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Federal Reserve Economic Data

Software Development Job Postings on Indeed in the United States (IHLIDXUSTPSOFTDEVE)

2025-03-07: 63.61
Updated: Mar 13, 2025 9:02 AM CDT
2025-03-07:  63.61  
2025-03-06:  63.66  
2025-03-05:  63.59  
2025-03-04:  63.56  
2025-03-03:  63.45  
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Index Feb, 1 2020=100,
Seasonally Adjusted


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(a) Software Development Job Postings on Indeed in the United States, Index Feb, 1 2020=100, Seasonally Adjusted (IHLIDXUSTPSOFTDEVE)

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    Software Development Job Postings on Indeed in the United States
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    Source: Indeed  

    Release: Job Postings on Indeed  

    Units:  Index Feb, 1 2020=100, Seasonally Adjusted

    Frequency:  Daily, 7-Day


    Indeed calculates the index change in seasonally-adjusted job postings since February 1, 2020, the pre-pandemic baseline. Indeed seasonally adjusts each series based on historical patterns in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Each series, including the national trend, occupational sectors, and sub-national geographies, is seasonally adjusted separately. Indeed switched to this new methodology in December 2022 and now reports all historical data using this new methodology. Historical numbers have been revised and may differ significantly from originally reported values. The new methodology applies a detrended seasonal adjustment factor to the index change in job postings. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions regarding Indeed Data.

    Copyrighted: Pre-approval required. Contact Indeed to request permission to use the data at their contact information provided here.

    End Users are excluded of any warranty and liability on the part of Indeed for the accuracy of the Indeed Data. End Users will refrain from any external distribution of Indeed Data except in oral or written presentations, provided that such portions or derivations are incidental to and supportive of such presentations and, provided further that the End Users shall not distribute or disseminate in such presentations any amount of Indeed Data which could cause such presentations to be susceptible to use substantially as a source of, or substitute for Indeed Data. End Users agree to credit Indeed as the source and owner of the Indeed Data when making it available to third parties in any permissible manner as well as in internal use. End Users agree to not sell or otherwise provide the Indeed Data obtained from Licensee to third parties.

    Suggested Citation:

    Indeed, Software Development Job Postings on Indeed in the United States [IHLIDXUSTPSOFTDEVE], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;, March 15, 2025.

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