit, and the hits just keep on coming.
For example, yesterday it was announced sixty-three world governments have pledged to reduce the emissions from air conditioners and electrics fans.
[You can read a detailed breakdown of the other pledges made during COP28’s first week here.]
Speaking at COP28 in Dubai, and repeated in an interview with the Guardian, Georgieva extolled the virtues of “carbon pricing” and heaped praise on the EU and Canada for their implementation:
When you put a price on carbon, decarbonisation accelerates. The Europeans introduced the emission trading scheme [in 2005] and they have been growing and yet emissions went down by 37%. You see the same thing in Canada with their carbon tax.”
While both the speech and interview discuss the proposed carbon taxes in terms of corporations as “major polluters”, any tax applied to big business would be directly passed onto private citizens via price increases.
The Guardian acknowledges this, but of course, decides to add a weasel-word qualification [emphasis added]:
However, attractive though a carbon price may be in economic theory, in practice governments are reluctant to impose such explicit prices and taxes, because they can easily be attacked, and because they hit poorer people hardest, if badly applied.
“If badly applied”, sure.
The truth is economic destruction, designed to lower the standard of living for ordinary people, is the whole point of “carbon taxes”. just as it was the point of lockdowns.
Deceptive language aside, the undeniable fact that any carbon tax – corporate or individual – would directly harm the poorest is clearly understood by the people who would seek to enforce them.
Not that they have a problem with that, you understand, their concern is merely that public rage and/or civil disobedience makes direct taxation difficult to implement. The Guardian article gives the game away by referencing France’s Gilets Jaunes protests as an example.
So, even as Georgieva names carbon taxes the “perfect” solution to climate change, she recognizes the need to rely on more indirect methods.
Yes, the best way to introduce implement carbon prices [is] a carbon tax…But it is not politically feasible in some countries … We can also use regulatory compliance in which standards lead to implicit prices on carbon.”
These “regulations” and “implicit” prices would not be “carbon taxes” in name, but they would very much be so in spirit.
Again the Guardian cites an example, the EU’s recent “carbon border adjustment mechanisms”, which charge more import duties on goods coming from countries with “lax” emissions policies.
A global version of those rules is likely just one of many such measures we can expect moving forward since, according to Georgieva, the world’s biggest financial institutions are all working together on this issue:
[T]he IMF, World Bank, OECD and World Trade Organization [have] set up a taskforce to examine the different carbon prices that are implied in countries around the world by their carbon policies and regulations.”
The head of IMF has spoken, and the World Bank and World Trade Organization are all on board: Carbon Taxes are inevitable. The only question is what they decide to call them.
All the world’s biggest financial heavy-hitters are coming together to figure out the best way to scam people out of their hard-earned money…for the good of the planet, obviously.
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The whole carbon tax/credit swap scam can only be justified if our planet was actually getting warmer. But as many of us here know “Global Warming/CLiemate Change” is a complete fabrication by the Whoreporate $cience community on behalf of their masters the.0001%.
Remember we are the carbon they want to reduce.
Resist now!
In solidarity with you all.
CLiemate Change
“………..pledged to reduce the emissions from air conditioners and electrics fans.”
You take a frog, put it in lukewarm water and warm it up slowly to the boiling point……………….LOL. They want to boil all who cant pay the bill for air condition. Therry made an excellent short 2 page factual analysis and conclusion about the Clima and CO2 fraud scheme. Enjoy
even worst is planned
Watch sabrina wallace on odysee
IMF Chief Kristalina Georgieva and WEF World Economic Forum Board of Trustees. Yes that one. Two hats and two crooks in one
Stalin died 5 months before Dad’s beloved ‘Stalinka’ was born… dad’s pet name.
Kri’Stalinka was honoured in Stalin’s memory, by her father.
Just a wry thought. Make Adolfina Great Again. 📣
Adolfina or Analena,
Plus ça change, plus
C’est la même chose…
B.P.’s Carbon Footprint concept,
Marketed by WPP’S
Ogilvy & Mather,
Politicised by
Anal leaders,
Paid for by…
Like the Blob, they just keep coming at us. En mass.
Why does an unelected banker have any right to try and impose worldwide, global policies?
Elections are for a purpose. They are to provide representatives for the people, they are not to provide prostitutes for bankers.
It is not acceptable for unelected, unaccountable, usually very rich people to think they have any right to control global policy.
Yes, I’ve started to write a song about exactly that in the last two days.
That’s how it works anyway. You actually think elections make a difference in who controls government policies? It’s always the rich.
Welcome to the new world order of ‘Inclusive Capitalism’ (21st Century Feudalsim) and it’s associated lies, deceit and propaganda around a mistaken theory that CO2 is the main driver of negative climate impact. A lie that is an essential building block for a global tax treaty, the foundation for a technocratic and tyranical one world government. Just my humble opinion whilst still legal to express one. Apart from that life is sweet and we should all visualise the new world of humanity we want and not what ‘they’ want us to have. Just say ‘no’ and do not comply with these soul absent psychopaths.
Why is it that more taxes are always the solution ?
And with the 80% of the population on UBI, your taxes will automatically be calculated and deducted, based on your spending history. Potentially, depending on your lifestyle, all of your UBI will be committed to the carbon tax. You and the others will be evicted from your 15 minute metro cubical and end up digging through landfills to scrounge for food and discarded resources. That’s the plan for those that continue to refuse to take the culling jabs. In Canada they will be calling for the “MAID” to come and “clean up”.
UN and BIS membership are the foundational twin-pillars, so much of what we focus on are merely derivatives.
And there they sit, overpaid unelected careerist bureaucrats swimming in a virtue signalling political gravy train completely divorced from the reality of everyday living. The supine jellyfish in Westminster going along with this Globalist agenda need to removed from office.
Remember when Russell Brand was the biggest thing to worry about? Happy days!
BTW it might be noted that nothing has come of the allegations against Brand. It’s almost as if he were an asset…
“Breath duty”?
Farting Fees?
Tax on thinking
that was the masks,
their beta/drill to such effect.
“we will tax the air you breathe,” thingmie.
No worries, if the elites can find a way for the sheep to accept being bugged in the brain by Elon Musk, or eating Klaus Schwab’s bugs. Then they’ll find a way for the them to accept digital cash, UBI and carbon credits! Smh
the rebels all brought bitcoin and digital wallets to fight the deep state! 😂
Yay!! Just think of all that cashflow!
So what is the movie “The Blob” a metaphor for – Government ?
Russian Communism ? The W.H.O ? Rockefeller Medicine ?
Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation ? The WEF ?
( Though arent these all aspects of the same bloody thing ?).
The Blob – trailer (1;55):
Could be a metaphor for rabid consumerism, digital narcissism, substance addiction or gluttony les.
Whatever it represents it highlights our collective spiritual emptiness.
yes. Work to get only basic life support. Barter and exchange services. Dont borrow any money or make any debdt. That will enslave you. Buy some gold jewellry if you have money to spend. You can sell it when you are hard up.
That is what i have done for many years ( i am old).
It develops your own creativity and leaves you with time to read, listen to music, work in a garden , walk around or whatever you fancy.
Free time is the most precious good.
You don t need that much of money to be lead a quite satisfying life.
As for taxes, when you don t own any ” valuables” …..
Yeah, actually its not bad.
But your house has still value, and therefore there is still something to tax and take.
If you rent, they will raise the rent until you cant afford it.
The original Blob, like other movies of that period, was a metaphor for the Cold War. The hidden menace threatening the Way of Life discovered by our plucky heroes (typically youngsters) who, naturally, aren’t believed at first by the regular authority figures. After various narrow escapes our heroes eventually defeat the menace by a combination of luck, maybe some pseudo science and, of course, American Values. (The remake followed the same sort of theme but with ‘Them’ as the mysterious threat, science run amok and so on.) It will fit just about any scenario.
(Whatever else you could say about vintage communism its heart was in the right place. Application, well, not so good but even then it worked for many. The biggest fear — the overriding fear — was that it might just have worked.)
Daniel Bell’s 1950s “The End of Ideology” was about the exhaustion
of (traditional) political ideologies, written when anti-communism
was the reigning ideology, especially in the USA. (McCarthyism being
a particular USA variant)…
Of course, by then ideology may have ceased to be explicit, had
become the lived experience – Consumerism (“The Word became Flesh…”)
Curiously, Anti-communism still seems to be a widespread (political)
ideology in the USA…
(Capitalism is the name of the characterological armor we develop
against communism…Communism is a desire that will never be defeated –
and we all know it !!)…(Revolution should be seen as Social Therapy…)
And, yeh. i think Communism was The Blob that was coming to
get The USA, as was The Swamp Creature, and the bloody Martians
who never gave up trying…(Though i think Trump meant something
different about The Swamp he was gonna clean out (then lost his
nerve when Reality Struck when unexpectedly he got elected ?)…
The problem became the swamp was to large and growing and harbored way too many dangerous system involved critters.
Its most likely the reason the gods left and hid until their surprise day of return.
“Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us.”
“The chance of anything coming from Mars was one to a million they said………but still they arrive here on earth in bundles.”
We are been scrutinized folks. 👁
According to historian Henri Guillemin (1903-1992), whom I respect, the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, was unexpectedly declared by France to deviate attention from the revolutionary atmosphere in the streets of Paris. Armed people in the streets of Paris were shouting “Republic!, Republic!” and recall that the Commune took place a year later. Seeing the class threat posed, Napoleon III – rather the Empress – declared war on Prussia so that, Guillemin argues, class conflict could be postponed and sent to the background in favour of uniting the citizenry against the more urgent task of saving the nation from a common foreign enemy. Therefore, wars, sometimes, are waged or used to deflect attention from local class struggle threatening the national and hence the international social order. There are two 1942 movies – and this ties up with your comment, – Sherlock Holmes’(B. Rathbone) The Voice of Terror, and Bogart’s and Veidt’s All Through the Night, which positively confirm this use of international conflict. In each, the story was about dismantling a German ring which had infiltrated the country (US/Britain) and was committing acts of sabotage, and in each, it was not the security forces, the army, the intellectuals, the middle classes, or the ruling classes, but the lower classes , the gangsters, hustlers, prostitutes, thieves, murderers, who helped the State – that is, the representative of the ruling class, – to do the job of exposing and fighting the ring. It always struck me as odd why events in these movies should have been told that way and not the way we would reasonably have expected, which positively confirms purpose.
This is not a novelty when we come to think of it; it is always the working classes who are sent to die in wars that the ruling classes wage to defend their own interests, but we can appreciate now that a second purpose sought is to make “forget” class struggle within the warring nations. But we shouldn’t jump to conclusions so quickly: the interest of the ruling classes is always tied up with the survival of the national life, so that what is sought primarily are not merely selfish interests but the conservation of a national life out of which all the classes get their livelihood.
Just watched this on TCM a couple weeks ago. A cult classic. Steve McQueen’s breakthrough role that catapulted him to the big stage.
Also starred Helen Crump (Andy Griffeth’s girlfriend).
Right on cue, the Global North Globalists want to enact their plans to keep the Global South from rising up. Smh
Thankfully China & Russia are a counterweight to their One World plans.
Silly rabbits! Don’t they know that PoliTrix are for kids? lol
I think we need to take a closer look, perhaps China and Russia are merely more attractive globalists who are coalescing most of the world into a new block because those joining BRICS are tired of Western rapine, plunder and usury. Don’t forget the IMF, World Bank and USAID are integral parts of the American Empire’s loan sharking apparatus.
Now I’d buy that for a Petrodollar!
well said. Totally agree with you
no, castaneda would say : perception which in turns makes awareness.
Very interesting carlos castaneda.
Not read any more by youngsters ?
One, I am no way a ‘youngster’ as such.
Two, I have all the Castanedas. I started reading them in the 70s. I started doing full on consciousness work in the mid 1980s. ‘Healing’ earlier.
Before jumping to conclusions, to communicate successfully we need to have a precise understanding about what the words we use mean, fruit covers a multitude of items, f’rinstance. They are not the same, It describes a category.
Perception is ‘the ability to perceive/see/hear/ or become aware of something through the senses: the state of being or process of becoming aware of something in such a way.
2) a way of regarding, understanding or interpreting something. intuitive understanding and insight,
‘awareness.’ The quality or state of being aware. ‘having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.’
You may note that this is circular, it comes back on itself. You may also note that in English, the words ‘soul, spirit and mind’ all loop around in their meanings. You may not know that they dropped some of those meanings in more recent dictionaries, without explaining why?
And I don’t think that this is what you think you think you mean.
I use ‘attention’ in the sense that ‘we are our attention.’ Children teach us this, they want our attention, our psychic blood/life-force, as it were. If they can’t get the positive version they’ll unfortunately settle for the ‘negative.’
I use attention to denote what we actually are, ‘conscious’ (to whatever extent) living
energy directed outwards or inwards. Attention in this sense is similar to meditation, It is not perceived (from Latin for seize) through the senses, rather the other way around, that the senses derive from the attention, that magic force which comes into the newborn with the first breath.
How about a 1% tax on the 1%?
A 1% tax on EVERY transaction over one million dollars.
It would rake in trillions and who could complain about a measly 1%?
But how is that supposed to lower our standard of living? 😉
The unsaid point is that the people who (can afford to) offshore their money will offshore their carbon. There’s already “offsets” and there will be many more such scams in the pipeline.
‘We’re a pretty fucking awesome species – if you hadnt noticed.’
Find this gem at:
Jaw dropping les.
They’ve been trying to do this for over two decades. Other than adding further layers of grift, is there any reason to suppose they’ll succeed this time?
Financial Times
A carbon border tax can curb climate change
A serious policy would have those who cause the emissions paying for them, writes Dieter Helm
Sep 5, 2010
The Kyoto agreement tried to get countries to set carbon production caps. These were to be translated into permits, and then traded. Europe led the way with such a system with the US supposed to follow (as soon as President George W. Bush had gone). But the strategy came unstuck at Copenhagen and there is now no prospect of a binding worldwide system any time soon. A US system now looks impossible for years to come, while Australia has stalled, and China and India are not playing ball. In practice, however, even Europe’s system has not worked. . . .
Kyoto’s failed targets remain popular in part because they make Europe look good. But this is mostly because, under the system, carbon consumption is ignored. As Europe continues to de-industrialise relative to emerging economies such as China and India its production of carbon falls, displaced by carbon imports. All of this looks fine, until you admit that energy intensive industries have been emigrating elsewhere.
Of course. It’s worth repeating again and again that China is now the largest polluter (and economy!) on earth.
i thought it was the military industrial complex
‘Military Industrial Complex,’
You thought right. MIC is the biggest and only polluter of everything.
Dont bebebebebebebebelieve a word Phil Lynott
Yet there’s endless resources for totalitarian big tech computerization and remote control of everything. Even plants can send email. Those big tech servers boiling up the ocean… that’s for the greater good. Using a fan to cool yourself from extreme heat so you don’t die… that’s selfish.
I genuinely hope the big tech staff supporting global mass genocide and the return to slavery survive to suffer as a Gates Bezos Musk cyborg.
So the “globalists” want a carbon tax to punish us for heating our homes, eating meat, driving cars 💤, if they get their way only the wealthy will be able to afford these things, while us peasants will be riding to work on bikes and those stupid f-cking scooters, coming home to a freezing damp home and eating bugs and lab grown meat 💤 no ta
No home for you – it’ll be a dog kennel in a smart city – if you’re lucky!
Of course, there’ll be no carbon taxes on the wars, will there? Biggest single source polluter on the planet always gets a pass. I know, barking at the moon here, oh well.
War, Inc. will get the carbon credits.
Wars destroy carbon–namely, people.
There’s no point in framing resistance to these tyrannies in terms of quality-of-life reductions, because we’re already pegging the meter to the downside on that metric. Life really can’t get any worse than this: we look at our phones until we’re too old to see them anymore, then we move into a nursing home and die, by which time our children’s eyes are starting to go. At the root of all schemes to change the world, whether sincere or sinister, is a realization that it can’t go on like this. The problem with the WEF isn’t that they dare to imagine a different world, it’s the embarrassing dishonesty of their bull$#!+ story-lines and the complete lack of self-awareness with which the propaganda is pushed. They think we believe them — they think they appear to us as sober, thoughtful adults.
The climate is not changing and there was no novel virus, but life was better a hundred years ago, and better yet a hundred years before that. We couldn’t have known how bad modern life could be without trying it, but now we’ve tried it and didn’t like it and it’s inevitable that we’ll accept the results of this ghastly experiment and return to a lifestyle that doesn’t drain the meaning out of existence. We want to regress. Everybody does, even the teenage transhumanists who claim they don’t — and we will regress, whether we want to or not, because oil is a finite resource and that’s the only thing propelling us forward.
The WEF is nothing more exotic than an attempt by the self-styled winners of the Game Thus Far to hold onto their winnings on the far side of the inevitable collapse — that’s the crime, not their bone-headed attempts to lower our standard of living. A collapse is a collapse, nobody is going to stay rich through to the other side, but our precious time shouldn’t be wasted pretending for their sake that they can at least keep some of it. We have better things to do than indulge their fantasies.
The WEF is not an organization staffed by geniuses. Nobody is a genius, we’re all just sad, scared monkeys, marooned on a concrete slab for a hundred generations, pining for a home we’ve never seen and never will see. Their schemes to tax carbon and limit travel will not work because they’re morons, not geniuses. Even if they were geniuses, their schemes would still fail because we’re morons and ingenious schemes cannot be implemented by incompetent morons. The world will not change in the way they want it to change, so we needn’t worry about or plan for their success.
But the world does need to change, and the WEF (et al) do deserve to be severely humiliated in the same way they’ve severely humiliated us with these ridiculous lies. The only dignified course of action is to tear it all down out of contempt.
Oh my friend I fear you will discover quite soon that things can get a great deal worse than they are now. As I remarked on another thread, we may look back to now in 2030 and consider it to have been a paradise, even with all the pain and horror.
It could get worse theoretically, but not practically. I admit that life in a fifteen-minute city would be a more unbearable psychic indignity than my current circumstances, but for that very reason I know it won’t be my fate. The only people who will submit to being so imprisoned are those who imagine that they’ll be serving a short sentence, biding their time before an eventual release or escape. I know in advance that I would never escape, and so I will never enter in the first place. I’d rather die like Christoper McCandless than like Winston Smith.
I empathize with you but let’s not forget how many of our family members peers and fellows drank the 9-11, COVID Kool-Aid or how they were traumatized, duped and mislead by the plutocrats fear mongering. We know the Climate Crisis is just as phony as that other stuff, but the miscreants’ mind control apparatus will dupe a whole lot of people.
I might be in the minority for thinking this, but I strongly suspect that the COVID illusion was a once-in-a-generation opportunity and, despite the unimaginable repressions that the entire world endured with a smile for a few years, the perpetrators of the scam kinda blew it in the end — because it did end and they didn’t want it to. They really should have killed us all when they had the chance.
In my opinion, the lack of apology, acknowledgement or even a faint blush of embarrassment on the part of our suckered peers is more a product of shame than of continued gullibility. Shame is very efficient at enforcing backward-looking silence, but not nearly so efficient in the forward direction. For some people, it works in reverse. I truly believe that COVID was, like in Schopenhauer’s conjurer’s booth, a trick that was only meant to be seen once. If they try it again on this generation, it will not be as successful.
There might not be another plandemic for the reasons you state but other psyops are possible and likely. Maybe it will be a false-flag cyber attack next time to force Digital ID and CBDC. It’s one of the more likely scenarios.
And unfortunately there is the little matter of ‘vaxxine shedding’ plus or minus graphene oxide/nanobots?
If definitively not true, no matter.
I think far more people think like this than our overlords imagine. It’s one of the most glaring examples of the stupidity of their schemes, in fact. In the common conception, Agenda 2030 and the philosophy behind it is seen as undervaluing human life, in that it treats us as mere cattle to be herded according to the whims of our betters. In reality, I think they’re overvaluing it. Their theory is that survival will still be an overriding instinct as we’re being marched from an unbearable dystopia into a much worse dystopia. It won’t be. Life is cheap: we know that now.
They destroyed religion and spirituality in the great bulk of humanity, but they didn’t understand (because they’re morons) that in banishing the gods, rituals, traditions, and cultural affinities which so irritated them, they also banished faith in the existence of an afterlife. How could they have forgotten what every tyrant in history has known since we climbed down from the trees? A man with no hope of salvation in the next world has nothing to lose in this one.
A tormented man in the last world has revenge to get in this world.
Before he or she is born, a baby has been living in the peaceful womb for long months; a warm, carefree wellbeing where he or she doesn’t even have to make efforts to get his or her food.
Suddenly, contractions are felt; he or she seems to be pushed away from his or her peaceful and prosper life and he or she doesn’t like that; and it’s all he or she knows in the surrounding darkness; that a force is disturbing his or her life for unknown reasons, as if suddenly he or she became an unwanted burden to the womb that’s hitherto been supporting him or her so generously.
In the middle of the crisis, he or she doesn’t know what’s to become of him or her; where he or she is going; will it be good or bad? The only thing he or she knows is that he or she doesn’t like what’s going on; that he or she badly misses the old days; and these feelings grow stronger as he or she feels painfully pushed through narrow channels towards the unknown. Perhaps he or she thinks that conscious evil forces are responsible?
At this time, he or she doesn’t know, – how could he or she? – that what is going on is a minuscule stage in the movement of History and a new life is awaiting him or her. He or she will get some sense of that as she gets nearer and nears the outside world, til the trauma bursts in tears when he or she is out.
How many of us remember that crisis, though?
If they will continue to depend on personal planes, they can’t be very smart.
“Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, whereby those important events of the past, usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.”
Extract from V for Vendetta
Courtesy of the Wachowski ‘sisters’ – they, them, etc. (Guy Fawkes was a gurl.) The ruling class will sell us their own gravediggers for a buck: the (non)revolution will be commodified. Look in the mirror and behold the spectacle. Meanwhile, we all remain guilty for our carbon footprints.
no, courtesy of alan moore who wrote the comic but has lost my respect for falling down the convid toilet. as for celebrating a jesuit plot and mgm making a tidy sum from the sale of v masks all seems the usual smoke and mirrors
Yes. Smoke and mirrors. And Anonymous, who popularized the use of that mask, in the OWS “operation”, is a fake NSA run “collective” Org. populated by Intel shills and assets. Just like Wikileaks and QAnon and VIPS.
Gunpowder Plot was a hoax. 100%.
Fine. except that like the films of The Handmaid’s Tale, V for Vendetta is left-liberal fear porn if you listen closely to the screenplay.
Btw, it makes no historical sense for a UK left-liberal ie a secular atheist in general, to call Guy Fawkes a great citizen, as the clash of Gunpowder, Treason and Plot was between two denominations of Christianity. Fawkes being RC.
In fact, the hero of V for Vendetta is just the descendant, politically, of those who executed Guy Fawkes and not anything like Guy himself, because UK Protestantism grew into what we now see, the Woke-tard Chuch of England.
The film is credible only for those who know little UK history, and in 2023, no filmmaker will lose money betting on that.
Neither the RCC nor the CofE are Christian churches.
Basically, now taxing the air we breathe. This fake tax based on the climate fraud, will limit our movements and the ability to own anything, create anything, ship anything or sell anything, which they’ll eventually tie into the social credit system and UBI. Internet, energy use of any source, will all be subject to this fake tax.
It’s already almost impossible to start or own a business due to oppressive taxes, fees and regulations.
This carbon tax hoax will morph into our carbon allowance for the day, week or month. Rolling blackouts etc., coming soon to your 15 minute
citiesprisons.Never to let a manufactured crisis go to waste, they’ve already been capitalizing by selling canned oxygen and setting up oxygen domes as exclusive destinations. So I suppose they may as well tax the air while we keep sucking on and suffocating from exhaust pipes and obsessing over propaganda pollution like CO2. Oh well, I wonder what’s featured at the 02 Arena this weekend?
The most vacuous tax excuse since “value added tax”. (When you buy something you are already paying for the value!) But at least the concept of value made sense. The “carbon” issue would have been laughed away completely without , of course, the decades of scientifico-gooble-de-dooh. Indeed it’s a metaphysical issue. Pick any two matters and create a link via some software jargon generator. In the end it’s all about magic words.
Semantic manipulation, Perception Management, Applied Psychology.
The psychopaths at the top will not stop till you are dead
Meanwhile we have to put up with activism like Extinction Rebellion to save us all.
Must watch on the Last American Vagabond:
The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) League And It’s Impending False Flag – W/ Whitney Webb
Excellent discussion, information the world needs to know.
How about a tax on lies. Every time these predators speak bullshit, they should pay a tax from their huge bank accounts.
If they can’t pay the tax, prison would be fine.
If only our judges and the legal system wasn’t full of people with conflicts of interest 🤡.
If The Pro Israel Position Was Based On Truth And Morality, It Wouldn’t Depend On Lies And Slander
Can we keep discussion on topic? There are two recent pieces dealing with Israel. This is carbon taxes. Thanks, A2
That would generate so much money it would cause Weimar-inflation. 😂