Market forces, not natural phenomena, created the transgender movement, research by pro-reality activist and journalist Jennifer Bilek suggests.
Ms. Bilek has been researching the transgender activism movement’s connection to corporate interests for years in her 11th Hour Blog. What she’s learned is that the transgender movement is the latest step in treating women as a commodity, she said.
Corporations, she said, have found a lucrative new industry. It all focuses on modifying the human body with expensive procedures and drugs.
“This is really just capitalism,” Ms. Bilek told The Epoch Times. “And it’s absolute genius. [Powerful corporations] have run over the planet. There’s really no place else to go but humans. We’re the last hurrah. And they’re coming for us.”
The transgender movement offers an exciting new profit center. Body modification can now be sold like any other accessory, she said.
“This is really an escalation of sexism as it’s tied to the market and also technology,” she said of the transgender movement.

Ms. Bilek, who once considered herself politically liberal, traces the beginning of modern body commodification to the birth of the modern pornography industry in the 1950s. This industry created and encouraged a market for objectifying women, she said.
“It’s rooted in this fetish of appropriating womanhood for male compulsion, and it has escalated because the porn industry basically sells women as sexual entertainment to the tune of billions of dollars every single year,” Ms. Bilek said. “And it’s accessible to every young person.”
The sex trade has always existed, but the porn industry is on a new scale, Ms. Bilek said.
The Demand
Pornography has also become more sexually explicit, Ms. Bilek added. In 1950, Playboy centerfolds would include barely-clad women, but modern porn websites often show women experiencing degrading or abusive acts, she said.“At a very young age, anybody with a cell phone can just open it up and see these kinds of images.”
The Barna Group research firm found that 81 percent of young men watch porn at some point, and 56 percent of young women watch porn.
“Women were the target of the aggression in 97 percent of the scenes, and their response to aggression was either neutral or positive and rarely negative,” the study reads.
These changes have had immense social impacts, Ms. Bilek said. They have taught men and women that women should be objectified.
That has led, she said, to the second step toward transgenderism—technology that can make the female body a commodity.
Transgenderism allows men who objectify women to buy “womanhood,” Ms. Bilek said.
“First, you take women’s clothes—you dress in their clothes,” she said. “Then you have synthetic simulacrums of their actual biology, reducing them to parts. Then you have the reproduction market, which reduces them to parts, as well—their eggs, their wombs, their breasts—which is why actually we’re being called ‘cervix havers’ and ’menstruating, birthing people.’”

The second wave of customers is young girls.
The Supply
The transgender movement spread from men to girls through extensive “propaganda,” Ms. Bilek said.“It’s in books, it’s in movies, it’s everywhere.”
The celebrity world has recently seen a number of transgender-identifying individuals rise to prominence.
Ellen Page, a Canadian actress, announced a gender transition to male and is now known as Elliot. Transgender model Laverne Cox appeared on the cover of Time Magazine.
Under this influence, young girls have turned transgender in unprecedented numbers, Ms. Bilek said.
For the medical industry, each one hoping to “transition” to male represents the potential to make $20,000 for breast amputation, about $100,000 for genital surgery, about $50,000 for facial reconstruction surgery, and monthly costs in cross-sex hormone use for the rest of their lives.
The offer to change the body interests girls more than it interests boys, usually, Ms. Bilek said. She blames a more difficult time of puberty.
Sex change can be just the beginning, she said.
“If you get a whole lot of children on technology believing that they can transcend their sex, they’re going to be open to far more advanced invasions and assaults on their physical bodies, intrusions into their DNA and their genes,” Ms. Bilek said.

On Twitter, Marc Benioff, owner of Time Magazine, has urged boycotts against North Carolina if the state passes a law against men using women’s bathrooms.
“I’m doing this, really, on behalf of my employees,” Mr. Benioff told CBS News in an interview.
Corporations like BlackRock have also backed transgenderism, Ms. Bilek said.
He made the remark in a discussion on changing the company’s gender makeup. Although his 2017 remarks mostly referenced hiring and promoting women, BlackRock has strongly supported transgender gender representation, too.
Remaking Humanity
Historically, the human species has been defined by the division between males and females. This difference is key to human biology, Ms. Bilek said.If companies use technology to change human biology in significant ways, they will create something different from the human species, Ms. Bilek said. This idea is called “transhumanism,” or going beyond human.
“It’s a transhumanist agenda. We’re being usurped—women’s reproductive capacities and womanhood,” Ms. Bilek said. “Womanhood itself is being usurped by the techno-medical complex as a means towards pushing us towards transhumanism.”

Activists in the transgender movement often try to replace the word “woman” with a reference to body parts rather than the whole individual, Ms. Bilek said.
They may refer to women as “breast owners” or “cervix owners,” she said. Processes already exist to create womanlike breasts for men. So now this descriptor can equally apply to men.