Scarborough: ‘Rank Bullsh-t’ That Trump on the Wrong End of Legal Double Standard

[WARNING: Adult Language]

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Tuesday on “Morning Joe” that former President Donald Trump’s claims of a double standard in the legal system were “rank bullshit.”

Scarborough said, “Just let’s take a step back. Judge Merchan has had to show restraint while every day you have a defendant going out and attacking him personally, suggesting that he’s corrupt, suggesting that the court system is rigged, making it extraordinarily personal toward him and members of his family. I suppose – and I wouldn’t do it. I don’t care who the defendants were if I were the judge, they’re going to jail.”

He continued, “I would bring them in shackles day in and day out. I don’t care if it were a Democrat, a Republican, whether it was a steel worker, a teacher, or the president of the United States. You have to respect the judge because the judge represents the judicial system. I understand the balancing act that this judge is in the middle of, but you take everything in its totality. Maybe it is harder to send a former president to jail for contempt when any other American, any other American would be sent to jail.”

Scarborough added, “This double standard stuff, that somehow Donald Trump is on the wrong end of the double standard, is just, as Aristotle used to say when debating Socrates, bullshit, rank bullshit. That fact is there are two standards – Donald Trump benefits from the double standards every single time. Now the defendant’s witnesses are doing the same. Again, I’ve never seen this. I’ve never seen this before in a court from a witness, because if I did, well, you’d see the back of them going to jail. The next morning, they would be wearing orange.”

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