
McDonald’s insane new prices chart supersized toll of Bidenomics

Welcome to Joe Biden’s America, where Big Mac extra value meals will run you $18.

Yes, you read that right: The iconic burger-fries-soda combo, once a staple for Americans of every socioeconomic stripe, now costs almost 20 smackers in some spots. 

“I’m lovin’ it”? Not likely at these prices.

The hikes sure look like they come thanks to painful and persistent inflation driven by President Biden’s terrible economic policies

Those have driven prices overall about 15% higher since Biden came in; on essentials like food and energy, they’re up closer to 25%. 

Equivalently, think of it as having slashed the income of a typical family by close to $5,000.

Mortgage rates are cruising toward 8% as the median home price hovers near $420,000.

That’s building the economy “from the middle out,” as the president likes to claim?

More for groceries and gas, and now some McDonald’s dollar menus where, literally, nothing costs a dollar.

Yes, Mickey D fries are the world’s best. But almost $2.50 for a small (as they can now cost in New York) is insanity. 

A Connecticut location charged as much as $18 for a Big Mac combo meal. Getty Images

It also serves as a big, somewhat greasy reminder that amid all the chaos in the Middle East caused by Biden’s foreign policy, his domestic policy is still doing big-time damage to average Americans.

That’s why Biden’s numbers on the economy remain miserable: Only 36% of Americans approve of him on the issue, while 54% disapprove.

And all this from a position of relative economic strength. (Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up, indeed!)

Biden can barely walk, let alone walk and chew gum at the same time. 

So Americans should expect no efforts to deal with the economic pain from a president now consumed with the Israel-Hamas conflagration. 

Indeed, he’s proud of his economic record, making it the centerpiece of his re-election effort.

But every trip to the drive-thru will drive home the message: Joe did this to you, and he doesn’t care