National perspective

Clinton hones tough-gal, beer-and-shot persona

Hillary Clinton tossed back a shot of whiskey at Bronko's restaurant in Crown Point, Ind., last month. Finishing strong in the primaries has given the stubborn candidate street cred. Hillary Clinton tossed back a shot of whiskey at Bronko's restaurant in Crown Point, Ind., last month. Finishing strong in the primaries has given the stubborn candidate street cred. (carolyn kaster/Associated Press)
By Peter S. Canellos
Globe Staff / May 6, 2008

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FORT WAYNE, Ind. - At O'Donnell's, a watering hole a few blocks from the fort where General "Mad Anthony" Wayne marshaled his men for war with the Indians in the 1790s, patrons were weighing in yesterday on today's battle between the Democratic presidential candidates. (Full article: 798 words)

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