MEMPHIS, Tenn. - A man was arrested after allegedly threatening churchgoers at a local Catholic church, court records show. 

Memphis Police (MPD) responded to St. Louis Catholic Church on White Station Road, where they were met by a pastor and minister of music. 

Documents show Zachary Liberto was involved in a verbal altercation with the pastor about defacing the baptismal pool inside the church. Officials said Liberto sent an email threatening to cause mass causalities among churchgoers. 

Zachary Liberto mug

Court records show one the victims communicated with Liberto by email and forwarded the emails to investigators. One email read, "I need a video of [complainant] getting slapped by you in 24 hours before I butcher people in that church with a machete," according to documents. 

Officials said both victims knew Liberto carried a machete which he refers to as "chete." Court records show that prominent local parishioners attend the church and could have been targeted for the mass causality threats. 

Investigators obtained a recording from a parishioner who spoke to Liberto by phone in which Liberto said, he would not "let people threaten and mock" him and not do something about it, court records show.

Liberto was charged with Commission Act of Terrorism. 

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