REPORT: “90% of nations planning Central Bank Digital Currency “
Kit Knightly

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A new report from the Bank of International Settlements estimates that up to 90% of national central banks are at least in the planning stages for launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC):
Nine out of 10 central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and more than half are now developing them or running concrete experiments. In particular, work on retail CBDCs has moved to more advanced stages
This echoes a March report from the IMF, which claimed over one hundred nations are at least in the planning stages of releasing their own CBDC.
You can read the entire IMF report here, or a summary published by Bloomberg here.
It seems programs of government-issued digital money have been gaining momentum all around the world since at least 2020, and apparently, now they exist in over half the countries on the planet.
The newest of these – Brazil and Namibia – announced their plans only last month.
As with all globalist agendas, the push for CBDCs is always part of “the current thing”.
First, it was a response to Covid. Then they could help us halt climate change. Then they’re a response to the war in Ukraine.
Using that method they have moved from a barely-discussed fringe idea to regular mainstream coverage and 90% of the world trying them out, all within the space of a couple of years (as we predicted they would in our New Years post)
Interestingly, while CBDCs are being talked about more and more, there is one specific feature of them which is being talked about less and less: Programmability.
Regular readers will be more than familiar with this concept – we discussed it in detail in our previous articles on CBDCS (here and here).
For those new readers: programmability is a hypothetical feature of digital currency which would allow the issuer to set limits and controls over its use.
Essentially, any CBDC would give either the state, the central bank or the corporation issuing the money as wages the power to control how and where the money is spent.
Any CBDC amounts to potential third-party control of your money.
It’s that simple.
This has massive implications for the very idea of individual liberty. Given how the last two years have gone, it’s not at all hard to imagine how such a system could be abused.
Halting payments to “protect the NHS”, garnishing wages to “fight climate change” or individual financial sanctions because you aren’t vaccinated.
One need look no further back than the Canadian truckers’ protest to see a state financially unpersoning those who express dissent. A CBDC would make that process both easier for the state to enforce and harder for an individual to avoid.
It is, quite obviously, the biggest ethical and societal issue in any potential system of digital currency.
And yet, neither the BIS report nor the IMF report nor Bloomberg’s summary discusses the idea of “programmability” in any detail at all. The word is used precisely once across all three documents, and they never explain what it actually means
OffG has covered CBDCs in detail before, and the press has never been shy in talking up the “benefits” of such strictly controlled money in the past. On the contrary, it has always been treated as a major selling point.
Agustin Carstens, the head of the Bank of International Settlements discussed the idea in detail in a video in the summer of 2021:
The key difference [with a CBDC] is that the central bank would have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and then have the technology to enforce that.”
A Telegraph article from June 2021 again raved about the possible benefits of programmable currency:
Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible […] There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way.
They were never reluctant to talk up programmability before, so it’s noteworthy they should suddenly shut down that avenue of discussion.
Perhaps a sign they over-estimated what people would accept, and are already experiencing more pushback on the idea than they expected.
That’s a comforting thought.
But don’t be fooled: Just because they stop mentioning it, doesn’t mean they’re letting it go. They just want you to forget about it.
Oh, and just in case you were wondering, the list of countries trialling digital currencies includes Ukraine and Russia, the United States and China, Britain and the EU.
Every team in the league.
Picking a side won’t save you.
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Thanks for an article!
Really amazing article!
It is an amazing that people right now have all their saving in digital currency because right now in 2022 we’re living in a world when COVID-19 is so bad that you don’t even want to touch that papers money.
Of course, one must keep in mind the fact that all of these Central Banks in the world are privately owned/controlled by a single family — the Rothschilds. This includes “our own” Federal Reserve. See the complete list as of June 22, 2015 here: [“Complete List of Banks Owned/Controlled By The Rothschilds”]. This gives the matter much more urgency.
It’s inevitable. The fiat currencies have reached end of life. So the question now that folks need to answer is what do they do. Spend their days whining on site after site OR prepare themselves for the inevitable. Yesterday I bought a moonpig card for a birthday and I used 0.0771grams of gold NO BANKS. On Wednesday I purchased some shopping in ASDA. I paid £7.36 and got cashback of .124 Nexo crypto NO BANKS.
Use Monero, Pirate Chain, Dero for privacy. Use whatever crypto you like to fund a Nexo card and you can use the capital gain tax free through a credit line NO BANKS.
Time to wake up folks, blockchain money is coming and there will be 2 varieties, CBDC and the rest! Do eff all and all bank accounts will be transferred to CBDC by default.
Crypto sucks! Right now it’s in freefall.
Massive pump and dumps. It’s a scam like everything else.
A cashless society is exactly what the 0.0001% (incl the wef) wants.
Tracked, traced, taxed and the mobile phone is your leash.
Tug too hard and they’ll hang you with it.
Like everything else the majority won’t make a dime on crypto, but they’ll loose their investment to those who came first.
Melinda Gates: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder’
That is and always has been the case. A person of same sex attraction was considered a mental disorder until 1971, the end of cold war era.
Would be good to know the other smart 10% of nations which are not buying this globalist trend of totalitarianism climate “change” narrative. Any info?
We have to be sure not to adopt these CBDCs, we must resist by using other crypto that provide privacy and anonymity. Also we can and should develop our own local currencies, outside of government involvement or ownership.
In no way shape or form should this be allowed to go forward. Having money, physical money in our pockets to go here and go there is probably the last real freedom ordinary people have left. Resist these criminal bankers(that’s what they are), in any way possible.
It criminal politicians and bureaucrats that are working with their central banksters and WEF dirtbags who are pushing this.
“Hey War Racketeer Corporate Fascists criminals, Free Julian Assange, NOW!”

“Time to Deprogram! Think Critically and Independently! Free oneself of the mental bonds of enslavement of the Corporate Fascist Political Racketeers. See through their lies.”
Great cartoon memes
traditionally, surveillance has been the domain of the church and the Police.
with the advent of the technology, the banks were among the first corporations to engage in the surveillance of the wider population, by recording people’s spending habits which is a reliable lifestyle desciptor. through customer service and financial advice, banks amass hunge amounts of critical data about every individual.
people found convenience and never suspected credit cards as a surveillance tool. now we know –a little late– the convenience masks their designs for our lives.
European spending habit data in modern times started with independents who recognised legitimate opportunities. They more often than not were already employed long before the rise of the home office pc. Many were fluent in French and Italian language with Paris and Rome.
The North American Continent relied heavily on official government agencies centralised banks and a predetemined catalogue system, it was and still is different.
American business still has great difficulty dealing with language barriers as does the US middle class., who rely on commercialised programming.
where is the softening up campaign? you know, like this new currency will be for our security / protect us from scams / prevent people trafficking / help us fight Covid / fight climate change and famine ..
have they done away with the niceties?
I think the softening up has been and gone, btw you’re a nutcase.
I hope that comment was Satire.
On the emergence of trading “markets” mentioned in the comments below:
It’s the case in Argentina anyhow, where, according to the official figures at the closing of 2021, 37.3% of the population is under the poverty line (only affording the necessary), and 8.2% of indigency (can’t even afford the basic necessities). As a result there is a large market for trading (no money involved): websites and physical “markets”. This information will never be on the news, but there is a real parallel market where lots of people trade and that market is getting larger as middle class joins the ranks of the poor.
There are two forces at play: On one hand, a growing number of the population are pushed outside the system and are constituting a parallel economy, showing the incapacity for the State to “take care” of the problem – “to fix” is a better expression – despite an aggressive media campaign that the “State is everywhere present”. On the other hand, notwithstanding the foregoing, a radical critique of the State by the laissés-pour-compte of the system is yet to see the light, and instead, the reaction is that the State is not doing its job!!! Oddly, the proles here wouldn’t mind getting back under the umbrella of State protection as soon as that is possible; they would even agree for a UBI or a similar instrument. That mentality I could never understand.
I believe Capital hit this country the wrong time, when the “feodal mentality” had not yet exhausted itself. Just to give an example, some time ago, the government announced that a one-time $AR10,000 (about a week’s expenditure on necessities), will be “gifted” for the Retired to help with the galloping inflation (about 50%), and all the bought, corrupt, lying, bootlicking, unprincipled, opportunistic media here cheering “Hallelujah!” for the government for this act of benevolence, as if this is the way things should be!!!, and I’m talking about the media and other actors of the middle and higher classes of society, not those who shall benefit from the “gift”. That’s the general mentality, a feodal one. Also, just like in 1936-Spain, some provinces here in 2022 are ruled for long years by Caudillos who can do whatever they like.
After the west, specially US, had bleeded Latin America dry, they let it down now with a “it’s your fault” message; and China’s ways are taking over to dictate policy, for there is undoubtedly a historical affinity in that in both China and Latin America, Capital hit with force while the mentalities weren’t mature enough for it, and gave the kind of societies that almost worships the State and whose members will do what’s necessary to earn the State’s nod.
If a system of digital currency is implemented here (we are already seeing adverts of suspicious origin saying “don’t buy, rent” or “don’t eat meat”, and all sorts of funny cryptos, etc) the majority here will abide by it if the State backs it. We are a long way from radical thinking…
Banker pigs. The usual suspects ruining life for the 99.99%.
So what will it take to wake people up? Here in the US that’s an easy answer. You won’t like it; but here it is anyway:
If the Great Reset goes as planned; and when the time comes to no longer own your own home and be happy (because you won’t have a mortgage) –
I absolutely, positively guarantee you the next step will be to move families out of the ghettos and into the homes which are no longer owned by the owners. THAT will be when the nation’s former home owners stand up en masse and say “ENOUGH!”
The good folks of America will take almost anything – but not having ghetto families in “their” homes.
Interesting theory and possible.
To me it just looks like a generational change of things that used to be, to things that now are. It is hard to stop people’s desire for new, the latest thing. Be it a battery powered tesla or and iPhone 13. Those who can buy straight away get it and then it starts to be seen by others and those who want it, work hard or get in debt to pay for it so they can show it. The young get excited about it, I guess like I used to. The young also rarely listen to the old, our experiences and predictions. We have had our day. Its our turn, I am young, not going to think about that. It all moves faster that most have time for, still gotta pay the bills, eat, live. We predict, speculate and some becomes truth. The majority go with the flow, they want to be governed, it is unimaginable to them with out.
Something similar threatening Ireland.
Courts system is amazing insert sarcasm emoji it’s kinda coordinated – all of a sudden during the local e.u U>K USA midterm selection process.
The Courts find the Mandatory Vaccines and Mandates & Discharging Covid Patients Into Care Homes Was Unlawful.
It is a handed script given to each nation. Bet the electors feels justice is served ,
Notice that this action comes only at the end of the scamdemic.
The Courts should have ruled when the governors first created the perpetual “mandates” that were beyond the scope of their office.
This an integral part of the UN Agenda 2030 domination plan as expressed through their seventeen deceptive goals. This dystopian machine-AI system has its roots in the much earlier eugenics and cybernetic movements.
The people need to regain control of the narrative and rally around a unifying vision that focuses our energy & imagination on a counter-narrative, a ‘Natural World Vision 2030’ that would inspire & reignite that spark of creativity that resides within all people.
Let’s withdraw our energy from their machine world & refocus our energy on where we would like to be by 2030, everything starts as a thought and manifests through our action.
Needs to get messy first..
Sadly, you’re correct
Extraordinary and unprecedent things.
Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett – speech from 5 May 2022
May 5, 2022
VideoParliament Ireland
Government Business: Statements on Government’s Response on Accommodation Needs to those Fleeing Ukraine
Where do these specimens get their scripts…?
It’s like watching satan’s pet parrot repeating what it heard Macchiavelli gibbering on about in whatever circle of Hell he currently inhabits…
Recycling, mostly!
Animals are fed with food we are fed with information.Stand back a watch the wizardry that is going on behind the scenes,They bombard us with entertainment with tricks and ridiculousness.They want to rule the world the resources and the people,As soon as you see this hypocrisy you’ll understand.But please stop peddling what they are saying yes they want total control but don’t let people get used to it and think it’s the norm!!! It ain’t it’s all wrong by keep mentioning what they want your forgetting about what we want.
The thing is this is their end goal and it’s been doing the rounds for over 2 years,The more in the alternative media it keeps going on about it the more it will manifest?!! You need to stop fuelling the fires alt media 😬
Since 2014
Since forever my friend.
Right on Annie. The whole mess has been a self-fulfilling prophesy for over 3500 years. Let’s fuck it all up, so God can come and bail us out of the hole we’ve dug. The “media” continues to program humanity toward ultimate failure. Wonderful Plan!
Sports News
Could just as well be a combination of cocaine and steroids, Hardaker is well known to like the beak.
When I saw the headline and the word “seizure” I did wonder if the police were involved.
CBDCs are bad only when enforced in non-welfare related transactions. It will apply to the same group as the vaxxed, so by their own choice. Just like anything conditioned by a kovid shot is things no sane person needs or particularly desires anyway, so will be that which can be bought with CBDCs only.
Problem: ‘The Housing Crisis’.
Solution: “Move Granny out.”
The War on Private Property, by, Computing Forever (14.46)
That’s been their plan all along – it will be the last nail in our coffins. The most terrifying realisation in all of this is that there is no representative entity on earth with the POWER to stop them – UNLESS . . . . . we evolve a NEW WORLD ORDER of our own (NWO4ep).
Off topic.
My take on Boris Johnson’s speech to the Verkhovna Rada.
This is relevant to tbe article. A website that keeps track of CBDC development worldwide, by nation:
Yes, we knew this was coming. We need our own banks, local banks. Now is the time to be thinking about what contribution you can make to a new society outside of the old one. One of their next moves is to be acquisition of property act – remember “you will not own anything, but you will be happy.”
Here’s Harry Vox exposing the vermin in this whole affair.
Harry Vox Unsafe Space – Money, Blood, Jews & War MAY.06.2022 (
More organised chaos coming. The WEF hope that their engineered crisis will lead to us begging for a digital police state. The Satanic rules of engagement mean that Davos man needs your permission before they act, hence the use of #hegeliandialectic The globalists will use inflation & growing economic chaos as the problem, they anticipate that we’ll react to their engineered crisis by rioting: so they want social unrest as the reaction to the problem, hoping we’ll beg for this as the solution
Walk into a bank and say hi i want to take out 2800£ cash !
bank clerk: Mrs sir may i ask what you need it for?. you may even have to come back tomorrow. WTF!!
Walk into a bank and pay 1500 Euro cash in to cousin rogers account!
ow you cant due to terrorism laws and they wil only do bank transfer via the fucking phone/internet.
this is applicably in E>U and U>K started during the state sponsored moslem terrorist psyop which Disappeared when covid psyop appeared.
Alt media rarely covered it as most of them seem to conveniently forget about state sponsored attacks ushering things like this in.
which brings me to the Canadian truckers’
protestPSYOP and what a surprise they ushered in banking laws they wouldn’t of been able to do without this trucker nonsense which was 18 months late to the party.Nothing to do with Muslims. UK regs stem from, I believe, the Money Laundering Regulations Act 2007. It was known that the City of London was laundering money on a vast scale so New Labour responded to international pressure by making it difficult for grandparents to open accounts for their grandchildren. One of the best features was that the longer you had held an account the less likely it was that you would have already satisfied the regs.
But at least something was being seen to be done.
no !! back then you could take out 6k cash no problems and could pay in 3k into anyone bank accounts no problems!
go pay in 6 k cash now today it will flag up and get your bank account will be seized subject to investigation all yuor bills rent ect will be not paid.. this happened more during the last 10 years.
and the last 5 years have been savage as mentioned above.
World poverty is viewed as a solution, not a problem. The World Bank and IMF think of poverty as low-priced labor, creating a competitive advantage for countries that produce labor-intensive goods. So poverty and austerity is an economic solution that’s built into their models. ~Michael Hudson
The world wants to extricate itself from the “debtgrip” of the IMF (which is what this Ukraine war is really about). CBDCs would lock them in and throw away the key.
“The IMF crushed democracy in Ukraine, crushed any chance of Ukrainians to make their own policy. Finance is the American mode of warfare against democracy.”
The IMF Won’t Save Ukraine
A reminder of who the BIS are, according to Carroll Quigley in ‘Tragedy and Hope’:
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.”
The book was written with exclusive access to CFR records and revealed so much its publsher tried to suppress it. Quigley was professor at Georgetown University and name-checked as an inspiration by Bill Clinton.
The BIS, CFR and Carroll Quigley do not exist according to current so-called “mainstream” media and academia. I studied C20th World/US history up to Masters’level and never saw his name on one reading list – it was those grifters and charlatans in the alt-media who woke me up to him!
I studied at an institution which specialised in Russian and East European studies neither Quigley or Sutton’s work was ever disclosed or discussed. Indeed I had a run in with a friend of mine who has a PHD in Russian studies who refused to accept their work as credible.
Rant …
15 20 years behind that is new media for you. programmable currency what is food voucher s ?- milk stamps -or clothing allowance for /children / women victims of abuse. ?Dinner tickets/token for the poor children. Wakey wakey!!
What in the Local Welfare fund for thsoes who’ve come out of long term hospital /hospitalization/ institutionalization (mental/ psyche) wards where they are told what shops will except the token/vouchers they get most of the items furnishes needs will be from a 2nd hand charity outlet for beds / cub boards / curtains /washing machine / etc and they are timed stamped. (usable for a certain amount of time before expiring)
Where was new media during Austerity?? to busy licking the leave e.u and trump psyop which paid dividends.
In OZ E.U USA its’ been happening hard on the POOR and OFF G believe it or not is suppose to be from the U.K? yet so far behind reality it may as well be written by people,from another country pretending to be from the U.K or exactly like politicians being asked how much a loaf of bread is due to the fact your not far behind them in reality of things.
Universal credit. Start their…
Do your job..
small tip DONT look up unless your a millionaire look down as that where they test all the stuff which will eventually be given on you.
Wednesday 25 Jul 2007
Drug addicts to be given vouchers
Well, there is only one thing to say here:
Basically, Central Banks are unelected and have zero rights to enact sweeping powers over whole populations.
Bankers are neither superior beings, nor are they moral. They are just greedy and avaricious gnomes, like most other ambitious people.
People need to stop treating them with kid gloves and call them out for what they are: unelected dictators.
If my memory serves me well but I think that it was 1933 that the US government requisitioned the countries gold. Failure to hand over the gold to the Government could result in a hefty fine and/or imprisonment. So the Federal Government bought up the nation’s gold for $20 per ounce. Having literally stolen the gold hoard the Federal government then revalued gold at $35 per oz in 1934 under Executive Orders 6111 and 6102. Pure theft!
I wonder if Central Banks around the world have taken note of this – I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. They are just out-and-out thieves.
CBDC ‘money’ – pah! It’s just paper. No value other than a religious faith. I think it was George Bernard Shaw who opined.
”The most important thing about money is to maintain its stability … You have to choose between the natural stability of gold and the honesty and intelligence of members of the government. With due respect for these gentlemen, I advise you, so long as the capitalist lasts, to vote for gold.”
G.B.Shaw – 1928
Continued use of
muzzlesmasks as bogus health tool of repression:
These observations are spot on –
That old Adorno manoeuvre:
“….left intellectuals, like Benjamin Bratton, author of a Verso book on the pandemic called Return of the Real, are notable for hiding amidst academic blather: “the book’s argument is on behalf [of] a ‘positive biopolitics’ that may form the basis of viable social self-organization, but this is less a statement on behalf of ‘the political’ in some metaphysical sense than on behalf of a governmentality through which an inevitably planetary society can deliberately compose itself.” This is, as the late Alex Cockburn once said, “what dumb people think smart people sound like.””
The new priesthood finger pointing:
“….lockdowns and censorship are treated as purely technical, apolitical interventions. Prominent left intellectuals have embraced the weaponization of solidarity and made it into a lifestyle via their obsessive masking, scolding, and hiding.”
Inversion of claimed socialist goals:
“The socialist left, which wants to use state power to discipline capital has instead accepted the negative image of its goal: state power used to bully, harass, and discipline workers. ….”
And The Left as the prime movers in the covid con:
“The left is now actively helping its own enemies. In its unwavering support for mandates, passports, punitive lockdowns, and censorship, the organized left has sided with technocratic elites, the one percent, and the repressive state apparatus everywhere. Even as politicians climb down from two years of pandemic overreach, the left continues to demand more covid repression and does nothing to oppose punitive vaccine mandates that have driven many thousands of workers out of their jobs ….”
From the Grayzone piece, on The Professional Staff Congress (PSC):
“At John Jay College ….the PSC demands vaccination policies – take the jab or be fired … And the union remains obtusely fixated on vaccines despite the fact that not even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains that vaccines stop or reduce Covid transmission.”
Don’t allow naiveté or that wretched ruthlessly incubated conspiracy phobia to cloud the issue: these “Left” forces are controlled.
“Alas, the War on Covid, has (at least temporarily) erased our side’s analytic capacities. For large parts of the left it is still March 2020.”
The “War on Covid” is a directive from the highest level. And “our side” has always been riddled with spooks who had the covid “Left” spin prepared well in advance.
“Trump Derangement Syndrome” was indeed key to corralling the Left into the covid pen. Trump elevated as “Right Wing” nut-job and convenient punching bag for the new covid faithful.
Previously “a corrupt symbiosis between industry and the regulators has fueled a dynamic of pandemic-hyping moral panic” but, pre-Trump, general critical capacity was still sound, however, “the fear created by Trump” destroyed this. And any scepticism the Left had towards the pharmaceutical industry disappeared in the wake of the embarrassingly credulous notion of Trump-as-Hitler almost toppling the Capitol.
But this bit is odd:
“As for the common lefty concern about long term effects from Covid, it does seem to happen. The first time I had Covid, the fatigue and brain fog lasted for months. That said, any speculation about the long-term effects of the disease can also be leveled against the vaccines. The truth is: we know very little about the long-term effects of either the disease or the vaccines.”
The “first time I had covid”? Presumably as signalled by those tests. I myself tested positive whilst entering the recovery period of what seemed merely a heavy cold. During the illness itself my tests were negative. Am I any the wiser? It certainly seems true to me that the effects of (allegedly) the virus may be levelled against the vaccines. And “the fatigue and brain fog” could also have other causes, not least the spectacular strain of the lockdowns, distancing, masks, enforced isolation, psychological terrorism from the media and, perhaps most of all, the brutal realisation that it really is true that nothing on the media can be trusted even while it is obvious that almost everybody trusts it! This latter matter also leads to painful schisms.
Further concessions to the covid tale:
“Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic helped get him out of office. But then the Democrats and liberal journalists got stuck in an ever more hysterical overreaction to Covid.”
What “pandemic”? And “hysterical overreaction” suggests again that this covid crap is real. That is a fatal mistake since there is no “overreaction” hysterical or otherwise. The reaction was planned because covid was a fraud.
It’s a shame that this writer accords such concessions to the covid tale since even these minor nods help to boost the case for “caution” which trashes all talk of “freedom” and “liberty” i.e. the moment you allow for any credibility to the covid tale, you have shot yourself in the foot. And what makes this even more galling is that it is obvious that this “spook centre” dominating the Left are resolute and unhesitating.
And as for the global south suffering the most horrific repressions, this is hardly surprising considering that covid fear is a creation of the bourgeois affluent north. No-one who was used to real illnesses in poor conditions where mass solidarity is the only defence would spend even a second on the ludicrous repressions supposedly necessary to contain covid.
It’s dumbfounding how few people seem capable of understanding that no pandemic occurred in the first place. If television and print publications didn’t exist, the supposed “pandemic” wouldn’t exist either, since no one would have any evidence of it.
This “pandemic” has all the attributes of a mass psychosis fit fir inclusion in an updates Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.
In 2012, the Earth missed a super solar flare (CME). What would happen to CBDC, communication, nuclear plants, transport, industry, water supply, homes and most of civilization if such a flare struck? It would fry transformers, cables and many ICT devices (even inside cars). How do you rebuild the damage without electricity? The giant custom-made transformers now take years to build.
The insanity will go on.
“Their mom died of COVID. They say conspiracy theories are what really killed her”
Interminable folksy morality tale whose substance is wonderfully condensed in the “clarification” at the bottom:
“The story has been updated to clarify that Stephanie began avoiding her vaccinated daughters because she believed false information that COVID vaccines were being used to somehow spread COVID.”
Note how even the “conspiracy theory” presupposes the reality of COVID!
MSNBC have been pushing this story so it’s clearly one they want read.
The belief that vaccines “somehow” spread COVID sounds like it came from Geert van der Bossche and his claim about vaccine “shedding”. In other words, it was one of their own stories that was to blame (like QAnon).
That’s if the whole thing isn’t simply fiction:
1) There are at least two numerological markers – a 55 and a 77 (from the 23 which is 77 short of a 100).
2) She supposedly believed in astrology – how convenient for labelling all anti-vaxxers irrational and kooky!
3) The way they’ve woven in their two most controversial “treatments”, remdesivir and ventilators, reeks of contrivance. A careful reading of the article shows they don’t say ivermectin didn’t work, instead that what she’d ordered mysteriously didn’t turn up. I’m no fan of ivermection btw.
4) The mother’s attitude is blamed entirely on her psychology – it’s pointless to consider what arguments might have led her to her opinions.. so they don’t. Weaponised psychology can spin any human trait into a pathology.
5) The inevitable pay-off of an implied need to “regulate” on-line misinformation – the conclusion with we’re at “war” is very deliberate. Wars justify censorship, everyone knows this. I like the way there’s a double emphasis on alleged disinfo agents making money as if i) alt-media is a way to fantastic wealth, and ii) the other side of the debate, including themselves, hasn’t made a dime out of this.
They give themselves away every time with their need for numerology and the way they “function-stack” these stories to cover several agenda items. Real life is messy and seldom so convenient.
The BBC had a programme, or maybe a series, along these lines; about someone else (the “victim” was a man).
What of course they don’t point out is that the vast majority of people who get “covid” do not die, and most of them don’t even get particularly ill.
The banks already control how you can spend your money. My bank account is in the black. I am anything but profligate, but some months are more expensive than others. Yet if I spend more than a certain amount within a certain period I receive an email from the bank to say that I have almost reached my limit and won’t be able to spend any more for a while. This has nothing to do with going overdrawn; it is my own unborrowed money. The amount of money I can withdraw at a hole in the wall is also limited. When you deposit money in a bank it is the bank who owns it. The bank then doles it out. Luckily it doesn’t yet tell me what I can spend my money on, but apparently it will be doing that too, soon.
You’re either confused or not quite telling the truth. The only thing a bank can presently legally do is to limit your cash transactions – the limits vary in different countries.
If your bank does limits your transactions, it’s probably because you have yourself set some transaction limits or the limits were preset and you haven’t changed them.
Change your bank. Keep most money in cash.
Actually, Jacques, it’s my understanding that there’s some fine print in the law. It’s really bizarre; something like if the banking system goes bust, they can give you stock in it instead of your money back. If an individual bank goes bust there’s insurance to over that, but if the whole system goes. . . . You get to be a stockholder in failure.
Also, I have to give my bank notice if I’m going to w/d more than a smallish amount; they say they just don’t keep that much cash anymore, not to accommodate lots of people withdrawing a fair amount.
I don’t think there are many people commenting here who are fans of the banking system or fiat currency – however to argue the current system is basically no different to CBDCs is another one of those ridiculous analogies like Musk trying to argue a brain chip is the same as owning a smart phone.
CBDCs, like brain chips, are a massive increase in the level of control… which is why they’re expending so much effort on developing them.
What law, what country?
If the system goes bust, then over here deposits are “insured” up to EUR 100,000 or the equivalent, which doesn’t mean much because it will basically be the system and/or government, meaning depositors/people, who will pick up the tab. I’ve never heard of giving people stock. If the system goes bust as a whole, it’s anybody’s guess what will happen.
Giving the bank a notice is not that unusual because it’s true that they don’t keep large amounts of cash.
Anyway, my response was to the post above, which insinuates that banks already control people’s spending. I enjoy being paranoid as the next guy, but that’s simply not true.
Rules have been changed. Here in the US, the Dodd-Frank Banking Law gives banks the right to record customers’ accounts as “Assets” rather than “Liabilities.”
That may not give them your money outright; but it sure does come devilishly close.
I understand that in general, the insurance is too low to cover many depositors, businesses and local authorities. If a bank collapses, outrageous laws give the holders of derivatives priority over all other creditors. This is BIS-approved, and Cyprus was the test case.
Jacques its you thats confused.
You see YOU dont have a bank account?? Your corporate dead entity ie MR JOE BLOGGS (all caps) has a bank account which you ( Joe Bloggs) think is yours.
You get the use of that bank account as long as your a good gullible fool.
The fact that my bank doesn’t write my name in all caps notwithstanding, what difference does it make whether my, allegedly dead, corporate entity has a bank account or whether my, supposedly alive, actual entity has a fucking bank account?
The money on my account still buys shit for my alive natural entity.
Yes, abstract things – surprise surprise – do exist. Since you contributing here, the assumption can safely be made that you too, well your corporate dead entity (was it alive and died, or has it been always dead?), have a bank account, so save your phantasms for yourself.
Do you still eat cash?
\there is only one “bank” and it belongs to THEM.
> Picking a side won’t save you.
Future lack of electricity will.
Mark Crispin Miller has been heroically cataloguing the increasingly horrific death tolls from the vax. It is terrifying that there is no outcry about this and an indication that our society is every bit as totalitarian as the old Soviet Union was purported to be.
George, how wd you know if there is an outcry? There IS an outcry on some sites and they are our only clear channels of communication, plus the people we actually come into contact with.
The media is a giant silencer, and in no way indicates what people are actually saying.
True enough – but in my experience the people around me have no awareness at all of the vaccine deaths. They go by what is still the prime source for many i.e. TV.
Wrong, buddy. Although I’ve never been to the Soviet Union, I grew up in a Second World country subject to Soviet totalitarianism.
The biggest difference, at least in the historical era that coincided with my younger years, was that the vast majority of people were well aware of the totalitarian nature of the establishment. Most didn’t rebel – for pragmatic reasons, to survive – but they knew what was going on. The hardcore ideological fanatics and opportunists piggybacking the system for personal gain were a minority.
Today, the people who understand what the fuck is going on are a minority, while the majority has no clue what’s being foisted on them.
That’s why I put in the clause about “purported to be”. I recall a Soviet commentator saying that both Russia and America were under centralised rule – the difference is that the Russians knew it, the Americans didn’t.
And in one international meeting between scientists the Russians found that they couldn’t talk to the Americans because the latter were utterly convinced they were totally free and all sentiment to the contrary had to be “Soviet propaganda”!
And another one: Gore Vidal cited the astonishment of a Soviet visitor to the States who was keen to see the evidence of a “truly free” press and instead found a unity of opinion all the way through. Vidal told him there were far more effective ways of establishing control of the press than direct intimidation.
Finally – an observation of the difference in news management between the Soviet Union and the “free West”: In the former, hardly anything is permitted but every tiny little thing is important i.e. even the lies can negatively indicate what is true. In the latter, everything is permitted and nothing is important.
A good example of this lack of true freedom of the press in the West, in the U.S. in particular, is the way no serious, trenchant criticism of mainstream medicine or public education is allowed at all. Two of the most central areas of human experience – health and education – are thus all but devoid of freedom of knowledge and of choice (thus the relentless derision, scorn, and even hatred directed at homeschoolers, “anti-vaxxers” and alternative medicine practitioners by “journalists”).
Superficial and banal complaints are allowed, so long as these complaints are just calls for more money to be spent on the system to rectify these alleged problems (e.g. No Child Left Behind – behind this vacuous slogan is the intent to allow no child to escape the gaping maw of the state school system of indoctrination).
But American education researcher Jean Anyon’s discovery, as far back as 1980, that the public school system is rife with class bias and class stratification has been almost completely ignored by the entire mainstream “free press” to this very day:
We can talk about racism and sexism till we’re blue in the face – as long as “The Deplorables” are given the blame – but the omnipresent classism woven into the system is passed over in silence. Class isn’t supposed to exist in the “land of the free.”
Well-stated and quite true! 👍
I’m getting the hang of this now. Taiwan is now getting the Walking Dead treatment with an interminable spiel in the Telegraph about surging yadda yadda hospitalizations yadda yadda because they didn’t “do the right thing”. It’s all veiled Mafia speak for another economic assault.
The idea of universal basic income (UBI) is a good one, and if it comes through digital currency, I still think it is a good idea. But UBI should come without any restrictions and this the crux. As they are planning it, it will come with restrictions.
Not that much will change if their plans work IMO. Where one used to believe in ‘Science’ and ‘Democracy’ leading to ‘progress’ (through sham terms that you learn by heart through the schooling system) in order to get your meaningless bullshit job and UBI, one will now get UBI through sham terms like ‘climate’ and ‘health’ leading to ‘progress’ (since ‘democracy’ and ‘science’ no longer work as sham terms).
It’s somewhat unfortunate for those who want to live a useful life that they can’t do it with UBI. But that’s been the case for a long time. So in order to be useful one has to think of ways how to make ends meet without needing UBI. Which is not easy, but there are options. Because at the end of the day the world cannot live solely on fantasies in which people progress through fairy tale stories like ‘science’, ‘democracy’, ‘climate’ and ‘health’.
so everyone gets a UBI (which is essentially helicopter money, quantitive easing, money printing etc.- if you don’t agree, where is this money coming from?)
What usually happens when the money supply expands?
I find it odd that people think that “free” money from the government could ever be a good thing, either for the “economy” or the individuals sucking on that teat.
Sounds like a shortcut to even more slavery, to me.
They would be better off giving people a small garden and instruction on how to grow food, and couple of solar panels. Sadly self sufficient slaves aren’t part of the agenda
Gov freaks will up-$ell UBI and then sheep will think its a great thing and then gov will pinch it back.
I’ve just had a breakfast of two delicious eggs that my girlfriend got from a local guy who keeps chickens. She owns a bar and got the eggs in exchange for a crate of beer she regularly gets for the farmer direct from the brewery. Her daughter’s phone broke on the other day, and a local guy will fix it for a credit of, say, five beers. We already have a local economy in our small town.
They’ll probably succeed in rolling out the digital shit money and at some point people will have to use it to interact with certain entities to get certain goods and services. But those goods and services can be further traded, and the fucking government won’t have control over that. So, if the apparatchiks put a limit on how much sweets Joe can buy because he’s a fatso and eats too many of them, Joe will just have to trade his allotment of burgers with Peter who’s a fatso too, because he eats too many burgers while he doesn’t like sweets. Or something like that.
People will have to get creative and learn to work around the digital crap. They’re not gonna have a drone behind everybody’s ass at all times. There won’t be total control. There will be ways to fly under the radar. Slowly and surely, the system will corrupt itself, implode, and be flushed down the tubes.
As Howard said below, immigrants from corruption-ridden countries are not a bad idea. They possess highly valuable expertise in how to fuck with the government. The more the better!
“the fucking government won’t have control over that.”
They certainly will have control over the example you’ve given – egg production will be very much controlled using bird flu as the excuse. 100% track-and-trace of all food is very much part of the plan.
Oh yeah, they’ll try. But there will be cracks in the system.
Plus, I wasn’t referring specifically to eggs or chickens. I was saying that digital currency will be used to trade with ‘official’ entities, but people will develop ways to trade at levels below that. As I was saying, it’s the case already.
And “they”will try to restrict this as much as possible. Especially when it becomes too large to ignore (as what is happening at the moment is basically ignored…for now).
Don’t be a defeatist.
So what. They can try. Fuck them. We’ll think of something.
When it becomes too large to ignore then it will flush the motherfucking globalist present-day luddites right down the pipes.
There is also the option of local currency, say, within a town. However, the government as a parasitical entity will try to track and tax any option that becomes popular.
On the structure which forms the key pillar of the coming (per plans) global digital money system.
Blockchain, Digital Twins, and Global Brain Economics, Leo Saraceno, 5/6/22.
“Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible […] There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way…
Predicted by GKC a century ago: autocrats love to legislate against socially harmful activity because every living thing is potentially a socially harmful activity — especially children. (GK Chesterton, Fancies versus Fads, 1923, available on Librivox)
“Picking a side won’t help you.”
Because IT backs both sides, just as Daddy Warbucks lends to both sides in a war.Digital cash is only one facet of the Digital Age. Our real opponent is control by computer.
“For we wrestle not only against flesh and blood but against principles and powers in the Heavens” — St.Paul
Who is going to resist? Who can resist? I wonder. We can talk all we want about refusing to participate, only using cash, going to a barter, black market, or local economy approach, but that’s not going to be easy, not in today’s world, i.e., a helluva lot easier said than done. Especially depending on where you live. If you live in the city or big suburbs, forget it. As someone who still does not possess a cell phone, I can certainly attest to how that affects how I do things, or can’t do things. What if you can’t pay your mortgage or rent unless you participate in this system? What if you can’t receive your government pension, or benefits?
One time, about 20 years ago, I came home on a Friday from work and I had no money in my bank account. I freaked. Turned out the IRS, of whom I “owed” money, had decided to take it right out of my account. I freaked. I was a single dad and all of a sudden had no money going into the weekend. I called the bank, called the IRS, nothing changed it. It was a rough couple weeks, then I started over so to speak. But it was a stark lesson of how quickly things, like your bank account, can be taken away.
This is a hill we have to make a stand on. This is all about freedom and liberty. I’m not sure there is anything bigger than this. Somebody wants to determine/approve of where I spend my money or wealth? Over my dead body. These people are stark raving mad.
You’re right; over our dead bodies– cuz the money w/b contingent on taking vaxxes. We’ll have no control over when the kill shot is administered. That’s why we have to defeat them right now.
I asked you this question (on another Off-G article) a few days ago: WHY do you Americans have such an aversion to writing, in full, the words ‘with’ and ‘without’ – writing them, in 99.9% of cases, as ‘w’ and ‘w/o’??
In your post above, you’ve abbreviated the words ‘would be’ to ‘w/b’. And in another post, a bit up the screen from here, you wrote ‘w/d’ for the word ‘withdraw’.
WHY??!!?? Why do you Americans have such an aversion to typing certain words in full?? You write everything else out normally, so why make exceptions with the words above?
I sincerely hope the good folks who loathe the very idea of letting immigrants into their nation will seriously – and I mean SERIOUSLY – consider what they’re opposing.
Here in the US, of course, most immigrants are from Mexico, Central America or South America. And many are here illegally. And they may be all that stands between the rest of us and digital slavery.
Because, you see, the immigrants – especially the illegals – want cash money (and for good, if shady, reasons).
And don’t say “Well they have no power anyway!” Well, neither do the rest of us. And don’t forget: there are lots of people who use “under the table” labor. They will not be happy with a digital record of their purchases.
So I say: Tear Down That Wall, Mr Trump! And let the immigrants in.
Nah, screw that Howard. Ask Sweden. That’s exactly what the globalists want, no more national cultures.
I realize the US is perhaps the world’s worst example regarding immigration because, among other things, we are the 2nd largest Spanish speaking nation on Earth (after Mexico).
So, yes, immigration will barely make a dent in our “culture” (do we even have one I wonder?).
We did. Not anymore.
True for the moment; but in the long run everyone has to decide who controls IT: We the People, or the Oligarchs. Anyone who has visited China will appreciate the speed and convenience of buying street food with your smartphone. Poor people enjoy the convenience of IT as much as the wealthy do; and wealthy people enjoy privacy in their transactions as much as the poor do.
“IT is a good servant but a bad master” — Proverbs.
Exactly! The more “civilized” (read: people are naively trustful of the government, obedient, docile, conformist) a country is, the worse it’s fared in the attack against humanity over the past few years.
Here in Argentina, a country always short of dollars to run the economy, the government issued a few years back a pardon to all Argentine business people who evaded their fortunes outside the country if they could repatriate the dough.
It’s really nothing to any government to decree that all workers working “au noir” shall be forgiven and have their situation regularised if they present themselves and accept digital currency, or otherwise face jail time or/and expulsion; that controls shall be implemented to enforce the decree, and so on. If governments aren’t doing it and on the contrary are encouraging immigration is for what Marx called the “Replacement” where “three Chinese replace one American”, i.e. cheap, pliant labour. The question then is how the immigrants will respond to the government’s “offer”.
It is in the nature of the State to resort to what’s necessary to get what it wants, and will get it unless a general strike/withdrawal from the system occurs.