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Zambezi Boutique Fined US$500 For Using Starlink

1 year agoMon, 04 Mar 2024 11:14:25 GMT
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Zambezi Boutique Fined US$500 For Using Starlink

A Victoria Falls-based company, Zambezi Boutique Private Limited was recently ordered to pay a US$500 fine by a Victoria Falls Magistrate for using Starlink internet services.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the company was charged with contravening the Postal and Telecommunications Act Chapter 12:05 i.e. “possession, control or operate a radio station without a radio station license.” The NPA said:

Sometime in September 2023, the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) received a tip-off to the effect that the company was in possession of Starlink terminals.

Acting on the tip-off a team from POTRAZ together with the Police proceeded to the company premises where they were led to the terminal connection located at the reception area.

The General Manager of the company failed to produce a license authorizing them to possess, control or operate the equipment.

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The company was sentenced to a fine of US$500 and the Starlink equipment was forfeited to the state.

Last month, a Chinese mining company operating in Mashonaland Central Province was fined US$700 for using Starlink.

San He Mining company in Guruve was ordered to pay a US$700 fine by a Bindura Magistrate for contravening the Postal and Telecommunication Act.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Yahhh nyika yedu yakaoma 😂...manje dakuitengawo Star link yacho ndine Duralwall toona kuty unoiwona sei
mapositori4EDdie · 1 year ago
kuno kwamarange starink ndoyatinoporofita nayo. inoita shemu. bvunzai cde chin"z🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
TTT · 1 year ago
Technology will soon circumvent draconian laws. Things are ever changing. AI is chasing starlink. Hyundai and Kia have successfully developed a water fueled engine, a rocket projected missile can now transverse the length and breath of the world in a few minutes. We should embrace technology now before its too late. Remember 1890; remember the power of technogy. All powerful countries on the globe have envisaged technology
Anonymous · 1 year ago
In SA wifi is $30 in Zim its $300. Its just wifi not heart transplant.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
LOL. ZRP or ZBC are going to be using Starlink now. The equipment was forfeited to the "state".
jamutingo · 1 year ago
starling equipment yacho irikupinda ne border ripi?arrest the border people first
V-Sniper · 1 year ago
potraz huyai ndinayo starlink equipment
Mboro🍆💦 · 1 year ago
pindula irikushandisa starlink here?
Gwedu · 1 year ago
even if they try to run away from reality they will never succeed. They are trying to find a way whereby the can easily control it like they to to Telone, Netone, Telecel and Econet. yet this is moreen World we will be online chero vakadzima sai sai isu tenge tingori ndandanda. ipapa ma China Ari busy kunzi find a way for us to control this or they are waiting for Chinese version of star link to come over shame. the truth is we are going to a point where the regime will never control the internet anymore. communication will be very efficient and everyone will be connected right on time even you are in a remotest are, we will be with you. Hapasisina chi game chiya chekukirira radio Zimbabwe munzwe chokwadi kana kuti studio 7 with Star link reality will be on your finger tips. take pictures during the campaign post it let's th world know chaora chinhu ichi..
mwenewazvo · 1 year ago
@gwedu unofanira kuita sei kuti ukwanise kushandisa star link yacho
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 1 year ago
please guys musandisungisawo nenyaya dzakadai, ini ndinayo starlink yandiri kushandisa ndiri kuno kuAvondale muHarare
Black Face · 1 year ago
Apo ndakataurira Hama yangu iri Ku UK nezvekusungwa Kuri kuiita vanhu ne nyaya dze Starlink akabva atotumira set yacho yes.Ndakatoisa dish racho pa chikwere havarione .
zvenyika · 1 year ago
ndokuti zimbabwe , nyika inotongwa nevene vayo
Nhamodzenyika · 1 year ago
Nyika inourawa neMwene Wayo
sadney · 1 year ago
forfeited by the "state" . otherwise it will be used by another political guru
Anonymous · 1 year ago
The individuals who confisticated the machinery are the ones now using it (illegally).
Xaba · 1 year ago
Can someone educate me how it works .Coz yaita mbiri ummm . Advantages and disadvantages Ayo ndeapo . coz yanetsa kunge a political party ye opposition
someone says · 1 year ago
internet connectivity from the sky reaches every angle below the surface, hence no glitches when you tubing, emailing,facebooking, uploading,downloading,whatsapping,streaming etc, the waves are free falling hence connecting to the metaverse as popularized by Nelson Chamisa, of the futuristic generation.
. · 1 year ago
vanhu vanongoita tip off zvisina basa , zvinei navo, How is it their business, let those who want to enjoy the service ,enjoy it
Chi zanu · 1 year ago
Evil people.

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