Framingham To Study Sanctuary City Status;
Opponent Says Appoint ‘Angel Moms’ To Panel
By Matt McDonald | February 20, 2019, 23:11 EST
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Margareth Basilio Shepard, a member of the Framingham City Council in Framingham, Massachusetts, speaks about her Immigrant Welcoming resolution during the council meeting Tuesday, February 19, 2019.
The Framingham City Council is creating a task force to study whether Framingham should declare itself a sanctuary city.
The panel, to be chaired by the mayor, is asked to study and perhaps propose what the resolution calls a Welcoming Immigrants Ordinance.
The resolution doesn’t create a sanctuary city and doesn’t spell out what the task force should recommend. But the resolution uses general language similar to what’s found in so-called trust ordinances, many of which also direct local police not to cooperate with federal immigration authorities unless they have a warrant.
Framingham has a