Leonardo DiCaprio: Climate Change ‘the Most Existential Human Crisis the World Has Ever Known’


Leonardo DiCaprio told Charlie Rose in an interview Thursday that climate change is “the biggest problem that mankind has ever had to face,” ahead of the international refugee crises being fueled by the deadly rise of the Islamic State.

“It is the most existential human crisis that the world has ever known, in my opinion,” DiCaprio said.

Fresh from filming The Revenant, DiCaprio and the film’s director Alejandro Iñárritu recounted how they experienced the devastating affects of climate change on location in Argentina in the nine months that it took to make the movie.

DiCaprio’s comments in the video above echo similar statements he made last December when he claimed that “We were in Calgary and the locals were saying, ‘This has never happened in our province, ever.’ We would come and there would be eight feet of snow, and then all of a sudden a warm gust of wind would come.”

But as Breitbart’s James Delingpole reported, the supposedly unprecedented weather events that DiCaprio decried as evidence of man-made climate change have been occurring regularly for thousands of years in southern Alberta. These seasonal hot winds are known locally as Chinook winds.

From the Calgary Sun:

It would be hilarious, if the star of The Revenant wasn’t also the head of a multimillion-dollar environmental lobby group, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, and a producer of documentaries on climate change.

If DiCaprio really got his chinook misinformation from a local, the actor should be furious.

He’s been duped into looking like a dim-wit, pure and simple.

By declaring climate change a greater threat to mankind than the deadliest terror organization in the world, the actor is parroting the same message that Obama, Kerry, and Biden have been saying for years.

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson.


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