Bitcoiners: The New Owners of El Zonte

In the last three years, the average price per square meter in one of El Salvador’s most famous beaches was $80.61 USD, more than doubling from $34.33 before 2020. El Faro reviewed a sample of 50 sales and purchases between 2015 and 2024. Five bitcoiners and one company have bought 992,000 square meters in El Zonte for a total of $3.7 million. In luxury projects for sale now, the average price per square meter amounts to more than $1,000. The revaluation occurs after years of a government strategy to turn El Zonte into Bitcoin Beach, an area of boutique hotels and apartment towers, within reach of foreigners and the wealthiest Salvadorans.

Daniel Reyes
Monday, January 08, 2025
Nelson Rauda, Daniel Reyes, and Wilfredo Robles

Leer en español

Between 2015 and 2020, the average price of land per square meter in El Zonte, one of El Salvador’s most popular beach towns, was $34.33 U.S. dollars, according to a sample of 50 sales and purchases reviewed by El Faro. But between 2021 and 2024, that figure rose to $80.61, an increase of 134.8 percent since the passage of the Bitcoin Law in 2021. In six luxury projects offered in January 2025, the price can soar to $1,058.57 per square meter.

El Faro chose for this sample 15 people who have registered companies in the Registry of Commerce registered as promoting the use of bitcoin. For each of them, public documents in the Salvadoran property registry were traced. The result is a mapping of the real estate market on the coast of La Libertad.

El Faro reviewed the sales and purchases of 50 properties registered in the Real Estate and Mortgage Registry, incorporation documents of 20 companies, official cartographic records, and property listings on three websites dedicated to the sale of real estate.

This is the average cost per square meter for properties for sale based on new construction offers in El Zonte.
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The Salvadoran government and a group of private entrepreneurs jointly promote El Zonte under the label Bitcoin Beach, a tourist attraction for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and the focal point of new residential construction on the Salvadoran coast.

The average price per square meter in El Zonte jumped in the three years following the passage of the Bitcoin Law, according to the analysis of 50 public sale and purchase documents in the area.
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Bitcoin Beach is a project born in 2019. Mike Peterson, a surfer from California, claims he received an anonymous Bitcoin donation to carry out projects in the community. When the Covid-19 pandemic paralyzed the Salvadoran economy, Bitcoin Beach became popular by making regular bitcoin donations to the families of El Zonte. To encourage young people to stay in virtual schools, they gave $10 in bitcoin each week. That initial boost to circulation of the cryptocurrency encouraged several establishments to accept it as payment, a year before Nayib Bukele's government decreed bitcoin as legal tender, although in practice most Salvadorans exclusively use the U.S. dollar.

Nayib Bukele

The #BitcoinLaw has been approved by a supermajority in the Salvadoran Congress.

62 out of 84 votes!

History! #Btc🇸🇻

Bitcoin Beach claims to be creating a “sustainable Bitcoin economic ecosystem” on the Salvadoran coast, whose goal is “that the true potential of Bitcoin is realized and that those who have been excluded from the banking system are the main beneficiaries.”

However, the development model in El Zonte continues to entail social exclusion, especially of the poor. An investigation by MalaYerba revealed that 25 families who have lived in El Zonte for 30 years will be evicted for the construction of a government project: Bitcoin Beach Club de Playa.

The creators of Bitcoin Beach are driving the real estate boom in the area. Peterson owns 14 properties in El Zonte, acquired for $1.2 million. He also founded the company Bitcoin Beach Group S.A. de C.V.

This is the value of 14 properties registered in El Zonte in the name of Michael Peterson, per public records at the National Registration Center (CNR).
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Román Martínez Centeno, another founder of Bitcoin Beach, has ten properties in El Zonte, all acquired after the approval of the Bitcoin Law in June 2021. The properties have a total price of $1.1 million. Martinez founded the company Onda Real Estate, dedicated to real estate sales, and also holds the position of president of Volcano Investment, a company in which the main shareholder is Italian citizen Giancarlo Devasini, one of the most influential players in the global cryptocurrency market, according to the Financial Times.

Devasini is behind Tether, a type of cryptocurrency called a “stablecoin,” which facilitates crypto transactions globally. Although far from El Zonte, El Faro found that both Devasini and Paolo Ardoino, the current CEO of Tether, bought houses in El Salvador in 2024.

The sample allows for some indicators of the real estate boom in El Zonte.

Before the Bitcoin Law the average price per square meter in El Zonte was $34.33, but it later increased to $80.61.
Arte | bitcoin gobierna el zonte precio

“El Zonte is the Malibu of El Salvador,” Martinez said on the October 19 episode of the Bitcoin Beach Live podcast, hosted by Peterson. They were joined by Alexandra Dianne Cross, a U.S. citizen and partner of Martínez Centeno in the real estate company Onda Real Estate and two other companies: GL Group and Volcano Investment. Cross owns eight properties in El Zonte, seven of them shared with Martínez.

Percentage of El Zonte identified in El Faro’s sample as owned by entrepreneurs promoting the use of cryptocurrencies.
Arte | bitcoin gobierna el zonte porcentaje

In 12 examples, available online, the average price of properties offered today, on pages such as Crypto Real Estate, Good Life El Salvador, and El Salvador Surf Real Estate, along the beaches of La Libertad is $1055.96 per square meter. In six properties offered in El Zonte, the average price per square meter is $1058.57.

How Much for a Beach House?

Projects such as Zonset are offered with apartments starting at $300,000 and Loft Sunset View, with prices starting at $363,000 or Brisas de Surf City, with prices starting at $320,000.

There are even higher prices. The El Salvador Surf Real Estate website recently announced the sale of Cerromar El Sunzal , a 790 square meter property with five bedrooms and six bathrooms for $850,000.

Loft Sunset
Brisas de
Surf City
My Salary:
Type a monthly salary to calculate the numbers of years you would need to work to by a property in Barefoot Surf

The New Owners of El Zonte

The El Zonte beach village has long attracted tourists and surfers, but its infrastructure used to only consist of restaurants, beach ranches, and dirt roads. It was paved in 2023, shortly before the visit of some Miss Universe contestants.

Now, “El Zonte is probably the most expensive city in all of El Salvador,” says Alexandra Cross. “I ask my clients: What is your maximum budget? If they tell me $300,000, and ‘I want a beachfront property,’ let's look in areas outside of El Zonte, to be realistic. To be at the beachfront in El Zonte, the minimum price is $1 million, if you find something, because there's nothing for sale,” she said on the Bitcoin Beach Live podcast.


NEW - 🇸🇻 El Salvador President on embracing #Bitcoin: "I really, really want to say “I told you so”

Hermes Lux

I wonder how much real state is in El Salvador

Goodlife El Salvador

Hey @HermesLuz -- good question! Send us a DM and we"d be happy to share more information about real state in El Salvador

Cross, who promotes her real estate business under the name Good Life El Salvador, listed some of the reasons: “It's ground zero for Bitcoin Beach and the Bitcoin circular economy. Those intangibles are very important. Peterson added: “There is also a lot of natural beauty, good waves. It's the whole package.”

foto perfil
Sunrise Salvador
Company founded by Guy Friddell IV, a hotelier who has also acquired buildings in downtown San Salvador, per an investigation by Revista Factum.
foto perfil
Michael Peterson
(Bitcoin Beach)
Founder of Bitcoin Beach. 11 of his properties were acquired before the Bitcoin Law.
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Roman Martínez
Co-founder of Bitcoin Beach. All of his properties were purchased after the Bitcoin Law: He co-owns five with Alexandra Cross, and two others with Cross and John David McBride.

*He owns 25% of three properties purchased on December 31, 2021, by Wayne Thomas Gregori, who owns 75%.
foto perfil
Wayne Thomas
Describes himself as a cryptocurrency consultant. He also sells river stoneswith the Bitcoin logo as souvenirs. He paid for the three lots he acquired in bitcoin, according to the public deed.

*Román Martínez holds 25% of his three properties.
foto perfil
Erik Hans
Part of the Hope House project, which carries out activities to support the community of inhabitants of El Zonte.
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Jorge Alberto
Valenzuela Franco
A native of El Zonte, Valenzuela founded Hope House and was also involved from the beginning with the Bitcoin Beach project. One of his properties was a donation from Erik Paulson.
foto perfil
Alexandra Dianne
Partner of Román Martínez Centeno in three companies, including Onda Real Estate. She is co-owner of eight other properties.

Is a 1,350 square-meter plot bought on Mar. 2, 2022 and registered to Michael Peterson, per CNR documents.
Arte | bitcoin gobierna el zonte medio millon

The Properties


Properties in: Jayaque
Michael Peterson
Properties in: Antiguo Cuscatlán
Giancarlo Devasini
Properties in: San José Villanueva
Paolo Ardoino
Paolo Ardoino
Properties in: Tamanique
Roman Centeno
Michael Peterson
Properties in: Chiltiupán
Alexandra Cross
Hans Paulson
Jorge Valenzuela
Jorge Valenzuela
Jorge Valenzuela
Roman Centeno
Roman Centeno
Roman Centeno
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Roman Centeno
Roman Centeno
Roman Centeno
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
Sunrise Salvador
Sunrise Salvador
Sunrise Salvador
Sunrise Salvador
Sunrise Salvador
Sunrise Salvador

Tether Owners Bought Houses in El Salvador

Giancarlo Devasini and Paolo Ardoino, two of the top executives of cryptocurrency giant Tether, bought real estate in La Libertad in 2024. Ardoino went a step further: the public deed of sale reveals that he also acquired Salvadoran nationality.

Tether is perhaps the largest cryptocurrency company in the world. Its market capitalization is estimated at $137 billion, larger than Uber, CitiGroup or Nike .

Italian businessman Devasini is, according to court documents in the United States, one of the ultimate beneficiaries of a web of companies (seven in British Virgin Islands, one in Kazakhstan, and one in Hong Kong) that control Tether. Devasini has a fortune of $8.25 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index . According to the Wall Street Journal, Devasini divides his time between homes in the Bahamas, the French Riviera, and the Swiss Alps. The same publication says that Devasini met in El Salvador with Howard Lutnick, Donald Trump's choice as the next Secretary of Commerce .

On Mar. 6, 2024, Devasini bought a 2,007.28 square-meter house on Tecana Street, in the Santa Elena neighborhood of San Salvador, for $2 million. Devasini bought that house together with Valentina Picozzi, a Bitcoin artist who designed a giant mural with Bukele's face in Colonia Zacamil. Devasini and Picozzi own 50 percent each of the property.

Picozzi also became a Salvadoran national, according to the deed, which lists her DUI personal identification number. Devasini presented his Italian passport.

The seller of the property was the company Alpha, Betta, Kappa Inversiones. They received the payment in an account of Rama Holdings Financial Inc. at Citibank N.A. in New York.

The partnership made a substantial profit from the house in Santa Elena. On Mar. 28, 2012, Banco Industrial granted a mortgage on the property to Rafael Federico Castellanos Calderón for $800,000, for a term of 10 years. The term was extended for an additional five years on July 15, 2015. On Mar. 11, 2020, Castellanos sold the property for $400,000 along with the mortgage lien to the Alpha, Betta, Kappa Inversiones S.A. de C.V.

That means the Santa Elena home doubled in value between 2012 and 2024.

Tether CEO Moves to El Encanto

On Feb. 11, 2024, Paolo Ardoino posted a photo of a table overlooking the ocean, with the phrase “a new home.” He later clarified that he was referring to El Salvador. Five months later, Ardoino bought two plots of land totaling 1,569.93 square meters in Condominio Villanueva Golf Country Club, a residential development known as El Encanto, in the district of San José Villanueva, just off the road leading to the Port of La Libertad.

Ardoino was chief technology officer of Bitfinex Securities, the company that controls Tether. In December 2021, Ardoino gave an interview to El Faro to discuss the plan to commercialize bitcoin bonds, which the Salvadoran government planned to offer to finance the construction of Bitcoin City. Three years later, the bonds never went to market and Bitcoin City was not built. But Ardoino, who became CEO of Tether in December 2023, has remained involved with the Bukele administration .

On July 31, 2024, Ardoino bought the El Encanto real estate with Claudia Lagorio, Tether's chief operating officer. Both Ardoino and Lagorio are naturalized Salvadorans and have DUI cards, according to the public deed of sale.

The Salvadoran government launched a program to give Salvadoran citizenship to those who invested $1 million in Bitcoin, but as of August last year, the General Directorate of Migration (DGME) said it had not issued any, according to Diario El Mundo .

The price of the properties in El Encanto was $1.7 million. They were also paid to a Citibank N.A. bank account in New York, this time in the name of AV Securities Inc.

The seller was Juan Carlos Zighelboim. As in the case of the Devasini property in Santa Elena, Zighelboim got a good deal on the sale. Zighelboim, a U.S. citizen, paid a total of $340,856.76 for the two plots in two sales, the first on Dec. 27, 2013, and the second on Oct. 2, 2015.

Nine years later, he sold them for approximately five times the original value.

Tether's Business in El Salvador

In addition to the domicile of his company’s top executives, Giancarlo Devasini has registered 15 companies in El Salvador. 11 of these 15 companies are listed at the same address: Office 6, floor 11, World Trade Center, San Salvador. The law firm Dentons Muñoz operates at that address. And ten of them were registered in the Registry of Commerce between February and June 2024.

A Factum investigation revealed operations of some of these companies (Inversiones Odomin, GCH Hospitality, and GSV Hospitality) in the purchase of real estate in the Historic Center of San Salvador .

What is Tether's business? Tether is a “stablecoin”. That means that, unlike Bitcoin, whose price fluctuates daily, each Tether has a fixed value of one dollar because the company claims to have one dollar for each Tether in circulation.

“Tethers are the poker chips in the cryptocurrency casino,” explains Easy Money, a 2023 book by Harry Abrams. “Imagine you are a buyer or bettor on one of the crypto exchanges and you want to exchange one cryptocurrency for another. Instead of withdrawing money into some physical currency (dollars, euros, yuan), people who want to keep their money in the crypto system but not expose themselves to market volatility choose stable currencies like Tether,” explain authors Ben Mckenzie and Jacob Silverman.

Tether's safety depends on its reserves. Its critics point to the lack of a full audit of the company, and its operations have been questioned by various authorities. In October 2024, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Manhattan U.S. attorney's office and U.S. Treasury Department are investigating the company for possible violations of money laundering rules and transactions with U.S.-sanctioned actors. In response, Tether said in a statement that it is not aware of any investigation and is cooperating extensively with authorities to take down bad actors who abuse tether and other cryptocurrencies.

It’s not the first investigation of the company. For example, Bitfinex and Tether are not licensed to operate in New York State. “Bitfinex and Tether misled customers and the market by overstating reserves, concealing approximately $850 million in losses worldwide,” according to the New York Attorney General’s Office . In December, a regulatory law went into effect restricting the exchange of Tether in the European Union.

This report was produced with the support of the Virtual Assets Grant from the Association of Journalists of El Salvador (APES).