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Hate Crime in the Incident Analysis
Hate Crime in the by Bias
The FBI collects crime data through the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program.
Search glossary terms
Abandoned/Condemned Structure
Buildings or structures that are completed but have been abandoned by the owner and are no longer being used.
Accidental Death
Incident type in which an officer was fatally injured as a result of an accident or negligence that occurred while the officer was acting in an official capacity. Due to the hazardous nature of the law enforcement profession, deaths of law enforcement officers are considered accidental if the act causing the death is found not to be willful and intentional.
Acting in Concert
All of the offenders actually commit or assist in the commission of all of the crimes in an incident. The offenders must be aware of, and consent to, the commission of all of the offenses; or even if nonconsenting, their actions assist in the commission of all of the offenses.
Administrative Assignment
An assignment in which an officer is working management, performance, or executive duties of the local, state, or federal jurisdiction. Examples include, but are not limited to: handling, transporting, or maintaining custody of persons who are in the custodial care of a law enforcement agency subsequent to an arrest and/or while dealing with persons who are being detained in accordance with the law; attending community meetings, crime preventive programs, or other organized functions as an official representative of a law enforcement agency; performing duties and recreational activities associated with agency-sanctioned programs such as D.A.R.E, Boys and Girls Clubs, or other youth programs; serving of writs, notices, summonses, subpoenas, hearing notices, notifications, and other civil processes; transportation of papers, equipment, or persons associated with official agency sanctioned activities, functions, and programs; and on a light-duty assignment.
Administrative Segment
The master segment that contains identifying data information for organizational purposes that are applicable to the entire incident report (e.g., the unique case number assigned to the incident and the date and hour that the incident occurred). A single Administrative Segment should be submitted for each incident report.
A person 18 years of age or older.
Age of Victim
Used to indicate the age of an individual victim when the reported crime occurred.
Aggravated Assault
An unlawful attack by one person upon another wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness.
Aggravated Assault/Homicide Circumstances
Used to describe the circumstances of either an aggravated assault or a homicide.
A person who believes that the existence or nature of an ultimate reality, such as a deity, is unknown, and probably unknowable. (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Air/Bus/Train Terminal
Airports; bus, boat, ferry, or train stations and terminals.
Machines or devices capable of atmospheric flight; airplanes helicopters, dirigibles, gliders, ultra-lights, hot air balloons, etc.
Aircraft Parts/ Accessories
Parts or accessories of an aircraft, whether inside or outside.
Any intoxicating liquors containing alcohol used for human consumption; alcoholic beverages, i.e., beer, wine, and liquor.
All Other Larceny
All thefts that do not fit in any of the definitions of the specific subcategories of Larceny/Theft.
All Other Offenses
All crimes that are not Group A offenses and not included in one of the specifically named Group B categories listed.
Ambush - No Warning
Situation where an officer is assaulted, unexpectedly, as the result of premeditated design by the perpetrator.
Ambush (entrapment/ premeditation)
Situation where an unsuspecting officer was targeted or lured into danger as the result of conscious consideration and planning by the offender.
American Indian or Alaska Native
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
A synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drug used as a stimulant (which means they speed up the messages travelling between the brain and the body). They can be used illegally as a stimulant and legally as a prescription drug.
Amusement Park
Indoor or outdoor, permanent or temporary, movie theaters, arcade, commercial enterprises that offer rides, games, and other entertainment.
Ancestry Bias
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of people based on their common lineage or descent.
Animal Bite
A bite sustained to a human being by an animal.
Animal Cruelty
Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly taking an action that mistreats or kills any animal without just cause, such as torturing, tormenting, mutilation, maiming, poisoning, or abandonment.
Animal Disturbance
Examples include, but are not limited to, complaints regarding excessive barking or other animal noise, mistreatment of animals, and reports of stray, feral, or wild animals in the area.
Application programming interface (API)
An easy way for developers, computers, and interactive applications to share large amounts of data in meaningful ways. An API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. An API specifies how software components should interact. Additionally, APIs are used when programming Graphical User Interface (GUI) components.
A person having origins, and/or ancestry, in any of the Arabic speaking peoples of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, Lydia, Tunisia, Comoros, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Djibouti, Mauritania, and Somalia.
Arena/Stadium/ Fairgrounds/ Coliseum
Open-air or enclosed amphitheater-type areas designed and used for the presentation of sporting events, concerts, assemblies, etc.
A situation in which two or more persons expressly disagree and dispute one another's positions, often vehemently.
The taking or keeping of a person in custody by legal authority in response to a criminal charge.
Arrest Situation
Situation where an officer is arresting or attempting to arrest an offender either through verbal advisement or through physical contact, such as, attempting to restrain, control, or handcuff the offender.
To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage any real or personal property by fire or incendiary device.
Artistic Supplies/ Accessories
Items or equipment used to create or maintain paintings, sculptures, crafts, etc.
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
An unlawful attack by one person upon another.
Assault with Injury
Incident type in which an officer, while engaged in or on account of the performance of their official duties, received nonfatal injuries as a direct result of a willful and intentional act by an offender.
Assault with Injury (non-fatal)
An assault on an officer in which the injury is serious and requires more than usual first-aid treatment, for example, the injuries are more serious than abrasions, minor lacerations, or contusions.
Assist Another Law Enforcement Officer
Situation where an officer assists other law enforcement personnel/agencies in an emergency or non-emergency circumstance. Examples include officer down circumstances; officers requiring emergency assistance; vehicular and foot pursuits; providing/deploying equipment such as spike strips, traffic cones, flares, etc.; and other emergency and non-emergency circumstances.
Assist Citizen(s)
Helping, aiding, or providing assistance to an individual.
Assist Motorist
Helping, aiding, or providing assistance to the driver (or passenger) of an automobile.
Assisting another law enforcement officer
Situation where an officer assists other law enforcement personnel/agencies in an emergency or non-emergency circumstance. Examples include officer down circumstances; officers requiring emergency assistance; vehicular and foot pursuits; providing/deploying equipment such as spike strips, traffic cones, flares, etc.; and other emergency and non-emergency circumstances.
Assisting or Promoting Prostitution
To solicit customers or transport persons for prostitution purposes; to own, manage, or operate a dwelling or other establishment for the purposes of providing a place where prostitution is performed; or to otherwise assist or promote prostitution.
A person who does not believe in the existence of a deity. (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition. 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
ATM Separate from Bank
Machines that provide the ability to make deposits and/or withdrawals using a bank card; ATM located inside a mall or store.
Attempted Suicide by Cop
An act motivated in whole or in part by the offender’s desire to commit suicide that was intended to result in the death of the offender, but did not. This includes both the use of deadly force and the use of less lethal force by law enforcement.
Attempting to Restrain, control, or Handcuff Offender
Attempting to prevent an individual from harming their self or others; keep an individual under control or regulating their actions; or attempting to place handcuffs on an individual.
Auto Dealership New/Used
Businesses specifically designed for selling new and used motor vehicles.
Sedans, station wagons, coupes, convertibles, sport utility vehicles, minivans, and other similar motor vehicles that serve the primary purpose of transporting people from one place to another.
Bad Checks (except Counterfeit Checks or Forged Checks)
Knowingly and intentionally writing and/or negotiating checks drawn against insufficient or non-existent funds.
Bank/Savings and Loan
Financial institutions, whether in a separate building or inside of another store.
Establishments primarily for entertainment, dancing, and the consumption of beverages.
Sedatives and sleep-inducing drugs derived from a synthetic organic acid known as barbituric acid.
To Unlawfully stake money or something else of value on the happening of an uncertain event or in the ascertainment of a fact in dispute.
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.
Bias Crime
A committed criminal offense that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias(es) against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity; also known as a Hate Crime.
Biased estimate
An estimate that is shifted either higher or lower than the population value because the subset of the population upon which estimates are based does not accurately represent the population as a whole. For example, if agencies who have higher crime rates do not submit data, then the crime estimates will be biased downward because the estimate will be lower than the population value. An estimate systematically differing from a true or standard value.
Bias Motivation
Used to indicate whether or not the offense was motivated by the offender's bias and, if so, what kind.
Vehicles usually propelled by pedals, connected to the wheel by a chain, and have handlebars for steering and saddle-like seat; tandem bicycles, unicycles, and tricycles.
Of or relating to people who are physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to both men and women.
Black or African American
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as “Haitian” or “Negro” can be used in addition to “Black or African American.”
Blunt Instrument
Includes clubs, bricks, jack handles, tire irons, bottles (not broken bottles), rocks, and any other objects used us blunt instruments to club or beat victims.
Breach of Peace
The criminal offense of creating a public disturbance or engaging in disorderly conduct, particularly by making an unnecessary or distracting noise.
The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value (e.g., a bribe, gratuity, or kickback) to sway the judgement or action of a person in a position of trust or influence.
A person who follows the religion of eastern or central Asia that grew out of the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, or Enlightened One. People of this faith believe that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification by following the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path in order to reach nirvana. (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micorpedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Building Materials
Items used to construct buildings.
Burglaries in Progress or Pursuing Burglary Suspects
The occurrence of an unlawful entry into a building or other structure with the intent to commit a felony or a theft, or pursuing a suspect of the burglary.
Burglary/ Breaking and Entering
The unlawful entry into a building or other structure with the intent to commit a felony or a theft.
Business Check
Situation in which a law enforcement officer is checking on the security of a place of business or commercial property.
Motor vehicles that are specifically designed (but not necessarily used) to transport groups of people on a commercial basis.
See Purchase.
Call for Service
Assignments typically distributed to law enforcement officers that require their presence to resolve, correct, or assist a particular situation.
Camp/ Campground
Areas used for setting up camps, including tent and recreational vehicle campsites.
Camping/ Hunting/Fishing Equipment/ Supplies
Items, tools, or objects used for recreational camping, hunting, or fishing.
Cargo Theft
The criminal taking of any cargo including, but not limited to, goods, chattels, money, or baggage that constitutes, in whole or in part, a commercial shipment of freight moving in commerce, from any pipeline system, railroad car, motor truck, or other vehicle, or from any tank or storage facility, station house, platform, or depot, or from any vessel or wharf, or from any aircraft, air terminal, airport, aircraft terminal or aid freight stations, warehouse, or freight distribution facility, or freight consolidation facility.
A person who follows the monotheistic religion of Catholic Christianity, especially that of the Roman Catholic Church. Followers of this faith believe the teachings of the Bible, and place emphasis on church traditions, including the historical continuity of the church, the Pope as the head of the church, and the requirement of celibacy of those in the priesthood. (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Check on Welfare of Citizen
Visit conducted by a law enforcement officer to the residence of an individual for the purpose of assessing whether the individual poses a danger to the individual or others due to a mental, behavioral, or physical condition.
Substances with distinct molecular compositions that are produced by or used in chemical processes.
Church/ Synagogue/ Temple/Mosque
Buildings for public religious activities, meetings, or worship.
Citizen complaint
An action taken by a citizen to bring to the attention of law enforcement any action considered to be contrary to law, proper procedure, good order, or in some other manner prejudicial to the citizen, the law enforcement agency, or to the community as a whole. Examples include animal bites, animal disturbances, and verbal complaints of non-criminal violations, requests for checking on the welfare of a citizen, drug complaints, requests for business checks, and traffic complaints.
City Indicator
A code assigned by the FBI to cities that submit directly to the FBI because their UCR Program does not participate in NIBRS.
Civil Disorder
A public disturbance involving three or more people who commit violent acts that cause immediate danger or injury to people or property.
Civilian law enforcement employees
All full-time employees of the agency, e.g., dispatchers, clerks, and meter attendants. These employees' salaries are paid from law enforcement funds. Furthermore, correctional officers or jailers that have no police or arrest powers outside the jail should be counted as civilians as long as their salaries are paid from the funds of the law enforcement agency.
Cleared By Arrest
An offense is considered cleared when at least one person involved In the commission of the offenses has been (1) arrested, (2) charged, and (3) turned over to the court for prosecution.
Cleared by Exceptional Means
A clearance in which some element beyond law enforcement control prevents filing of formal charges against the offender. Agencies can clear an offense exceptionally if they can answer all of the following in the affirmative. (1) Has the investigation definitely established the identity of the offender? (2) Is there enough information to support an arrest, charge, and turning over to the court for prosecution? (3) Is the exact location of the offender known so that the subject could be taken into custody now? (4) Is there some reason outside law enforcement control that precludes arresting, charging, and prosecuting the offender (examples include suicide, deathbed confessions, double murder, etc.)?
Cleared Exceptionally
Used to clear incidents by non-arrest circumstances outside the control of law enforcement. In a multiple-offense incident, the exceptional clearance of one offense clears the entire incident. An incident cannot be cleared exceptionally if it was previously or concurrently cleared by an arrest, i.e., if an Arrestee is submitted under the same Incident number.
Garments for the body, articles of dress, wearing apparel for human use; accessories such as belts, shoes, scarves, ties, etc.; eye ware/glasses, hearing aids, etc.
Cocaine (all forms except Crack)
An additive drug (in a powder form) derived from coca or prepared synthetically.
A traditional blood sport in which specially bred and trained gamecocks are equipped with metal spurs and made to fight in a pen until at least one bird is killed or injured too seriously to continue fighting.
Collections/ Collectables
Objects that are collected because they arouse interest due to being novel, rare, bizarre, or valuable.
Comma-Separated Value Field
More commonly known as CSV File. Saves data as items in a line of text separated by commas. This format can be converted into or from a spreadsheet such as Excel.
Place of business and its surrounding property, e.g., grounds, parking lot, etc.
Commercial/ Office Building
Establishments that pertain to commerce and trade.
Commercial sex acts
Inducing a person by force, fraud, or coercion to participate in commercial sex acts, or in which the person induced to perform such acts is under 18 years old.
Community Center
Public locations where members of a community gather for group activities, social activities, public information, and other purposes; they may sometimes be open for the whole community or for a specialized group within the greater community.
Computer Hardware/ Software
Electrical components making up a computer system, written programs/procedures/rules/associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system stored in read/write memory; computers, printers, storage media, video games, software packages, video consoles.
Dependent upon the data values submitted or other data elements.
Conditional Automation
In the right conditions, the car can manage most aspects of driving, including monitoring the environment. The system prompts the driver to intervene when it encounters a scenario it cannot navigate. The driver must be available to take over at any time.
Confidence interval
The set of plausible values in which a population value resides for a given confidence level.
Confidence level
The expected level of confidence that the population value resides within the confidence interval. Common confidence levels in statistical work are 90%, 95%, and 99%. For example, if a confidence interval has a 99% confidence level, 99 out of 100 times the population value will be between the upper and lower values of the confidence interval.
Construction Site
All buildings/locations that are under some type of construction.
Constructive Possession
The condition in which a person does not have physical custody or possession, but is in a position to exercise dominion or control over a thing.
Consumable Goods
Expendable items used by humans for nutrition, enjoyment, or hygiene; food, non-alcoholic beverages, grooming products, cigarettes, firewood, etc.
Commonly refer to our agencies are contributors. An agency who voluntarily submits information to the Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
Convenience Store
Establishments primarily for convenience shopping, e.g., stores that include the sale of other items as well as gasoline.
An unauthorized assumption and exercise of the right of ownership over goods or personal chattels belonging to another to the alteration of their condition or the exclusion of the owner's rights.
Counterfeiting/ Forgery
The altering, copying, or imitation of something, without the authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy or thing altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine; or, the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated thing with the intent to deceive or defraud.
Court/Prisoner Security
An officer whose occupation is responsible for providing a safe environment for the judge, court personnel, attorneys, and general public.
Coverage error
A type of non-sampling error caused when the set of units that can respond are systematically different than the full set of units in the population, usually expressed as a percentage. In the case of Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), if the agencies which have transitioned to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) - and, therefore, able to submit data - are different in some way from those who have not transitioned, then there is the potential for coverage error.
Coverage rate
The proportion of the population represented in the subset of agencies used for the estimation process, usually expressed as a percentage. In the case of NIBRS coverage, the coverage rate is the population served associated with agencies who submitted data through NIBRS divided by the population served from all UCR eligible agencies.
A highly addicted crystalline form of cocaine resembling hard, brittle bits of plastic.
Crack Cocaine
See Crack.
Credit Card/Automated Teller Machine Fraud
The unlawful use of a credit (or debit) card or automated teller machine for fraudulent purposes.
Credit/Debit Cards
Cards and/or the account number associated with the cards that function like a check and through which payments or credit for purchases or services are made electronically to the bank accounts of participating establishments directly from the cardholders' accounts; automated teller machines (ATM) cards, electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards.
Crimes Against Person
Include criminal homicide, rape, aggravated assault, human trafficking - commercial sex acts, and human trafficking- involuntary servitude. Once offense is reported for each victim.
Crimes Against Property
Offenses including robbery, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. One offense is counted for each distinct operation, except in the case of motor vehicle theft for which one offense is counted for each stolen vehicle.
Crimes Against Society
Crimes that are not against a person because they do not actually involve an injured party; nor are they against property because property is not the object of the crime.
Crime Data
Includes estimates for crime offenses; actual reported/known crime offenses; number of arrests of persons; number of clearances (crimes closed by arrest or exceptional means) and calculations derived from trends and rates. Crime data are collected via the UCR’s Summary Reporting System (SRS) and National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
Crime Rate
The number of offenses per 100,000 population is derived by first dividing a jurisdiction’s population by 100,000 and then dividing the number of offenses by the resulting figure. Crime or arrest rates are derived from law enforcement agencies for which 12 months of complete offense or arrest data were submitted.
Crime Trends
The percentage change in crime based on data reported in a given period. These statistics play a prominent role for both offense and arrest analyses. In calculating trends, the UCR Program includes only common reported months for individual agencies. The Uniform Crime Reporting Program employs two types of trend statistics; volume trends and rate trends.
Cultivated plants or agricultural produce grown for commercial, human, or livestock consumption and use that is usually sold in bulk.
Curfew/ Loitering/ Vagrancy Violation
The violation of a court order, regulation, ordinance, or law requiring the withdrawal of a persons from the streets or other specified areas; prohibiting persons from remaining in an area or place in an idle or aimless manner; or prohibiting persons from going from place to place without visible means of support.
A virtual or internet-based network of two or more computers in separate locations which communicate either through wireless or wire connections.
Data Collections
Crime Data (offenses known/reported; arrests; clearances; hate crime statistics; law enforcement data (LEOKA; Law Enforcement Employees; Use of Force).
Data Elements
Data fields within each area of the Group A Incident Report and in the Group B Arrest report to describe the details of each component of a crime. The smallest named item of a data that conveys meaningful information or condenses a lengthy description into a short code.
Data Quality
Refers to the condition of a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables.
Data Value
Specific characteristics or types of the fields in the submission that have an assigned, enumerated list. This identifies the specific data values that are allowed in completing the data element.
Date Recovered
Used to record the date property was recovered when it was previously stolen within the LEA’s jurisdiction.
Date Report Indicator
Used to designate that the date entered in Data Element 3 (Incident Date) is the Report date rather than the Incident Date.
Daycare Facility
Facilities that provide short-term supervision, recreation, and/or meals for adults or children during the daytime or at night; respite care facilities for seniors or for physically or mentally challenged individuals.
Date Recovered
Used to record the date property was recovered when it was previously stolen within the LEA’s jurisdiction.
Department/ Discount Store
Establishments that are considered department stores and that sell a wide range of goods, etc.
Destruction/ Damage/ Vandalism of Property (except Arson)
To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure real or personal property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it.
An objectively measurable condition of impairment, physical or mental, especially one that prevents a person from engaging in meaningful work.
Disability Bias
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their physical or mental impairments, whether such disability is temporary or permanent, congenital or acquired by heredity, accident, injury, advanced age, or illness.
Disorderly Conduct/ Disturbance
Any behavior that tends to disturb the public peace or decorum, scandalize the community, or shock the public sense of morality. This includes affray, breach of the peace, blasphemy, profanity, obscene language, disturbing the peace, and public nuisance. Examples include civil disorders, disturbance calls, domestic disturbances, and domestic violence situations. (Breach of the peace is the criminal offense of creating a public disturbance or engaging in disorderly conduct, particularly by making an unnecessary or distracting noise.)
Disorderly Conduct
Any behavior that tends to disturb the public peace or decorum, scandalize the community, or shock the public sense of morality.
Disturbance Call (Disorderly subjects, fights, etc.)
A breach of the peace type of circumstance resulting from a call for law enforcement to respond. Examples include, but are not limited to, curfew violations, disorderly persons, drinking in public, fights, fireworks violations, gambling in public space, persons under the influence, landlord/tenant disputes, loitering, loud noise of any type (excluding animal disturbance complaints by a citizen), littering, nuisance complaints, prostitution offenses, trespassing or unwanted guests, vagrancy violations, and verbal altercations.
Dock/Wharf/ Freight/Modal Terminal
Separate facility with platforms at which trucks, ships, or trains load or unload cargo.
Documents/ Personal or Business
Includes affidavits, applications, certificates, credit card documents, savings account books, titles, deposit slips, pawnshop slips, patents, blueprints, bids, proposals, personal files, and U.S. mail.
Domestic Disturbance (Family Quarrels, no assault)
A breach of the peace or crime against a person occurring within a family, families, or other relatives or members of the household. Examples include, but are not limited to, family disputes, family intimidations, family arguments, and assisting citizens with the removal of legally owned possessions at locations where prior domestic disturbances or other related offenses have occurred. (Family includes a current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim; a person with whom the victim shares a child in common; a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; a person who is cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian; or by a person who is or has been similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim.)
Domestic Terrorism
Terrorism that occurs primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
Domestic Violence
The use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force, or a weapon; or the use of coercion or intimidation; or committing a crime against property by a current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim; a person with whom the victim shares a child in common; a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; a person who is cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian; or by a person who is or has been similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim.
Driver Assistance
Under certain conditions, the car controls either the steering or the vehicle speed, but not both simultaneously. The driver performs all other aspects of driving and has full responsibility for monitoring the road and taking over if the assistance system fails to act appropriately.
Driving Under the Influence
Driving or operating a motor vehicle or common carrier while mentally or physically impaired as the result of consuming an alcoholic beverage or using a drug or narcotic.
Drug Complaint
Incident where a citizen reports the use or presence of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. Examples include, but are not limited to, the possession, buying, or selling of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. (EXCLUSIONS: Do not include drug complaints in reference to persons under the influence of, and not necessarily in possession of, illegal drugs. This type of incident should be classified as a disturbance call under “Disorder/disturbance.” Also, do not include activities such as undercover operations, buy/bust operations, surveillance activities, etc. These types of activities should be classified appropriately under “Investigative/enforcement.”)
Drug Dealing
The selling of illegal drugs through illegal outlets.
Drug Equipment Violations
The unlawful manufacture, sale, purchase, possession, or transportation of equipment or devices utilized in preparing and/or using drugs or narcotics.
Drug Related Matter
Drug busts, buys, etc.
Drug Store/ Doctor’s Office/Hospital
Medical supply companies and buildings; stores that are primarily considered pharmacies; veterinary practices, veterinary hospitals, and medical practices.
Drug Type Measurement
Used to indicate the type of measurement used in quantifying drugs or narcotics seized in a drug case.
Drug/Narcotic Equipment
Unlawful articles, items, products, etc. used to prepare and consume drugs or narcotics; glass pipes, bongs, pop cans, methamphetamine (meth) labs, etc.
Drug/Narcotic Offense
The violation of laws prohibiting the production, distribution, and /or use of certain controlled substances and the equipment or devices utilized in their preparation and/or use.
Drug/Narcotic Violations
The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of any controlled drug or narcotic substance.
Substances such as narcotics or hallucinogens that affect the central nervous system causing changes in behavior and often addiction; prescription, over-the-counter, legal, and illegal drugs.
Drunkenness (except Driving Under the Influence)
To drink alcoholic beverages to the extent that one's mental faculties and physical coordination are substantially impaired.
Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other)
A person who follows the monotheistic religion of the Eastern Christian Church. This faith follows the teachings of the Bible and church traditions, accords primacy of honor to the Patriarch of Constantinople as head of the church, and adheres to the decisions of the First Seven Ecumenical Councils and the Byzantine Rite. (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
This identifies the specific conditions that must be met in order for a data element to be completed. This includes a description of the edit as well as the associated error number.
The unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some other thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control.
Emergency Circumstance
Circumstance where it is reasonable to believe an officer or others could suffer serious bodily injury or death. Examples include, but are not limited to, crimes in progress, traffic stops, investigating suspicious persons/circumstances, arrest situations, disturbances, and conducting interviews/investigations.
Encounter or assist an emotionally disturbed person
Situation where an officer has encountered or is assisting an individual who is in a temporary disturbed state of mind due to a circumstance such as a high stress situation, life-altering event, emotional occurrence, anger, sadness, grief, etc.
Enrolled Agency
Agencies which have a point of contact identified within the National Use of Force System.
When a report does not pass all associated logic checks, Uniform Crime Reporting –Technical Refresh (UCR-TR) creates an error. If an agency’s report contains an error, the report will not be ingested into UCR-TR. Errors must be corrected and the report resubmitted.
The practice of spying or using spies, typically by governments to obtain political or military information.
Estimated Data
Estimates for participating agencies that do not provide 12 months of complete data. For agencies supplying three to 11 months of data, the national UCR Program estimates for the missing data by following a standard estimation process using the data provided by the agency. If an agency has supplied less than three months of data, the FBI computes estimates by using the known crime figures of similar areas within a state and assigning the same proportion of crime volumes to nonreporting agencies. The estimation process considers the following: population size covered by the agency; type of jurisdiction, e.g., police department versus sheriff’s office; and geographic location.
Estimated Drug Quantity
Used to indicate the quantity of drugs or narcotics seized in a drug case.
The statistical process which allows inferences to be made about an outcome of interest (e.g., number of murders in the United States) in a population, even if information about the outcome is unknown for part of the population.
Estimation bias
A bias that occurs through the estimation process. For example, if estimation uses a set of agencies that does not accurately represent all agencies, then the estimation process may produce biased estimates.
A specific value that results from the estimation process.
Determines whether a person is of Hispanic origion or not. For this reason, ethnicity is broken into two categories – Hispanic or Latino and – Not Hispanic or Latino.
Ethnicity Bias
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage, often consisting of a common language, common culture (often including a shared religion) and/or ideology that stresses common ancestry. The concept of ethnicity differs from the closely related term race in that.
Ethnicity of Victim
Used to indicate the ethnicity of an individual victim.
The act or practice of causing or hastening the death of a person who suffers from an incurable or terminal disease or condition, esp. a painful one, for reasons of mercy.
Example Construction
Provides an example of the entry in JavaScript Object Notation, more commonly known as JSON, file for the data element.
Exceptional Clearance Date
Used to enter the date the incident is cleared by exceptional means (i.e., a code other than N = Not Applicable is entered into Date Element 4 (Cleared Exceptionally).
Expanded Homicide Data
The details of homicide offenses the FBI UCR Program collects beyond the count of how many homicides law enforcement agencies report. Expanded homicide data provide supplemental details about murders, such as the age, sex, race, and ethnicity of both the victim and offender, the weapon used in the homicide, the circumstances surrounding the offense, and the relationship of the victim or the offender.
Devices that explode or cause an explosion.
Export Violations
Any individual who knowingly or willfully, with intent to defraud the U.S., smuggles, exports, or clandestinely distributes, or attempts to smuggle, import, or clandestinely distribute, merchandise that should have been invoiced, received, bought , sold, or facilitates the transportation, the concealment, or sale of such merchandise after exportation.
Extensible Markup Language
More commonly known as XML. Defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. Validation Tools can validate an XML file against a schema ensuring it meets structural rules.
To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, through the use or threat of force, misuse of authority, threat of criminal prosecution, threat of destruction of reputation or social standing, or through other coercive means.
The process by which a number is projected using a linear (e.g., straight line) assumption. For example, if 10 aggravated assault offenses were reported for a 4-month period, the extrapolated annual number is 30 (since 4 times 3 equals 12 months).
Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
The failure to register or update a registration as required as a sex offender.
False Citizenship
Whoever falsely and willfully represents themselves to be a citizen of the U.S.
False Pretenses/ Swindle/ Confidence Game
The intentional misrepresentation of existing fact or condition or the use of some other deceptive scheme or device to obtain money, goods, or other things of value.
Family Offenses, Nonviolent
Unlawful, nonviolent acts by a family member (or legal guardian) that threaten the physical, mental, or economic well-being or morals of another family member and that are not classifiable as other offenses, such as Assault, Incest, and Statutory Rape.
Farm Equipment
Any kind of machinery used on a farm to conduct farming; tractors, combines, etc.
Farm Facility
Facilities designed for agricultural production or devoted to the raising and breeding of animals, areas of water devoted to aquaculture, and/or all building or storage structures located there.
Federal Liquor Offenses
The violation of federal laws prohibiting the production, importation, distribution, transportation, sale, purchase, or possession of non-tax paid distilled spirits, wine, or beer, and the equipment or devices utilized in their preparation.
Federal Resource Violation
Crimes related to the damage or destruction of the nation's natural resources including land, mineral, air, or water such as the violation of any Act regarding national parks, national monuments, or any natural resource covered by the jurisdiction of federal agencies such as The Lacey Act, Antiquities Act, Wilderness Act, National Historic Preservation Act, etc.
Federal Tobacco Offenses
The violation of federal laws prohibiting the production, importation, distribution, transportation, sale, purchase, or possession of non-tax paid tobacco products.
Felonious Killing
Incident type in which an officer, while engaged in or because of the performance of their official duties, was fatally injured as a direct result of a willful and intentional act by an offender.
Felony Traffic Stop
A vehicle stop made by an officer that is considered high-risk in nature.
An individual of the sex that bears young or produces eggs. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).
Areas that are primarily open fields or wooded areas.
Firearm Accessories
Items used in conjunction with a firearm to improve ease of use or maintenance.
Weapons that fire a projectile by force of an explosion; handguns, rifles, shotguns, assault rifles, semiautomatics, homemade guns, flare guns, etc.
Flat File
A data file in a machine-readable format.
The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.
Foot Pursuit
Situation where an officer assists other law enforcement personnel/agencies in a foot pursuit of an individual for a known, suspected, or unknown offense.
Effected by force or threat of force against opposition or resistance.
Forced Entry
Where the burglar used force of any degree or mechanical contrivance of any kind (including passkey or skeleton key) to unlawfully enter a building or other structure.
This identifies the number of characters allowed for the data element and whether the characters must be Numeric, Alphabetic, Alphanumeric, Enumerated List, or any other data type.
A complete enumeration of a population, intended to be comprehensive but that may fail to be.
Fraud Offenses (except Counterfeiting/ Forgery and Bad Checks
The intentional perversion of the truth for the purpose of inducing another person or other entity in reliance upon it to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right.
Products used to produce energy.
Fugitive (Flight to avoid prosecution)
Moving or traveling in interstate or foreign commerce with intent to avoid deportation.
Fugitive (Harboring Escapee/ Concealing from Arrest)
Harboring or concealing any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been issued under the provision of any law in the U.S. to prevent his/her discovery and arrest. This includes any prisoner after his/her escape from the custody of the Attorney General, or from a federal penal or correctional institution.
Full Automation
The driverless car can operate on any road in any conditions as a human driver could negotiate. A driver would be involved only when entering a destination.
Full-Time Civilian Employees – Female
Include all full-time civilian employees who were on a department’s payroll as of October 31 and who worked the department’s normal full-time work week. Include female clerks, stenographers, mechanics, etc., who do not have police powers. Do not include female crossing guards or employees who are not paid from police funds.
Full-Time Civilian Employees – Male
Include all full-time civilian employees who were on a department’s payroll as of October 31 and who worked the department’s normal full-time work week. Include male clerks, stenographers, mechanics, etc., who do not have police powers. Do not include female crossing guards or employees who are not paid from police funds.
Full Time Civilian Employees – Total Male/Female
Include the total number of all male and female full-time civilian employees on a department’s payroll as of October 31 and who work a department’s normal full-time work week. Include clerks, stenographers, mechanics, etc., who do not have police powers. Do not include school crossing guards or employees who are not paid from police funds.
Full-Time Law Enforcement Officers – Male
Include all male full-time sworn law enforcement officers who are on payroll as of October 31 and who work for a department’s normal full-time work week. Include the chief, sheriff, commissioner, superintendent, or other sworn department head, if male. Do not count special officers, merchant police, or others who are not paid from law enforcement funds.
Full-Time Law Enforcement Officers – Female
Include all male full-time sworn law enforcement officers who are on payroll as of October 31 and who work for a department’s normal full-time work week. Include the chief, sheriff, commissioner, superintendent, or other sworn department head, if female. Do not count special officers, merchant police, or others who are not paid from law enforcement funds.
Full-Time Law Enforcement Officers- Total Male/Female
Include all male full-time sworn law enforcement officers who are on payroll as of October 31 and who work for a department’s normal full-time work week. Include the chief, sheriff, commissioner, superintendent, or other sworn department head. Do not count special officers, merchant police, or others who are not paid from law enforcement funds.
Gambling Equipment
Any equipment or devices used to produce, manufacture, or perpetrate gambling; slot machines, keno, card tables, poker chips, bingo, raffles, lottery tickets, etc.
Gambling Equipment Violations
To unlawfully manufacture, sell, buy, possess, or transport equipment, devices, and/or goods used for gambling purposes.
Gambling Facility/Casino/ Race Track
Indoor or outdoor facilities used to legally bet on the uncertain outcome of games of chance, contests, and/or races.
Gambling Offenses
To unlawfully bet or wager money or something else of value; assist, promote, or operate a game of chance for money or some other stake; possess or transmit wagering information; manufacture, sell, purchase, possess, or transport gambling equipment, devices, or goods; or tamper with the outcome of a sporting event or contest to gain a gambling advantage.
An ongoing organization, association, or group of three or more persons who have a common interest and/or activity characterized by the commission of or involvement in a pattern of criminal or delinquent conduct.
The world of criminal gangs and organized crime.
Of or relating to people who are physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to people of the same sex.
This term is used synonymously with sex to denote whether a newborn is male or female at birth, e.g., .
Gender Bias
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a person or group of persons based on their actual or perceived gender, i.e., male or female.
Gender Identity
A person's internal sense of being male, female, or a combination of both; that internal sense of a person's gender may be different from the person's gender as determined by birth.
Gender Identity Bias
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a person or group of persons based on their actual or perceived gender identity, e.g., bias against transgender or gender nonconforming individuals.
Gender Nonconforming
Describes a person who does not conform to the gender-based expectations of society, e.g., a woman dressed in traditionally male clothing or a man wearing makeup.
Ghost/Subdued Vehicle
Police vehicles in which the reflective graphics nearly match the vehicle’s paint making them discrete during the day; however, the decals clearly reflect light at night.
Government-owned building and its surrounding property, e.g., grounds, parking lot, etc.
Government/ Public Building
Buildings primarily used for local, state, or federal offices or public businesses.
Grocery/ Supermarket
Establishments primarily used for buying/ selling food items, etc.
Also known as report type, this identifies whether a data element is used in the Group A Incident Report, Group B, or Zero Report (or any combination of the three).
Group A Offenses
A NIBRS-specific group of reported offenses. When reporting data to the FBI’s UCR Program via NIBRS, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) must also classify the offenses within an incident as Group A offenses or Group B offenses. Group A Offenses are the more serious crimes such as Murder, Rape, Robbery, etc. LEAs must report both incidents and arrests for Group A offenses. A list of Group A offenses can be found in Section 2.3 of the NIBRS user manual.
Group B Offenses
A NIBRS-specific group of reported offenses. When reporting data to the FBI’s UCR Program via NIBRS, LEAs must also classify the offenses within an incident as Group A offenses or Group B offenses. Group B offenses tend to be minor in nature, such as Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy Violations, Disorderly Conduct, Driving Under the Influence, etc. LEAs must report only arrests for Group B offenses. A list of Group B offenses can be found in Section 2.3 of the NIBRS user manual.
Hacking/ Computer Invasion
Wrongfully gaining access to another person's or institution's computer software, hardware, or networks without authorized permissions or security clearances.
A class of drugs that cause hallucinations – profound distortions in a person’s perceptions of reality. Examples of hallucinogens include, but are not limited to, Psilocybin mushrooms and LSD.
Handling Persons with Mental Illness
Situation where an officer is handling a person who is known or suspected to be suffering from a mental illness that impairs judgment, behavior, perceptions of reality, or their ability to cope with the ordinary demands of life. Examples include, but are not limited to, mental patients, suicidal persons, service of commitment orders, and calls to investigate persons or activities where it is suspected that a person is suffering from a mental illness.
Handling, Transporting, Custody of Prisoners
Situation where an officer is in contact with prisoners for the purpose of transport, or custody. Examples include, but are not limited to court/bailiff activities, transport for processing, etc.
An extract of the cannabis plant, containing concentrations of the psychoactive resins.
Hate Crime
See Bias Crime.
Hate Group
An organization whose primary purpose is to promote animosity, hostility, and malice against persons of or with a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity which differs from that of the members or the organization, e.g., the Ku Klux Klan, American Nazi Party.
Header Data Elements
Describe the type of data in a submission. They appear at the beginning of each segment level to identify the segment and indicate the processing action required, as well as to connect all of an agency's data to a particular submission.
Heavy Construction/ Industrial Equipment
Large-scale equipment used in the construction of buildings, roads, etc.
A highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine, often used illicitly as a narcotic producing euphoria.
Of or relating to people who are physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to people of the opposite sex.
Hierarchy rule
When more than one Summary Reporting System (SRS) offense is classified, the crime highest in the hierarchy is the only one reported. Justifiable homicide, motor vehicle theft, arson, and human trafficking are exceptions to the rule.
High Automation
The car can operate without human input or oversight, but only under select conditions defined by factors such as road type or geographic area. In a shared care restricted to a defined area, there may not be any driver involvement; however, the driver might manage all driving duties on surface streets then become a passenger as the car enters a highway.
Highway/Road/ Alley/Street/ Sidewalk
Open public ways for the passage of vehicles, people, and animals.
A person who observes the traditions and practices of the dominant religion of India, which include acceptance of the sanctity of the Vedas (sacred texts); the understanding of the Divine Reality manifested in multiple forms; acceptance of the laws of karma (principle of cause and effect), dharma (righteous modes of conduct), belief in reincarnation, and the ultimate spiritual goal of enlightenment (moksha). (The Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Hispanic or Latino
A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term “Spanish origin” can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino.”
Homicide Offenses
The killing of one human being by another.
Of or relating to people who are physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to people of the same sex.
Hot Deck Imputation
A statistical process used to replace (impute) a missing or unknown value with a valid value from another (donor) record in the same dataset. A donor record is randomly selected among a set of records with similar, known characteristics to the case being imputed.
Hotel Rule
Burglaries of hotels, motels, lodging houses, and other places where lodging of transients is the main purposes are scored under provisions of the Hotel Rule. This principle of scoring dictates that if a number of dwelling units under a single manager are burglarized and the offenses are most likely to be reported to police by the manager rather than the individual tenants, the burglary must be scored as the offense.
When temporary lodging of transients is the main purpose.
Household Goods
Items normally used to furnish a residence.
Human Trafficking , Commercial Sex Acts
Inducing a person by force, fraud, or coercion to participate in commercial sex acts, or in which the person induced to perform such act(s) has not attained 18 years of age.
Human Trafficking Offenses
The inducement of a person to perform a commercial sex act, or labor, or services, through force, fraud, or coercion. Human Trafficking has also occurred id a person under 18 years of age has been induced, or enticed, regardless of force, fraud, or coercion, to perform a commercial sex act.
Human Trafficking, Involuntary Servitude
The obtaining of a person(s) through recruitment, harboring, transportation, or provision, and subjecting such persons by force, fraud, or coercion into involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery (not to include commercial sex acts).
Identity - Intangible
Sets of characteristics or behavioral or personal traits by which an entity or person is recognized or known.
Identity Documents
Formal documents and/or their numbers that provide proof pertaining to a specific individual’s identity.
Identity Theft
Wrongfully obtaining and using another person's personal data (e.g., name, date of birth, Social Security Number, driver's license number).
Illegal Entry into the United States
The attempt to enter the U.S. at any time or place other than as designated; or eludes examination/inspection by immigration officers.
Falsely representing one's identity or position and acting in the character or position thus unlawfully assumed to deceive others and thereby gain a profit or advantage, enjoy some right or privilege, or subject another person or entity to an expense, charge, or liability that would not have otherwise been incurred.
Import Violations
Any individual who knowingly or willfully, with intent to defraud the U.S., smuggles, imports, or clandestinely introduces, or attempts to smuggle, import, or clandestinely introduce, merchandise that should have been invoiced, received, bought, sold, or facilitates the transportation, the concealment, or sale of such merchandise after importation.
Non-forcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
One or more offenses committed by the same offender, or group of offenders acting in concert, at the same time and place.
Incident Date
Used to enter the year, month, and day (YYYYMMDD) when the incident occurred or the beginning of the time-period in which it occurred, as appropriate.
Incident Hour
Used to enter the hour when the incident occurred or the beginning of the time period in which it occurred, as appropriate.
Incident Number
The number assigned by the reporting agency to each Group A Incident Report to uniquely identify the incident (e.g., the LEA's Case Number). Incident number can be up to 12 characters long.
Industrial Site
Active manufacturing locations, factories, mills, plants, etc., specifically designed for the manufacturing of goods.
International Terrorism
Terrorism that occurs primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or that transcends national boundaries by the means in which it is carried out, that people it is intended to intimidate, or the place where the perpetrators operate to seek asylum.
To unlawfully place another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words and/or other conduct but without displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack.
Investigate motor vehicle crash
An activity where an officer’s intent is to investigate a motor vehicle crash.
Investigate Possible DUI/DWI Suspect (operating a vehicle)
An activity where an officer’s intent is to investigate a suspected DUI/DWI.
Investigate Suspicious Persons or Circumstances
An activity where an officer’s intent is to investigate an unusual occurrence, an out-of-the-ordinary condition, or a suspicious person or circumstance.
Investigative Activity
An activity where an officer is making official inquiries relating to prior criminal offenses and/or perpetrators. Examples include, but are not limited to, obtaining follow-up information or additional information relating to any crime (excluding drug offense complaints) or interviewing a citizen relating to any criminal matter (excluding drug offenses). (EXCLUSIONS: Assignments to investigate complaints related to the manufacturing, buying, selling, or possession of illegal drugs; the service of search warrants which should be reported as tactical situations; and calls to investigate suspicious persons or circumstances.)
Investigative/ detective
An officer whose occupation is mainly to investigate and solve crimes.
Investigative/ enforcement
Situation where an officer is involved in an investigative and/or enforcement activity. Examples include performing investigative activities; investigating suspicious persons or circumstances; investigating possible DUI/DWI suspects; performing traffic stops; investigating motor vehicle crashes; investigating or enforcing incidents involving wanted persons, persons with a mental illness, or drug-related matters; performing in tactical or undercover capacities; and surveillance activities.
Involuntary servitude
The obtaining of a person through recruitment, harboring, transportation, or provision, and subjecting such people to force, fraud, or coercion into voluntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. Excludes commercial sex acts.
Any substitution of missing values in a data collection by values from a unit considered similar to the missing unit.
Islamic (Muslim)
A person who follows the monotheistic religion of Muslims, which includes belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhamad as his prophet. Practitioners of the Islamic Faith follow the teachings of the Loran and practice the Five Pillars of Islam: praying, fasting during Ramadan, almsgiving, pilgrimage, and declaration of faith. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Jail/Prison/ Penitentiary/Corrections Facility
Places for the confinement of persons in lawful detention or awaiting trial.
JavaScript Object Notation
More commonly known as JSON. A file format that is both human readable and machine readable, but without a strict external schema which is externally verifiable.
Jehovah's Witness
A person who follows the religion founded by Charles Taze Russell. Members witness by distributing literature and by personal evangelism of beliefs in the theocratic rule of God, the sinfulness of organized religions and governments, and an imminent millennium. The activities of Jehovah's Witnesses are governed by the Watchtower Society which makes all major decisions, interprets the Bible, and counsels Witnesses using Watchtower Materials. Members of the faith are often seen giving generously of their time in proclaiming their faith and teaching in private homes. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Jewelry/Precious Metals/Gems
Articles made of gold, silver, precious stones, etc. used for personal adornment.
Jewish (Judaism)
A person who identifies himself or herself as a member of the religious and/or ethnic group that descended from the ancient Hebrews and is characterized by belief in one transcendent God who revealed Himself to Abraham, Moses and the Hebrew prophets. Jewish religious practice is based on the Hebrew Scriptures (the "Torah") and rabbinic laws and customs. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Justifiable Homicide (Not a Crime)
The killing of a perpetrator of a serious criminal offense by a peace officer in the line of duty, or the killing, during the commission of a serious criminal offense, of the perpetrator by a private individual.
A person under 18 years of age.
Juvenile Gang
Refers to a group of persons who go about together or act in concert, especially for antisocial or criminal purposes; typically adolescent members have common identifying signs and symbols, such as hand signals and distinctive colors; they are also known as street gangs.
The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a person against his/her will or of a minor without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian.
Shorelines, lakes, streams, canals, or bodies of water other than swimming pools.
Larceny/Theft Offenses
The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another person.
Law Enforcement Employee Rate
The number of employees per 1,000 inhabitants.
Law Enforcement Equipment
Anything specifically used by LE personnel during the performance of their official duties.
Law Enforcement Officers
All local, county, state, and federal law enforcement officers (such as municipal, county police officers, constables, state police, highway patrol, sheriffs, their deputies, federal law enforcement officers, marshals, special agents, etc.) who are sworn by their respective authorities to uphold the law and to safeguard the rights, lives, and property of individuals. They must have statutory arrest powers and be members of a law enforcement agency organized and funded for the purposes of keeping order and for preventing and detecting crimes, and apprehending those responsible.
Lawn/Yard/Garden Equipment
Equipment used for maintaining and decorating lawns and yards.
Of or relating to women who are physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to other women.
Lesser included offenses
Offenses where one offense is an element of another offense and cannot be reported as having happened to the victim along with the other offense.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT)
Common initials for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender," used to refer to community organizations or events that serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied people.
Line of Duty
Any action which an officer whose primary functions are crime control or investigations, reduction, enforcement of the criminal law and keeping public order, is obligated and authorized by law to perform in the course of performing his/her functions. The officer is compensated by the public law enforcement agency which he or she serves.
Line of Duty Killing or Assault
An officer who is killed or assaulted while on duty and while acting in an official capacity; or
An officer who is killed or assaulted while officially off duty and due to the past performance of his/her official duties or while reacting to a situation, such as a robbery in progress or a traffic accident, in an official capacity.
Liquor Law Violations (except Driving Under the Influence and Drunkenness)
The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, or use of alcoholic beverages.
Liquor Store
Establishments primarily used for buying and selling alcoholic beverages.
Domesticated animals raised for home use or profit; cattle, chickens, hogs, horses, sheep, bees, household pets such as dogs and cats if commercially raised for profit, animals raised and/or used for illegal gambling, e.g., dogs, roosters, etc.
Local Contributor
A person in a local agency whose role is to enter and submit incident reports. This person is typically someone in a record's office, an internal affairs function, or whomever the agency chooses to designate for that role.
Local Reviewer
A person in a local agency whose role is to review incident reports and zero reports. A Local Reviewer can also create and submit reports like a Local Contributor.
Location Type
Used to report the type of location/premises where each offense took place. Only one location type can be entered for each offense.
Logging Equipment
Equipment specifically used by logging industry personnel during the performance of their duties.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
A hallucinogenic drug, commonly known as acid, which typically alters an individual’s perception, thoughts, and feelings. It is manufactured from a lysergic acid compound found in the ergot fungus that grow on rye and other grains.
An individual that produces small usually motile gametes (a spermatozoa or spermatozoids) which fertilize the egg of a female. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).
A data element which is required in order to have a complete/valid data submission.
Margin of Error
The amount of error allowed for the estimation process to include the population value. This is also known as the half-width of a confidence interval. For example, if the margin of error for an estimate of 20% is 3% then the confidence interval is 17% to 23%.
Refers to dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds.
Medical/ Medical Lab Equipment
Equipment specifically used in the medical field.
Mental Disability
Any mental impairment or psychological disorder such as: organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities. (Americans with Disabilities Act).
Items/goods which are exposed or held for sale.
Mercy Killing
See Euthanasia.
Metals, Non-Precious
Base metals or alloys possessing luster, malleability, ductility, and conductivity of electricity and heat.
A synthetic drug with more rapid and lasting effects than amphetamine, used illegally as a stimulant and as a prescription drug to treat narcolepsy and maintain blood pressure.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
A geographical region with a relatively high population density at its core and close economic ties throughout the area.
Military Installation
Locations specifically designed and used for military operations.
Any circulating medium of exchange, legal tender, currency; coins, paper money, demand deposits, etc...; counterfeited currency.
Money Laundering
The process of transforming the profits of a crime into a legitimate asset.
Month of Submission
The month the submission is created. Each segment in a submission must have the same Month of Submission and Year of Submission.
Mormon (Latter-day Saint)
A person who follows the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints tracing its modern origin to Joseph Smith and accepting the Book of Mormon as scripture. Latter-day Saints consider the following writings to be scripture: 1) The Holy Bible; 2) The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ; 3) The Doctrine and Covenants; and 4) the Pearl of Great. Mormons are often associated with members of the faith who serve as full-time volunteer missionaries in the U.S. and aboard. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
An analgesic and narcotic drug obtained from opium and used medicinally to relieve pain.
Motor Vehicle Theft
The theft of a motor vehicle.
Multiple Race Groups
A group of persons having origins from multiple racial categories.
Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter
The willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another.
Musical Instruments
Instruments relating to or capable of producing music.
Mutually Exclusive
Offenses that cannot occur to the same victim according to UCR Definitions.
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
The National Incident-Based Reporting System, or NIBRS, was implemented to improve the overall quantity and quality of crime data collected by law enforcement by capturing more detailed information on each single crime occurrence. It is the FBI’s incident-based reporting system for crimes known to law enforcement. Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies collect a variety of details about each incident, including the time and location of the crime; the circumstance of the incident; the characteristics of the victim and offender (age, sex, race, and ethnicity); the victim’s relationship to the offender; the involvement of weapons or drugs; property loss; and whether the crime was motivated by bias. Law enforcement agencies are still in the process of adopting NIBRS. During this period of transition, the FBI converts incident-based data to the traditional Summary Reporting System (SRS) format for the purpose of publishing national and state-level crime trends.
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islands
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands, e.g., individuals who are Carolinian, Fijian, Kosraean, Melanesian, Micronesian, Northern Mariana Islander, Palauan, Papua New Guinean, Ponapean (Pohnpelan), Polynesian, Solomon Islander, Tahitian, Tarawa Islander, Tokelauan, Tongan, Trukese (Chuukese), and Yapese. (NOTE: The term “Native Hawaiian” does not include individuals who are native to the state of Hawaii simply by virtue of being born there.)
Negligent Manslaughter
The killing of another person through negligence.
Negotiable Instruments
Documents, other than currency, that are payable without restriction; an unconditional promise or order of payment to a holder upon issue, possession, on demand, or at a specific time.
NIBRS Start Date
First day of a given month when an agency begins contributing NIBRS data.
No Automation (Driver-Operated)
The driver steers, brakes, accelerates, and negotiates traffic.
Non-Emergency Circumstance
Circumstance where there is no reason to believe an officer or others are in immediate danger of serious bodily injury or death. Examples include, but are not limited to, traffic stops, investigating suspicious persons/circumstances, arrest situations, disturbances, and conducting interviews/investigations.
Any selection mechanism that is not conducted through a completely random approach. In other words, occurring because of a specifically identifiable cause and in a predictable manner. For example, if agencies choose to transition to NIBRS, the set of resulting agencies is nonrandom because the purposeful choice to transition may make transitioned agencies different from non-transitioned agencies.
Nonfatal Assault
An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault is accompanied by the use of a weapon or by a means likely to produce death or great bodily injury.
Not metropolitan; rural or semi-rural.
Non-Negotiable Instruments
Documents requiring further action to become negotiable.
Nonviolent Family Offenses
Unlawful, nonviolent acts by a family member (or legal guardian) that threaten the physical, mental, or economic well-being or morals of another family member and that are not classifiable as other offenses, such as assault, incest, or statutory rape.
This identifies how many times the data element occurs in a section or incident.
Off duty, but acting in an official capacity
An officer who is off duty at the time of incident, but is acting in such a way which is sanctioned by, recognized by, or derived from authority.
Someone who has committed a crime; especially one who has been convicted of a crime.
Offender Suspected of Using
Used to indicate whether any of the offenders in the incident were suspected of consuming alcohol or using drugs/narcotics during or shortly before the incident, or of using computer equipment to perpetrate the crime.
A violation of the Law.
Offense Code
The three-digit code used to enter the data values of the Group A and Group B offenses that occurred in the incident.
Offense Segment
Describes the various types of offenses involved in the incident and is submitted for up to ten of the most serious Group A offenses in the incident (as determined by the reporting agency). Only one Offense Segment should be submitted for each reported UCR Offense Code even though there may have been more than one victim of the crime. At least one Offense Segment must be submitted for each Group A Incident Report.
Officer - ORI Other Jurisdiction
Used to report the ORI of the law enforcement officer's agency when an officer from another jurisdiction is killed or assaulted in the line of duty in the reporting agency's jurisdiction.
Officer Assignment Type
Used to report the victim Officer's type of assignment when the LEOKA offense occurred.
Officer Down (requiring emergency assistance)
An officer has been injured and requires medical assistance.
Officer requires emergency assistance (not pursuit)
An officer is in need of assistance from other officers in an emergency circumstance, not including a pursuit of an individual.
Officer Segment
Used to provide biographic and characteristics of the officer(s) involved at the time of an incident.
Officer Sequence Number
Used to uniquely identify each officer from an agency that applied force resulting in a fatality, serious bodily injury, or discharged his/her weapon at or in the direction of a person.
Office-type Equipment
Items normally used in an office/business setting.
One-officer patrol
An assignment where the officer is on patrol and is not accompanied by another officer in the agency’s marked patrol vehicle.
Operating/ Promoting/ Assisting Gambling
To unlawfully operate, promote, or assist in the operation of a game of chance, lottery, or other gambling activity.
A highly addictive narcotic drug acquired in the dried latex (liquid within the seed) from the opium poppy seedpod. It is a reddish-brown heavy-scented drug which is used as a narcotic and in medicine as an analgesic. (Heroin is derived from the morphine alkaloid found in opium).
Can be reported at the discretion of the agency.
Originating Agency Identifier (ORI)
A unique nine-character National Crime Information Center (NCIC) ORI that has been assigned to each LEA. The NCIC assigns all ORI numbers to any agency that is going to be participating in Uniform Crime Reporting.
Other (specify)
Circumstances that do not meet the descriptions previously listed. The use of this category should be used sparingly and the specific call or reason for the activity should be described. Please provide a description of the specific circumstance.
Other Cutting Instruments
Includes razors, hatchets, axes, cleavers, scissors, glass, broken bottles, ice picks, or any other objects that may be used as cutting or stabbing instruments.
Other Emergency Circumstances
Situation where an officer assists other law enforcement personnel/agencies in an emergency circumstance not covered by other more specific categories in this list of options. (Emergency circumstance is a circumstance where it is reasonable to believe an officer or others could suffer serious bodily injury or death.)
Other Gang
Persons associated with the world of criminal gangs and organized crime commonly related to widespread criminal activities coordinated and controlled through a central syndicate and who rely on their unlawful activities for income; they traditionally extort money from business by intimidation, violence, or other illegal methods.
Other Immigration Violations
All immigration violations which do not fall within previously defined immigration violations.
Other Motor Vehicles
Any other motor vehicles, e.g., motorcycles, motor scooters, trail bikes, mopeds, snowmobiles, or golf carts.
Other Non-emergency circumstances
Situation where an officer assists other law enforcement personnel/agencies in a non-emergency circumstance in order to provide additional law enforcement presence at a scene for precautionary measure. Include any non-emergency circumstance not covered by other more specific categories in this list of options. (Non-emergency circumstance is a circumstance where there is no reason to believe an officer or others are in immediate danger of serious bodily injury or death.)
Overtime/ Extra Duty Activity
An activity performed by an officer which is during an overtime shift (beyond a regularly assigned work shift) or performing an extra duty activity, such as, escorting a funeral procession.
Areas of land set aside for public use usually maintained for recreational or ornamental purposes.
Parking/Drop Lot/Garage
Areas primarily used for parking motorized vehicles and/or trailers, usually but not always commercial in nature.
Part I Offenses
In the SRS, the reporting of offenses known was limited to crime classifications of criminal homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, with the later addition of arson, and the two human trafficking offenses of commercial sex acts and involuntary servitude. These offenses were originally selected because they were the most serious and most reported crimes occurring in all areas of the United States. Until the transition to NIBRS, these summary offenses served as a best gauge of the level and scope of crimes occurring across the country and continue to provide an important view for historical trends.
Partial Automation
The car can steer, accelerate, and brake in certain circumstances. Tactical maneuvers such as responding to traffic signals or changing lanes largely fall to the driver, as does scanning for hazards. The driver may have to keep a hand on the wheel as a proxy for paying attention.
Law enforcement agencies participate in the UCR program by submitting data directly to the FBI or a state-level UCR contact. The participation rate is based on the number of state or local agencies that submit data for a full year.
Participating Agencies
Enrolled agencies which have released data (which occurred on or after January 1 of the current year) to the FBI at least one time for at least one month on or after January 1 of the current year. A minimum of one month of complete data, to include either a zero report or an incident report is required to include law enforcement officers within the agency toward the threshold percentage. Twelve full months of complete data, to include either a zero report or an incident report is not required to include law enforcement officers within the agency toward the threshold percentage, due to this not being a program requirement for the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
An assignment in which an officer passes along a road, beat, etc., or around or through a specified area in order to maintain order and security.
Phencyclidine (PCP)
A “dissociative” anesthetic. Its sedative and anesthetic effects are trance-like causing people to experience a feeling of being “out of body” and detached from their environment.
Peeping Tom
To secretly look through a window, doorway, keyhole, or other aperture for the purpose of voyeurism.
An agency does not have the information for a required field; however, the information is expected to be obtained at a later date.
Pending Further Investigation
When the location of an incident is not known but is still in the process of investigation.
Pending Inventory
Items whose property description is unknown until the LEA conducts an inventory.
The offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath of affirmation.
Animals kept for pleasure or companionship, other than livestock.
Photographic/Optical Equipment
Equipment used to take photographs and/or relating to the science of optics or optical equipment.
Physical Disability
Any physical impairment; any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory (including speech organs), cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, hemic, and lymphatic, skin, and endocrine. (Americans with Disabilities Act).
Plainclothes assignment
A non-uniformed assignment where the officer’s role and identity as a sworn law enforcement officer is not intended to be confidential or clandestine.
The theft of articles from another person's physical possession by stealth where the victim usually does not become immediately aware of the theft.
Law Enforcement Employees Data
This dataset provides the number of law enforcement personnel, including law enforcement officers (defined as individuals who ordinarily carry a firearm and a badge, have full arrest powers, and are paid from governmental funds set aside specifically for sworn law enforcement representatives) and support personnel (civilian employees such as clerks, radio dispatchers, meter attendants, stenographers, jailers, correctional officers, mechanics, etc.) who are full-time employees of a law enforcement agency.
Pornography/Obscene Material
The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, publishing, sale, purchase, or possession of sexually explicit material, e.g. literature or photographs.
Population Value
The value of an outcome had all reporting agencies in the population submitted 12 months of data to NIBRS.
Portable Electronic Communications
Electronic devices used to communicate audible or visual messages.
This identifies the physical position on the segment where the data element occurs. For example, Positions 56–57 indicates the data must be written beginning in the 56th position and ending in the 57th position in the segment.
Semiannual Uniform Crime Report
Based on information from law enforcement agencies that submitted three to six months of comparable data to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program for the first six months of the previous year and the current year.
Prisoner Transport
The transportation of prisoners by law enforcement officers.
Property Crime
Includes the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Theft includes taking money or property, but there is no force or threat of force involved. Property crime includes arson because the offense involves the destruction of property; however, arson victims may be subjected to force.
Property Description
Used to enter description of the property involved in an incident.
Property Segment
Used to describe the type, value, and (for drugs and narcotics seized in drug cases) quantity of property involved in the incident and is only submitted for Kidnapping/Abduction, Crimes Against Property, Drug/Narcotic Offenses, and Gambling Offenses.
To engage in commercial sex acts for anything of value.
Prostitution Offenses
To unlawfully engage in or promote sexual activities for anything of value.
A person who follows the monotheistic religion of Christianity that is not part of Catholic or Eastern Orthodox faith. Members of this faith affirm the Reformation principles of justification by faith alone the priesthood of all believers, and the primacy of the Bible as the only source of revealed truth. Moreover, believers deny the universal authority of the Pope and some churches are governed by federated councils on the local, national, and international levels. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Providing/Deploying Equipment (spike strips, traffic cones, flares, etc.)
Placing equipment in the roadway in strategic locations to perform a particular function, for example, stop a fleeing motorist, warn motorists, direct motorists, etc.
Public Governmental Law Enforcement Agency
Any agency, organized and governmental authorized to enforce criminal law, arrest violators, and keep public order of the United States, any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the Unites States, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any territory or possession of the United States, or any unit of local investigation government, department, agency, or instrumentality of any of the foregoing.
Public Space
Any public area, such as, a highway, road, alley, sidewalk, lake, river, park, etc. Include roads, alleys, sidewalks, etc., located in residential areas, but are considered public property.
Making information available to the general public.
The act or instance of buying. The acquisition of an interest in real or personal property by sale, discount, negotiation, mortgage, pledge, lien, issue, reissue, gift, or any other voluntary transaction The acquisition of real property by one’s own or another’s act (as by will or gift) rather than by descent or inheritance.
Purchasing Prostitution
To purchase or trade anything of value for commercial sex acts.
Purses/ Handbags/ Wallets
bags or pouches used for carrying articles such as money, credit/debit cards, keys, photographs, and other miscellaneous items.
The grabbing or snatching of a purse, handbag, etc..., from the physical possession of another person.
Situation where an officer initiates a foot or vehicle pursuit of an individual.
Race of Victim
Used to indicate the race of an individual victim.
Racial Bias
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons who possess common physical characteristics, e.g., color of skin, eyes, and/or hair, facial features, etc., genetically transmitted by descent and heredity which distinguish them as a distinct division of human kind, e.g., Asians, Blacks or African Americans, Whites.
Radios/TVs/ VCRs/DVD Players
Items used to transmit audible signals and visual images of moving and stationary objects.
A selection mechanism where each unit has a known probability of selection, occurring according to chance, with no apparent or discernible cause.
Random Sample
A sample in which units are selected randomly or by a process approximating this.
Random Subset
A sample selected based on a random process.
Rape (except Statutory Rape)
The carnal knowledge of a person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.
Rape (Legacy Definition)
The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.
To take (something offered, given, sent, etc.); to come into possession of or get from some outside source.
Recordings - Audio Visual
Phonograph records or blank or recorded tapes or discs upon which the user records sound and/or visual images.
To impound property that was previously stolen.
Recreational Vehicles
Motor vehicles that are specifically designed (but not necessarily used) to transport people and also provide them temporary lodging for recreational purposes.
Recreational/ Sports Equipment
Equipment and materials used for recreational purposes or during sports activities.
Re-entry After Deportation
Individual who enters, attempts to enter, or has been found in the U.S. after being removed, excluded, deported, or has departed the U.S. while an order of removal exclusion or deportation is outstanding.
Religious Bias
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons who share the same religious beliefs regarding the origin and purpose of the universe and the existence or nonexistence of a supreme being, e.g., Catholics, Jews, Protestants, atheists.
Rental Storage Facility
Any mini-storage and/or self-storage buildings.
Report Action
The Report Action Category Code differentiates between Incident Reports, Add, Replace, and Delete. This applies to the entire submission and indicates if this is a new submission (I and A), a replace to an existing submission (R), or a deletion of a submission (D).
Report Category
The NIBRS Report Category Code differentiates between Group A, Group B, and Zero Report Submissions.
Reporting Agencies
Agencies who submit data to the FBI UCR Program.
The act or an instance in which an officer is attempting to (or successfully) save or free someone from danger or captivity. Or, the act or an instance in which an officer is attempting to (or successfully) regain or restore someone or something lost or stolen.
Apartments, condominiums, townhouses, nursing homes, residential driveways, residential yards; extended/continuous care facilities.
Resident Status of Victim
Used to indicate if the victim was a resident in the reporting agency’s jurisdiction at the time of the incident.
Place of dwelling including its private property, e.g., yard, private driveway, etc. Residential locations should include all types of dwellings, such as, single-family homes, duplexes, apartment complexes, condominiums, or any other residential sites that are privately owned. Public property in these residential areas, such as, parks, ponds, sidewalks, roads, etc., should be included under “Public Space.”
Respond to Alarm
Situation where an officer responds to an electronic, audible, or silent alarm of any type. Examples include, but are not limited to, any hold up or burglar alarm, including banks, government buildings, private or commercial structures, or motor vehicles.
Respond to Crime in Progress
Situation where an officer responds to a crime that is occurring and there is reason to believe the perpetrator is still at or near the scene of the crime. Examples include assaults, robberies, burglaries, larceny-theft situations, motor vehicle thefts, persons with firearms (no shots fired), reports of shootings/shots being fired, tampering with vehicle reports, and other crimes against persons or properties.
Respond to report of crime
Situation where an officer responds to a crime that has taken place at an earlier date and/or time, or the date and/or time of the crime is unknown. In these situations, there are no indications the perpetrator is at or near the scene of the crime. Examples include homicides, assaults, robberies, burglaries, larceny-theft situations, motor vehicle thefts, persons with firearms (no shots fired), reports of shootings/shots fired, tampering with vehicle reports, and other crimes against persons or properties.
Responding to Disturbance Call
Situation in which an officer responds to disturbance situation such as a family quarrel, person with firearm, etc.
Rest Area
Designated areas, usually along a highway, where motorists can stop.
Any commercial establishments that serve meals or refreshments; cafeterias.
Robberies in Progress of Pursuing Robbery Suspects
The occurrence of taking or attempting to take anything of value under confrontational circumstances from the control, custody, or care of another person by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear of immediate harm, or pursuing a suspect of the robbery.
The taking or attempting to take anything of value under confrontational circumstances from the control, custody, or care of another person by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear of immediate harm.
Limited to juveniles taken into protective custody under the provisions of local statutes. Although running away foes not constitute a criminal offense, agencies should report each handling of a runaway. Handling of runaways from one jurisdiction by another jurisdiction should be counted by the home jurisdiction.
** In December 2008, the CJIS APB approved the elimination of the arrest category for Runaway from the FBI’s UCR Program. The FBI UCR Program will no longer accept submissions of 90I = Runaway.
Area not within a Metropolitan Statistical Area. Metropolitan Statistical Areas are defined by the Census Bureau.
Same Time and Place
Presupposes if the same person or group of persons committed more than one crime and the time and space intervals separating them were insignificant, all of the crimes make up a single incident. Normally, the offenses must have occurred during an unbroken time period and at the same or adjoining locations.
Institutions for the instructions of children from preschool through 12th grade and institutions for the higher education of individuals, which gives instruction in specialized fields; community colleges; trade schools.
School – College/ University
Institutions for the higher education of individuals, which gives instruction in specialized fields; community colleges; trade schools.
School – Elementary/ Secondary
Institutions for the instruction of children from preschool through 12th grade.
Scientifically Sound
A process which uses rigorous scientific methods.
Segment Action Type
Determines the kind of database activity that is to be performed.
Segment Length
Segment length is used to indicate the number of characters submitted in the segment. It should be noted that segment lengths are different depending on the number and type of data elements and corresponding values that are required.
Segment Level
Identifies the segment in a submission.
To impound property that was previously not stolen.
Self-initiated Activity
Functions that occur when a law enforcement officer perceives a problem and takes action.
Separation of Time and Place Rule
A standard UCR practice which stipulates if there is a separation of time and place between the commission of several crimes, the reporting agency must handle each crime as a separate incident and must classify and score each offense individually.
Serious Bodily Injury
Based in part on 18 USC 2246(4) and means bodily injury that involves a substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, protracted and obvious disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty.
Serious Injury
Injury considered serious in nature to include broken bones, internal injuries, stitches required, etc. Examples of injuries not considered serious in nature include abrasions, minor lacerations, or contusions that require no more than usual first-aid treatment.
Service/Gas Station
Establishments where motor vehicles are serviced and gasoline, oil, etc., are sold.
Sex Offenses (nonforcible)
Unlawful, nonforcible sexual intercourse.
Sex of Victim
Used to indicate the sex of an individual victim.
Sex Offenses
Any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.
Unlawful sexual intercourse.
Sexual Assault with an Object
To use an object or instrument to unlawfully penetrate, however slightly, the genital or anal opening of the body of another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.
Sexual Orientation
A person’s predisposition or inclination toward sexual activity or behaviors with other males or females; heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality.
Sexual Orientation Bias
A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a person or group of persons based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation.
Shelter – Mission/ Homeless
Establishments that provide temporary housing for homeless individuals and/or families.
Shooting/ Shots Fired
The act or process of discharging a projectile from a firearm.
The theft by someone other than an employee of the victim of goods or merchandise exposed for sale.
Shopping Mall
Indoor or outdoor shopping areas and/or centers with multiple (two or more) stores and/or businesses.
A person who follows the monotheistic religion founded by Guru Nanak in the Punjab region of South Asia. Sikhs follow the teachings of 10 gurus; study from the religion's primary sacred text (i.e., the Guru Granth Sahib), and worship in Gurdwaras. Some members of the Sikh faith may be distinguished by the dastaar (Sikh turban) and five religious articles: kesh (unshorn hair, including beard), and kirpan (religious sword. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010]).
Simple Assault
An unlawful physical attack by one person upon another where neither the offender displays a weapon, nor the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness.
Smuggling Aliens
When a person knowingly encouraged, induced, assisted, abetted, or aided another person to enter, or try to enter, the U.S.
Oral or anal sexual intercourse with another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.
Special Assignment
An assignment that differs from a law enforcement officer’s normally assigned duties.
Specialty Store
Fur stores, jewelry stores, music stores, dress shops, and clothing stores, etc.; payday-lender type businesses.
Sports Tampering
To unlawfully alter, meddle in, or otherwise interfere with a sporting contest or event for the purpose of gaining a gambling advantage.
State Manager
A person whose role is to review reports above the State Reviewer level.
State Reviewer
A person who can review and approve local reports at the state level.
Statistical Bias
The differences between the estimated value for an outcome and the population value for any reason beyond normal variation caused by only a subset of the population providing information.
Statistically Unreliable
An estimate whose quality is poor enough that the value should be viewed with caution. A statistically unreliable estimate would have uncertainty from all sources which exceeds a maximum allowable threshold for use, release, or publication. Statistical unreliability is often based on the relative size of the confidence interval. For example, if two estimate values of 30% and 6% each have a margin of error of 3%, then the relative margin of error is 10% and 50%, respectively. The estimate of 30% is considered statistically reliable because the relative margin of error is small while the estimate of 6% is considered unreliable because its relative margin of error is large.
Statutory Rape
Non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.
Stolen Property Offenses
Receiving, buying, selling, possessing, concealing, or transporting any property with the knowledge that it has been unlawfully taken, as by burglary, embezzlement, fraud, larceny, robbery, etc.
Structures - Industrial/ Manufacturing
Buildings designated for or occupied by enterprises engaged in the production or distribution of goods, refined and unrefined, for use by industry.
Structures - Other Commercial Business
buildings designated for or occupied by enterprises engaged in the buying and selling of commodities or services, commercial trade, or forms of gainful activity that have the objective of supplying commodities.
Structures - Other Dwellings
Any other residential dwellings not meeting the definition of Structures – Single Occupancy Dwellings.
Structures - Public/ Community
Buildings used by a group of people for social/cultural/group/recreational activities, common interests, classes, etc.
Structures - Single Occupancy Dwellings
Buildings occupied by single families, individuals, or housemates, commonly referred to as houses, mobile homes, townhouses, duplexes, etc.
Structures - Storage
Buildings used for storing goods, belongings, merchandise, etc.
Subject Segment
Used to provide biographic and characteristics of the subject(s) at the time of an incident.
Subject Sequence Number
Used to uniquely identify each person in the incident who was the subject of a law enforcement use of force that resulted in a fatality, serious bodily injury, or a weapon was discharge at or in his/her direction.
Suicide by Cop
An act motivated in whole or in part by the offender’s desire to commit suicide that results in a justifiable homicide by a law enforcement officer.
Part of a Metropolitan statistical Area not flagged as the core city as determined by the FBI. The Census Bureau defines metropolitan Statistical Areas.
Summary Reporting System (SRS)
The FBI’s reporting system for summarizing crime trends and arrests known to law enforcement. Data is collected at the aggregate level and lacks incident-based details for crimes other than homicide. Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies tally the number of Part I offenses along with arrest data for Part I and Part II offenses, and submit the totals in a monthly summary report to the FBI or state Uniform Crime Reporting Program. The Hierarchy Rule governs multiple offenses within this system.
Supplementary Homicide Report
A detailed report from the FBI on criminal homocides reported to the police, including murders, non-negligent killings, and justifiable homicides.
Suspected Drug Type
Used to identify the types of drugs or narcotics that were seized in a drug case.
Arrested for no specific offense and released without formal charges being placed. This is not a criminal offense.
Tactical Assignment (uniformed)
A uniformed assignment where an officer is strategically deployed in order to achieve a specific goal or objective. These are typically high-risk assignments.
Tactical Situation
Situation where an officer is strategically deployed in order to achieve a specific goal or objective. Examples include, but are not limited to, serving search warrants, hostage situations, barricaded offenders, search warrants for drug violations, and any other situations that could be deemed “high-risk,” such as, serving an arrest warrant on a known armed felon.
Take-Down Lights
High-intensity lights mounted on a law enforcement vehicle which are designed to provide illumination in low light situations.
The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
Theft From Building
A theft from within a building which is either open to the general public or to which the offender has legal access.
Theft From Coin-Operated Machine or Device
A theft from a machine or device that is operated or activated by the use of coins.
Theft From Motor Vehicle (except Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories)
The theft of articles from a motor vehicle locked or unlocked.
Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories
The theft of any part or accessory affixed to the interior or exterior of a motor vehicle in a manner which would make the item an attachment of the vehicle or necessary for its operation.
Total Full-Time Law Enforcement Employees – Female
The total number of female full-time law enforcement officers and civilians on a department’s payroll was of October 31. This is the total number of full-time law enforcement officers- female and full-time civilian employees – female.
Total Full-time Law Enforcement Employees – Male
The total number of male full-time law enforcement officers and civilians on a department’s payroll was of October 31. This is the total number of full-time law enforcement officers- male and full-time civilian employees – male.
Total Full-Time Law Enforcement Employees – Total Male/Female
The Total number of male and female full-time law enforcement officers and civilians on a department’s payroll as of October 31. This is the total number of full-time law enforcement officers – male, full-time law enforcement officers – female, full-time civilian employees – male and full-time civilian employees – female.
Hand-held implements that are used in accomplishing work.
Traffic Complaint
A received traffic-related complaint in which a law enforcement agency responds to investigate.
Traffic control (crash scene, directing traffic, etc.)
Situation where an officer is directing vehicular and pedestrian traffic around a construction zone, accident, or other road disruption, thus ensuring the safety of emergency response teams, construction workers, and the general public.
Traffic enforcement
As assignment in which an officer is compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation in regard to federal, state, and local traffic laws to ensure the safety of road users.
Traffic Pursuits and Stops
The act of a law enforcement officer chasing and/or stopping a motorist.
Traffic Violation Stop
A vehicle stop made by an officer due to a motorist's violation of traffic rules and regulations.
Transportation devices designed to be hauled by a motor vehicle.
The teaching, or developing of oneself, in any skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies.
Of or relating to a person who identifies as a different gender from their gender as determined at birth.
The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or over throw the government.
Trespass of Real Property
To unlawfully enter land, a dwelling, or other real property.
Tribal Lands
Native American reservations, communities, and/or trust lands.
Motor vehicles that are specifically designed (but not necessarily used) to transport cargo.
Two-officer patrol
An assignment where the officer is on patrol and is accompanied by another law enforcement officer(s) in the agency’s marked patrol vehicle.
The degree a sample-based estimate may vary from the value that would be obtained if the entire population was observed. It consists of bias and variance components. Bias is a difference resulting from specific, systematic, readily identifiable causes. Variance is a random difference induced by the random selection of population members into a sample.
A non-uniformed assignment where the officer requires anonymity or blending into a group or environment to gather evidence or intelligence. The disclosure of the officer’s identity would pose a significant safety risk.
Undercover Situation
Situation where an officer is acting in an undercover capacity by not disclosing his or her role as a law enforcement officer.
Unestimated Data
Data which has not been processed by the FBI to account for missing data and is not used when displaying trends.
Unforced Entry
Where the burglar unlawfully entered through an unlocked door or window, but used no force.
False or baseless complaints.
Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program
The FBI’s UCR Program is a nationwide, cooperative statistical effort of more than 18,000 federal, state, county, city, university and college, and tribal law enforcement agencies voluntarily reporting data on offenses reported or known. Since 1930, participating agencies have voluntarily provided the nation with crime and law enforcement statistics through the UCR Program.
Unknown and Likely to be Unknown
The submitting agency does not have the requested information and does not expect to obtain the requested information.
Unprovoked Attack
An attack on an officer not prompted by official contact at the time of the incident between the officer and the offender.
A more recent, and usually improved, form of something.
An area flagged as part of the core city within a Metropolitan Statistical Area as determined by the FBI. The Census Bureau defines metropolitan Statistical Areas.
Value of Property
Used to enter the total dollar value (in whole dollars) of the property that was burned (includes damage caused in fighting the fire) counterfeited, destroyed/damaged/vandalized, recovered, seized, stolen, etc., as a result of the incident.
To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure real or personal property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. Arson is excluded.
Vehicle Parts/Accessories
Items attached to the inside or outside of a vehicle.
Vehicular Pursuit
Situation where an officer assists other law enforcement personnel/agencies in a vehicle pursuit of an individual for a known, suspected, or unknown offense.
Verbal Advisement Only
A law enforcement officer verbally directing a suspect to perform a particular action.
Verbal Complaints of Non-Criminal Violations
Examples of non-criminal types of incidents, reports, or complaints include, but are not limited to: assisting citizens accidentally locked out of their residence/vehicle;· dead animals or other non - criminal animal complaints;·found property, lost property, and attempts to locate property;·missing persons, runaways, and attempts to locate persons;·natural deaths, including assignments to investigate odors thought to be associated with natural deaths;and take reports(but not transportation) of sick persons admitted to healthcare, detoxification, or mental health facilities.
Victim Connected to UCR Offense Code
Used to link each victim to up to ten of the most serious Group A offenses of which they were a victim.
Victim Segment
Used to describe the victims involved in an incident.
Victim Sequence Number
Used to assign a sequence number to each victim in an incident.
Victim Type
Used to categorize the victim associated with an incident.
Violent Crime
Composed of four offenses to include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
Wanted Person
An individual who is known or suspected to be wanted for a criminal offense.
Software logic check within UCR-TR for each report type. When a report is presented with data that is questionable in comparison to the normal reporting parameters, the system creates a warning. Reports with warnings are ingested into the UCR-TR system. Warnings must be reviewed and either corrected or explained prior to publication.
Vehicles used in the water, propelled by a motor, paddle, or sail.
Watercraft Equipment/ Parts/Accessories
Watercraft equipment or accessories that are used for the crafts’ maintenance or operation.
Weapon Law Violations
The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, concealment, or use of firearms, cutting instruments, explosives, incendiary devices, or other deadly weapons.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
To knowingly violate the federal law prohibiting the unlawful use, attempted use, conspiracy to use, or use of interstate travel or facilities in furtherance of the use of a weapon of mass destruction as defined by federal law.
Welfare Fraud
The use of deceitful statements, practices, or devices to unlawfully obtain welfare benefits.
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Wildlife Trafficking
Violations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which regulates exports, imports, and re-exports of wildlife.
Wire Fraud
The use of an electric or electronic communication facility to intentionally transmit a false and/or deceptive message in furtherance of a fraudulent activity.
The XML Path within the schema where the date element resides.
Year of Submission
The year in which the Month of Submission occurs. Each Segment in a submission must have the same Month of Submission and Year of Submission.
Zero Report
In the event of no crime, arrests, or recovered property for a given month, agencies should submit a Zero Report.