By: Lexy | 05-26-2018 | News
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Tommy Robinson Arrested and Sentenced Within an Hour to 13 Months for Reporting on Muslim Rape Gangs

British independent journalist Tommy Robinson has been arrested for ‘breaching the peace’ while filming outside a Muslim rape gang trial.

The 35-year-old anti-Islamization activist was at Leeds Crown Court on Friday morning and started a live feed on his Facebook page as a child grooming case continued.

Tommy Robinson was arrested, tried, and sentenced within an hour. He was subject to a suspended sentence for contempt of court in May 2017 after he tried to film four Muslims who were on trial accused of raping a teenage girl.

And the kicker is, the Muslim rape gangs get to walk free.

A gag order has been put in place and media outlets have been forced to delete their articles, so no one in the UK is allowed to talk about Tommy Robinson’s arrest.


Credit: BT News

Footage showed Tommy being led to the back of a police van and he could be heard shouting to a friend: “Please, George, get me a solicitor, I’m on a suspended sentence, you see.”

He said: “I’m being arrested for a breach of the peace. You’ve all watched this. Can you get me a solicitor?”

A police officer told him: “Do I understand what I’ve just told you? You’ve been arrested on suspicion of causing a breach to the peace.”

Another officer asked him to “turn off his live feed”.

Tommy added: “I’m inciting people. How have I incited people? This is free speech; this is where we’re at. You’re not even allowed to."

“This is ridiculous. Lads, do you feel right about what you’re doing here? I haven’t said a word. In fact, someone laid a hand on me and assaulted me outside court. Other people swore at me and threatened me about my mother and here I am being arrested for saying nothing."

The controversy surrounding his arrest sparked an online backlash and thousands have taken to the streets in protest.

A reporting restriction is currently in place so they cannot talk about the case against Tommy.

Image and videos of the scenes from outside Downing St can be seen below.

UKIP leader, Gerard Batten attended the ‘protest’, saying: “I attended a peaceful demonstration opposite Downing St at 3 pm today. It was to support Tommy Robinson in his current difficulties. However, a few fools ruined the whole thing by trying to scale the gates of No 10. Destroying the legitimacy of the demo. Does no one any good.”

Tommy Robinson’s Twitter account was permanently revoked in March of this year.

It was understood that the decision was taken after Mr. Robinson was judged to have breached its "hateful conduct" policy. The liberal hypocrisy is unbelievable.


Credit: BT News

This is what is happening in the US as well. The conservatives have no platform that isn’t throttled. If you speak up against the liberal ideology then you are suspended/banned. Liberals are free to threaten the US President and are allowed to do so without consequence. If there is no end to this, the US will not be the country that everyone strives to live in. Congress is going to have to step in and stop this one-sided media platform circus. We are allowing children to dictate who companies are allowed to have as sponsors.

Conservatives must take a stand! This is a free country for all Americans, not just liberals.

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By: Lexy

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17 Comment/s
DA No. 27184 2018-05-26 : 19:31

Well said miss. This is an atrocity. Ppl need to stand up & be heard from EVERY part of the world. Free speech is under full attack! Wake up America!

Mona No. 27185 2018-05-26 : 19:37

OnMemorial DAY weekend hopefully those in USA will circulate this story wide across our nation-our veterans have fought again & again for our Freedom and this happening in the UK is an attack on those things we cherish. Thoughts & prayers for the UK to be able to stand up to the enemy within

Joe No. 27191 2018-05-26 : 20:29

Something better be done or those idiots will be running tbings here in the usa as well! "We the people" will demand our country back! Inform urself pull ur heads out folks! Open ur eyes!

Lisel Sipes No. 27192 2018-05-26 : 20:44

The Brits have gone nuts! It's their children that are being raped and that's how they respond? Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

J. Harjo No. 27193 2018-05-26 : 20:45

This is an important story. Thank you for writing it.

Dozer No. 27196 2018-05-26 : 22:23

LMAO take a stand…Lol. Americans are a joke, we will do nothing that is truly neccesary. We talk tough but in the end no one has the balls to do what is needed. Get used to it. Just practice licking the hands that muzzle you and all will be fine. America is over.

Jackson r coho No. 27198 2018-05-26 : 23:20

Well written- And Thank you Lexy for your steadfast stance on the truth–

Always watching for your column,

Always my best–Jack!!**

steff No. 27199 2018-05-26 : 23:53

This is outrageous….this is what happens when we let others decide what is good speech & what is bad speech….freedom of speech doesn't mean we are always going to agree with what is said. Conservative voices are being stifled daily on social media platforms, we can't let this continue or this will be happening in America next. We will not be silenced!

Michael M No. 27200 2018-05-27 : 00:35

Hey Anonymous 27195: Is that what you call intelligent reportage? Calling an "on the record" writer names? Where is your retort? Your facts? Your logic? I bet you were a real fine bully in your younger days. Now you are relegated to Mom's basement with your dialup connection. BTW, Mom asked that you put on a shirt for mac and cheese tonight!

Colin No. 27202 2018-05-27 : 00:45

List of British Embassies/Consulates worldwide for your non-UK readers. Call. Write. Email. Fax. Visit "#FreeTommyRobinson Or Get The Hell Out of My Country"


#1stWorldwide #2ndWorldwide

Rock No. 27205 2018-05-27 : 02:19

Wow… I knew it was getting ridiculous… but this is beyond what I imagined what was occurring to free speech. Thanks for sharing/exposing this Gestapo type of tactics in regard to what is happening…. disturbingly eye opening….

Vic G. No. 27217 2018-05-27 : 06:57

This was a once civilised country with high standards of human respect and dignity, freedom from oppression and once cherished the right to a fair trial, ref; the "Magna Carta", The UK fought tooth and nail through WW2. now look where that has got them. I fear for TR life in jail, remember the bacon on the mosque door handle man. For that prank he was sentenced to jail and killed later while in there. I am concerned for TR while there. This is when Muslims start to take over. All must, in every country in the world, take this event seriously, This is exactly what will happen when Sharia law starts to kick in. A well based plea to all, is to never allow any free country ever, ever accept this path. Sharia law will destroy every country it is consumed by. Rise up now, before it is too late….

Anonymous No. 27257 2018-05-27 : 16:52

All British men are born with a genetic defect that causes them to be effeminate latent homosexuals.

Anonymous No. 27276 2018-05-27 : 21:14

Stealth yid zionist shill Tommy 'Robinson' Rubenstein.

Anonymous No. 27278 2018-05-27 : 21:39


correct !… The only way you can tell we are Jewish is because our penises are genetically larger than you white trash guys' penises….

Bruce Wayne No. 27284 2018-05-27 : 23:23

Trump pays a hooker for sex and it's top news, but when gangs of muslims roam around raping women, talking about the truth can get you slammed into jail in Britain

Percy Boon No. 27487 2018-05-29 : 18:13

We need a campaign in the UK to boycott pakistani takeaways and restaurants until Tommy Robinson is released.

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