Government Considering Ban on Mobile Phone Sales to Under 16-Year-Olds mdi-fullscreen

Guido understands that the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology are drawing up a consultation on banning the sale of mobile phones for all under 16- year-olds. Guido’s views on banning things has been pretty clear. Prohibition generally doesn’t work in practice…

The initial Orwellian plans come after a poll showed that most parents back the ban, going even further than the government’s consideration to ban social media for under-16s. The fact that the government is even considering such a move shows just how illiberal the Tories really are. One Tory government source tells Guido:

“This knee-jerk response from some ministers to just ban stuff has got completely out of hand. Conservatives are supposed to believe in personal and parental responsibility. It’s no wonder voters can’t bear the sight of us anymore.”

First cigarettes, then vapes, now this. Banning things may be cheap, though Sunak’s personal crusade to control what people can do will cause long term damages. In an age where everything is on our phones, from communication, to directions, to cameras, the ban would take our ever-growing nanny state to a level that even Mao would be proud of. Guido wouldn’t be surprised if alcohol is next…


A Government spokesperson said:

“We do not comment on speculation. Our commitment to making the UK the safest place to be a child online is unwavering, as evidenced by our landmark Online Safety Act.” 

A non-denial…

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