Dem Rep. Auchincloss: Biden Needs to Be Stronger with Sanctions Enforcement on Iranian Oil

On Tuesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) urged President Joe Biden to “enforce the oil export sanctions against Iran with more muscle and vigor.” And said that because Iran is currently in a weak position, that’s “when you want to pounce.”

Auchincloss stated, “What would be really critical for Joe Biden, I think, is a hostage deal for Gaza that got these hostages home, and then, also, a transition towards Palestinian-led, Arab-financed, Western-backed reconstruction of Gaza that respects Israel’s security. That is the pinnacle of an Israel-Gaza accord. I think the second thing that he can do within these next 55 days is enforce the oil export sanctions against Iran with more muscle and vigor. Iran is exporting about 90% of its oil to China. And it’s using that hard currency, one, to keep its own regime afloat, but, two, to fund these proxy terror groups across the Middle East. And what we saw with Israel’s attack against Iran is that Iran is significantly more vulnerable now than it was even six months ago. And I think when it’s in a position of weakness is when you want to pounce.”

He also said that it’s crucial that Hezbollah not be able to relocate to Lebanon’s southern border.

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