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Ivorian Methodists break from United Methodist Church over LGBTQ decisions

The United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast (EMUCI) has withdrawn from the United Methodist Church over its ordination of ordination of homosexual pastors and the celebration of same-sex marriages.

Updated May 29th, 2024 at 10:49 am (Europe\Rome)
United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast. Jubilee Temple of Cocody in Abidjan. (Photo by Zenman/ Wiki
United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast. Jubilee Temple of Cocody in Abidjan. (Photo by Zenman/ Wikimedia Commons /

In response to recent decisions by the United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast withdrew from the worldwide mainline Protestant denomination over the ordination of homosexual pastors and the celebration of same-sex marriages.

“For reasons of conscience before God and His word, the supreme authority in matters of faith and life,” the annual conference of the United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast (EMUCI, Eglise Méthodiste Unie Côte d'Ivoire), gathered for an extraordinary session on May 28 in Abidjan, and decided “to leave the United Methodist Church denomination.”

The decision follows the early May vote at the United Methodist Church General Conference in the United States to lift the ban on ordaining gay pastors and officiating same-sex marriages. For EMUCI, which joined the United Methodist Church in 2002, the church “deviates from the Holy Scriptures” and prefers “to sacrifice its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community.”

The annual conference of EMUCI, through a statement from its president, Bishop Benjamin Boni, declared that “the United Methodist Church now rests on socio-cultural values that have consumed its doctrinal and disciplinary integrity.”

"Legislation does not compel churches"

The United Methodist Church was formed in 1968 after the merger of the former Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church. The issue of homosexuality has been contentious for many years, with the church previously upholding bans on same-sex unions and the ordination of homosexual pastors. In February 2019, delegates at a special session in St. Louis, Missouri, voted against these possibilities, adopting the “Traditional Plan” by 438 votes to 384, reaffirming “the incompatibility” of homosexuality with Christian teaching.

This year, however, the petition for a doctrinal shift was adopted by mutual consent, alongside 22 other legislative texts, with 692 votes in favor and 51 against, achieving a 93% approval rate. “Nothing adopted by the General Conference or under study would compel churches to accept a homosexual pastor,” clarified UM News, the official news agency of the United Methodist Church. “The legislation approved today also explicitly protects the right of clergy and churches not to officiate same-sex marriages or host them.”

The Traditional Plan, rejecting any evolution regarding the inclusion of LGBTQ individuals within the church, remains the stance of minority African churches, including that of Ivory Coast. Following this development, the president of EMUCI, who met with delegates from the General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina May 14, convened the various bodies of his church.