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Average Salary in Oklahoma

$26,036 - $31,646
14% of jobs
$37,149 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers.
$31,647 - $37,257
14% of jobs
$37,258 - $42,867
12% of jobs
$42,868 - $48,478
11% of jobs
The average salary is $49,856 a year
$48,479 - $54,088
11% of jobs
$54,089 - $59,699
9% of jobs
$62,563 is the 75th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$59,700 - $65,310
6% of jobs
$65,311 - $70,920
5% of jobs
$75,641 is the 90th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$70,921 - $76,531
5% of jobs
$76,532 - $82,142
4% of jobs
$82,143 - $87,754
4% of jobs
Oklahoma Average
$26,036 $49,856 /year $87,754
$24 /hour
$2,170 - $2,637
14% of jobs
$3,095 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers.
$2,637 - $3,105
14% of jobs
$3,105 - $3,572
12% of jobs
$3,572 - $4,040
11% of jobs
The average salary is $4,154 a month
$4,040 - $4,507
11% of jobs
$4,507 - $4,975
9% of jobs
$5,213 is the 75th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$4,975 - $5,442
6% of jobs
$5,443 - $5,910
5% of jobs
$6,303 is the 90th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$5,910 - $6,378
5% of jobs
$6,378 - $6,845
4% of jobs
$6,845 - $7,313
4% of jobs
Oklahoma Average
$2,170 $4,154 /month $7,313
$24 /hour
$501 - $609
14% of jobs
$714 is the 25th percentile. Wages below this are outliers.
$609 - $716
14% of jobs
$716 - $824
12% of jobs
$824 - $932
11% of jobs
The average wage is $958 a week
$932 - $1,040
11% of jobs
$1,040 - $1,148
9% of jobs
$1,203 is the 75th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$1,148 - $1,256
6% of jobs
$1,256 - $1,364
5% of jobs
$1,454 is the 90th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$1,364 - $1,472
5% of jobs
$1,472 - $1,580
4% of jobs
$1,580 - $1,688
4% of jobs
Oklahoma Average
$501 $958 /week $1,688
$24 /hour
$12.52 - $15.21
14% of jobs
$17.86 is the 25th percentile. Wages below this are outliers.
$15.21 - $17.91
14% of jobs
$17.91 - $20.61
12% of jobs
$20.61 - $23.31
11% of jobs
The average wage is $23.97 an hour
$23.31 - $26.00
11% of jobs
$26.00 - $28.70
9% of jobs
$30.08 is the 75th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$28.70 - $31.40
6% of jobs
$31.40 - $34.10
5% of jobs
$36.37 is the 90th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$34.10 - $36.79
5% of jobs
$36.79 - $39.49
4% of jobs
$39.49 - $42.19
4% of jobs
Oklahoma Average
$12.52 $24 /hour $42.19
Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
Top Earners $75,641 $6,303 $1,454 $36
75th Percentile $62,563 $5,213 $1,203 $30
Average $49,856 $4,154 $958 $24
25th Percentile $37,149 $3,095 $714 $18

What is the average salary in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma ranks number 48 out of 63 states for salaries on ZipRecruiter.

As of May 24, the average annual salary in Oklahoma is $49,856. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $23.97 an hour. This is equivalent of $958 a week or $4,154 a month. Most salaries in Oklahoma range between $35,784 (25th percentile) to $61,158 (75th percentile) annually.

Of course, salaries will vary depending on yor occupation, experience, and many other factors. Some of the top paying kinds of jobs in Oklahoma are Transplant, Pediatric Dermatologist, and Transplant Surgeon. You may also find that pay is better in some areas of the state. Carlisle is the city with the highest average salary on ZipRecruiter.

To estimate the most accurate salary range for jobs in Oklahoma, we continuously scan out database of millions of active jobs in our marketplace.

Find your next high paying job as a Oklahoma on ZipRecruiter today.

Which cities in Oklahoma have the highest average salary?

Of the cities in Oklahoma with the highest average salaries, all 10 have salaries over the state average salary of $49,856. This means that there are plenty of opportunities to improve your pay by relocating within the state.

Keep in mind that cost of living may be higher in these cities. The cities in Oklahoma with the highest average salary are Carlisle with an average annual salary of $72,924 and Cheyenne with an average annual salary of $64,848.
CityAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Oklahoma City$62,466$5,205$1,201$30.03
Rocky Mountain$57,677$4,806$1,109$27.73
New Woodville$57,101$4,758$1,098$27.45

Which jobs have the highest salaries in Oklahoma?

We found at least 10 types of jobs in Oklahoma that pay more than the state average of $49,856 per year. The top examples of these jobs are Transplant, Pediatric Dermatologist, and Transplant Surgeon.
Pediatric Dermatologist$379,380$31,615$7,295$182.39
Transplant Surgeon$374,385$31,198$7,199$179.99
Travel Anesthesiologist$372,945$31,078$7,172$179.30
Interventional Gastroenterologist$370,896$30,908$7,132$178.32
Medical Oncologist$367,518$30,626$7,067$176.69
Pediatric Gastroenterologist$365,167$30,430$7,022$175.56
Dentist Private Practice$356,204$29,683$6,850$171.25
Osteopathic Doctor$352,625$29,385$6,781$169.53
Radiation Oncology Coder$349,112$29,092$6,713$167.84
About Our Data
ZipRecruiter salary estimates, histograms, trends and comparisons are derived from both employer job postings and third party data sources.
Average Salary in Oklahoma. Average salary is $49,856 or $23.97 an hour