Real Virus Death Toll in Wuhan Could Be 12 Times Official Figure

Real Virus Death Toll in Wuhan Could Be 12 Times Official Figure
Medical staff treat COVID-19 patients at a hospital in Wuhan, China, on March 19, 2020. STR/AFP via Getty Images
Nicole Hao

Information provided by residents at the epicenter of the CCP virus in Wuhan, China, indicates that the real death toll there could be over 32,000, which is 12.7 times the official figure.

The Hubei provincial health commission announced on March 23 that in the whole of Wuhan, 2,524 people had died of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as novel coronavirus. Wuhan is the capital of Hubei.
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Medical specialists’ reports in the Lancet and other magazines revealed that Chinese authorities have been lying about the virus outbreak since day one. The real situation in Wuhan and the whole of China has been covered up.
Recently, as the families of those who died of the virus were permitted to collect their relatives’ cremated remains from seven government-run funeral homes with crematoriums, a clearer idea of the true death toll began to emerge.

Wuhan Residents

Wuhan taxi driver Mr. Yin recently went to a local funeral home to retrieve his mother’s ashes.

His mother died on Feb. 1. He said his mother got a CT scan the day before she died. Doctors from three hospitals said that her lungs were infected severely with the CCP virus. However, the hospital wrote that she died of respiratory failure on her death certificate.

Yin told the Chinese-language Epoch Times on March 28 that his mother’s body was sent to the funeral home from the hospital and cremated directly. He did not have a chance to see her one last time.
Since the city was locked down on Jan. 23, government authorities had not allowed people to bury the ashes urns, and from Feb. 2, the authorities didn’t allow people to pick up their relatives’ ashes until March 23. In other words, the majority of the ashes of the deceased who died from Jan. 23 to March 23 were saved at funeral homes.
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Yin went to the funeral home on March 24 to retrieve his mother’s ashes. “The urns were countless… The entire lobby was full of urns… Some of them were even placed outside the door [due to lack of space],” Yin said.

Wuhan resident Mr. Ding also lost his mother to the virus. He told the Chinese-language Epoch Times the Wuchang funeral home informed relatives of the deceased that the facility would release 500 urns per day, in order to ensure that all urns were distributed by April 4 for the Qingming Festival, a traditional Chinese holiday when people pay their respects to their ancestors.
The Yangtze River and buildings in Wuhan, China, on March 29, 2020. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images)
The Yangtze River and buildings in Wuhan, China, on March 29, 2020. Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images

An Estimate

Wuhan has a total of eight government-run funeral homes: seven have crematoriums, while the eighth is dedicated to serving Hui Muslims and conducts burials.
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According to a March 26 report by Chinese financial magazine Caixin, the Hankou funeral home bought 5,000 urns within 24 hours.

Staff then took a photo of the facility’s stock room, showing 3,500 urns inside. We can thus assume that the facility distributed 1,500 urns in 24 hours (5,000 minus 3,500 equals 1,500).

Assuming that the Hankou funeral home distributed the same number of urns every day from March 23 until the Qingming Festival, there would be at least 18,000 bodies (1,500 multiplied by 12 days) in Hankou. In Wuchang, there would be 6,000 bodies (500 multiplied by 12 days).

The Yushunshan funeral home in Caidian district is about two-thirds the capacity of the Wuchang facility, according to a staff member at Yushunshan. Thus, we could estimate that Caidian burned the remains of two-thirds that of Wuchang, or 4,000 bodies.

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The Jiangxia, Huangpi District, Xinzhou District, and Qingshan funeral homes each have a similar capacity, which is about half of Wuchang’s. Then we might estimate that they burned about 12,000 bodies (6,000 divided by 2, then multiplied by 4 equals 12,000).

We can estimate that the total number of urns distributed by all 7 facilities is roughly 40,000 (18,000 + 6,000 + 4,000 + 12,000).

In order to determine the number of deaths from the CCP virus, deaths from other causes must be accounted for. According to the latest statistics released by Hubei authorities, roughly 47,900 died in 2018. That means there was an average of 131 deaths per day.

The time between the city’s lockdown on Jan. 23 to when funeral homes reopened on March 23 is 60 days. Assuming that in a typical year, there are 131 non-virus-related deaths per day, then there were roughly 7,860 non-virus deaths in that period (131 multiplied by 60).

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Thus, we can estimate that the death toll due to the virus is at least 32,140 (40,000 minus 7,860).

On top of this, there were CCP virus patients who died in Wuhan before Jan. 23. But we ignore this data here.

Authorities also sent 40 mobile furnaces to Hubei Province in the middle of February, each capable of burning five tons of medical waste and bodies a day. It is unclear whether those were used to burn bodies that died from the virus.

Passengers arrive in Hankou Railway Station in Wuhan, China, on March 28, 2020. (Getty Images)
Passengers arrive in Hankou Railway Station in Wuhan, China, on March 28, 2020. Getty Images
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Hidden Truth

Throughout the spread of the CCP virus, the government’s data has been false.
On Feb. 29, a group of specialists from China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention published a report based on studying over 70,000 virus cases.

The specialists revealed that 104 people were infected with the CCP virus in December 2019. Wuhan authorities announced on Dec. 31 that there was an initial “viral pneumonia” outbreak among 27 people.

The specialists said the first medical staff to be infected with the CCP virus was diagnosed on Dec. 27. Then, between Jan. 1 to Jan. 20, 151 medical staff were infected with the virus in Wuhan. 49 were infected in other cities of Hubei, and another 30 were infected in other provinces.

Medical staff infections are a sign that the virus is capable of human-to-human transmission.

But authorities denied that the virus could spread among humans until Jan. 20. That day, a top epidemiologist working for the central government first announced that the virus was being transmitted among family members.

In March, The Epoch Times obtained four documents from the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, which were statistical data sheets about diagnostic test results in the city on March 14.

The documents listed that in total, the city tested 16,234 samples on the day. Of those, 373 were positive with the CCP virus. Among the positives, 91 samples were first-time positives.

Meanwhile, the government only reported four new infections in Wuhan that day.

The Wuhan government recently allowed businesses to reopen and citizens to return to work. The government admitted that there are people who can relapse after recovering or are asymptomatic, but that they would not be counted as new infections. In fact, some of them can spread the virus to others.
The Epoch Times refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.
Nicole Hao
Nicole Hao
Nicole Hao is a Washington-based reporter focused on China-related topics. Before joining the Epoch Media Group in July 2009, she worked as a global product manager for a railway business in Paris, France.
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