Leaders | The arsenal of hypocrisy

House Republicans are helping Vladimir Putin

Their cynicism over Ukraine weakens America and makes the world less safe

An illustration of a red elephant crushing a tank and barbed wires.
Illustration: Alberto Miranda

Politicians OFTEN put winning the next election above solving problems. Yet this week Republicans in the House of Representatives went a step further and sabotaged their own policy priorities to hurt President Joe Biden. Their cynicism makes America weaker, and gives comfort to its enemies.

For the past couple of years Republicans have made much of the chaos at the southern border, with good reason. There were 302,000 attempts by irregular migrants to cross in December alone. Knowing that Democrats wanted to pass a bill to supply Ukraine with fresh military aid, the House leadership paired the two issues, thinking that by doing so they could drive a harder bargain on immigration. A bipartisan group of senators went away and worked on a border compromise, the results of which are broadly in line with what Republicans had sought. The proposals would have helped reduce the flow of people coming across the southern border, which is a priority for voters.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline "The arsenal of hypocrisy"

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