The New Normal Left

So, I went to London to speak to the Left … no, not “the Left” you’re probably thinking of. Not the mask-wearing, Ukrainian-flag-flying Left. Not the pronoun-using, segregationist Left. Not the WEF, WHO, FBI, CIA, DHS, and MI6-loving Left. Not the global-capitalist New Normal Left. The other Left. The old-school Left. The “Covid-denying, conspiracy-theorizing, Putin-loving, far-right-extremist” Left.

There were approximately 150 of us, and we gathered in a “homophobic church” in Islington. Yes, Islington, which is more or less the British headquarters of the New Normal Left. We did not care. “Let them come for us,” we said. They didn’t. It was a Saturday. They were probably out shopping or hunting down imaginary anti-Semites. So, we went ahead and did our thing.

Our “thing” was a conference loosely based on leftist opposition to the WEF and its assorted dystopian visions for our future … you know, eating the bugs, owning nothing, being happy, that kind of stuff. I was invited by this group called Real Left to speak on a panel with Fabio Vighi, a professor of Critical Theory at Cardiff University. We didn’t talk about the WEF very much. We mostly talked about global capitalism, totalitarianism, and “the New Normal Left.”

Here are the broad strokes of what I said the conference.

In order to understand what happened to the Left (i.e., how it became the New Normal Left), you have to understand the history of global capitalism over the last 30 years or so. Actually, you have to go back a bit farther, back to the early 20th Century, when the Great Ideological Game was still afoot. Back then, capitalism, having overthrown the aristocracies, was on the march, transforming the world into one big marketplace. It was challenged by two opposing ideologies, fascism and communism. They fought it out. Long story short, capitalism won.

Global capitalism (“GloboCap”) was born. It’s one big global-capitalist world now. It has been since the early 1990s. GloboCap has no external adversaries, so it has nothing to do but Clear and Hold, i.e., wipe out pockets of internal resistance and implement ideological uniformity. Which is what it has been doing for the last 30 years, first, in the former Soviet bloc, then, in “The Global War on Terror,” and finally, in our so-called “Western democracies,” as we have just experienced up close and personal during the shock-and-awe phase of the rollout of the New Normal, and are continuing to experience, albeit somewhat less dramatically.

In other words, GloboCap is going totalitarian. That is what the New Normal is. It is not your granddad’s totalitarianism. It is a new, global-capitalist form of totalitarianism. It displays a number of familiar features — suspension of constitutional rights, official propaganda, goon squads, censorship, ubiquitous symbols of ideological conformity, gratuitous restrictions of freedom of movement and other aspects of everyday life, hatred and persecution of official “Untermenschen,” segregation, criminalization of dissent, mob violence, book burning, show trials, etc. — but there won’t be anyone goose-stepping around in jackboots shrieking about “the master race.” It’s not that kind of totalitarianism.

To understand it (which it would behoove us to do), we need to understand global-capitalist ideology, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. Global capitalism has no ideology … or, rather, its ideology is “reality.” When you have no ideological adversaries, you don’t need an ideology. You’re basically God. “Reality” is whatever you say it is, and whoever disagrees is a “science denier,” or a “conspiracy theorist,” or a “malinformationist,” or some other type of deluded “extremist.” You don’t need to argue ideology with anyone, because you have no ideological opponents. Society is divided into two fundamental groups, (a) “normal people,” who accept “reality,” and (b) the “deviants” and “extremists,” who do not. Your political and ideological opponents are pathologized, preemptively delegitimized. After all, who would argue against “reality” except liars and the clinically insane?

Yes, of course, there is intramural political and ideological conflict within the confines of so-called “normality,” just as there is intramural competition between global corporations, but challenging the ideological system itself is impossible, because there is no ground outside it from which to mount an attack. This is probably the hardest thing for most of us to come to terms with. There is no ideological territory outside global capitalism. There is no “outside.” There are no external adversaries. There are only insurgencies, and counterinsurgency ops.

The rest is intramural competition.

And here’s another thing that we need to understand about global-capitalist ideology, and it isn’t going to make my conservative readers, or my libertarian readers, or my leftist readers, happy. But it is essential to understanding the New Normal Left and the shape of the current ideological landscape. I’m going to try to keep this as simple as possible and not get lost in a bunch of post-structuralist mumbo jumbo.

Ready? OK, here we go.

Capitalism is a values-decoding machine. It decodes society of despotic values (i.e., religious values, racist values, socialist values, traditional values, any and all values that interfere with the unimpeded flows of capital … capitalism does not distinguish). This is how capitalism (or democracy if you’re squeamish) freed us from a despotic “reality” in which values emanated from the aristocracies, kings, priests, the Church, etc. Basically, it transferred the emanation and enforcement of values from despotic structures to the marketplace, where everything is essentially a commodity.

So, hurrah … capitalism freed us from despotism! I’m grateful. I’m not a big fan of despotism. The problem is, it’s just a machine. And it has no off-switch. And now it dominates the entire planet unopposed or restricted in any meaningful way. So it’s doing what it is designed to do, stripping societies of their despotic values, rendering everything and everyone a commodity, establishing and enforcing ideological uniformity, neutralizing pockets of internal resistance.

The vast majority of that resistance is reactionary. I do not mean that in the pejorative sense. Most of the opposition to the New Normal has come from the traditional political right, from folks who are trying to preserve their values, i.e., to prevent them from being decoded by the GloboCap values-decoding machine. A lot of these folks don’t see it that way, because they do not want to face the fact that what they are resisting is global capitalism, so they call it other names like “crony capitalism,” “corporatism,” or “cultural Marxism.” I don’t really care what they call it, except when they call it “communism,” which just makes them sounds extremely silly.

The point is, these folks comprise a reactionary force that is pushing back against the advance of global-capitalism and its ideology, whether they know what they are resisting or not. Russia is another such reactionary force, at least insofar as it is attempting to defend what remains of its national sovereignty. Syria and Iran are two other examples. All of these reactionary forces are integrated within the GloboCap system and at the same time are resisting their absorption by it. The dynamics are complex. It isn’t a cartoon or a Hollywood movie with “good guys” and “bad guys.”

Anyway, the battlefield looks like this … you’ve got GloboCap conducting its Clear-and-Hold op, and you’ve got the reactionary (“populist”) backlash against it. And that’s it. Those are the only significant forces on the battlefield, currently.

Which brings us to the miserable state of the Left.

The Left — and I mean “the Left” broadly, so liberals, and both serious and Brooklyn leftists — are in an ideological double-bind. Either they align with an increasingly totalitarian GloboCap or they align with the reactionary backlash against it.

They can’t align with the reactionaries, because a lot of them are … well, you know, somewhat bigoted, or they believe in God, or they object to drag queens rubbing themselves all over kids. Many of them own multiple firearms (i.e., the reactionaries, not the drag queens) and fly giant American flags outside their homes (or whatever flags they fly in Great Britain). Many of them voted for Donald Trump, or Brexit, or the AfD here in Germany, or the National Rally in France, or The Brothers of Italy. These are not BBC/NPR-listening people. These are not pronoun-using people. These are scary working-class people.

So the Left has aligned with GloboCap, which, after all, is still decoding all those nasty despotic values (i.e., racism, and other forms of bigotry), and is opposing dictators and religious zealots, and is spreading “democracy” all across the planet. You might think I am being facetious. I am not. Global capitalism is still doing that. Which I support, as do all liberals and leftists.

The catch is, as global capitalism continues to do that, and makes a big show of doing that, it is also going totalitarian. It is not decoding those despotic values out of the goodness of its heart. What it is doing is establishing ideological uniformity. The problem is, it has no ideology. All it knows how to do is decode values, transforming societies into markets and everything in them into valueless commodities. Which it is doing in totalitarian fashion. The Nazis referred to this process as “Gleichschaltung,” the synchronization of all elements of society according to official ideology. That is what is happening, currently, globally.

GloboCap has begun the transition from a “reality” of competing ideologies, sovereign nation-states, cultures, and values to a new, supranational, post-ideological, eventually trans-human, globalized “reality,” and the message is, “you are either with us or against us.”

The New Normal Left is obviously with GloboCap. New Normal Leftists will furiously deny this, as they shriek for more censorship of dissent and cheer for actual Sieg-heiling Nazis. Just as the “populist” Right cannot accept the fact that what it is opposing is a form of capitalism, the New Normal Left cannot accept the fact that it is aligned with a new form of totalitarianism. It is literally inconceivable to them. You can show them screenshots of their posts and Tweets in which they called for “the Unvaccinated” to be locked up in camps, and pictures of when they formed fanatical mobs and threatened people who wouldn’t chant their slogans, and they will look at you as if you are out of your mind.

And so we are in a bit of a fix. Which is basically what I told the conference in London. I wish I had some brilliant plan of action to offer. Sadly, I do not. Probably no one does at this stage of things. After all, the New Normal is just getting started.

That said, one thing I’m sure about is, if you don’t want to end up eating the bugs and owning nothing and being happy in your AI-monitored 15-minute city while you wait for your social-credit app to update your vaccination record so you can access your CBDC account and make another minimum payment on your ever-deepening credit-card debt, it would probably be a good idea to try to understand what is actually happening.

Or maybe not. What do I know? I’m just an old “far-right extremist lefty.”


CJ Hopkins
April 3, 2023
Photo: Kunkel/Washington Post

DISCLAIMER: The preceding essay is entirely the work of our in-house satirist and self-appointed political pundit, CJ Hopkins, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Consent Factory, Inc., or its staff, or any of its agents, subsidiaries, or assigns. If, for whatever inexplicable reason, you appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to support it, please go to his Substack page, or his Patreon page, or send a contribution to his PayPal account, so that maybe he’ll stop coming around our offices trying to hit our employees up for money. Alternatively, you could purchase his satirical dystopian sci-fi novel, Zone 23, or Volumes I, II, and III of his Consent Factory Essays, or any of his subversive stage plays, which won some awards in Great Britain and Australia. If you do not appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to write him an abusive email, feel free to contact him directly.

12 thoughts on “The New Normal Left

    in the English original:
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3

    Maybe part 4 of this has some encouragement ?
    Do not have two differing weights in your bag-one heavy, one light. (Deut 25:13-16). POWER (ECONOMIC & GEOPOLITICAL) COMES OUT OF BARREL OF OIL. Tides of the Petrodollar moon.

    The answer must be to get out more and leave phones at home.


    1. That middle section is one of the best passages I’ve read of late. Face was contorting into an ever-deepening scream of Munch-ian proportions, but then, that’s just a measure of the times we’re living in.


  2. Would you say then, that if Russia wins in Ukraine, that would be a pretty big kick in the face for GloboCap?


  3. Hi Dalton. Believe GloboCap has won in Ukraine, by measuring, testing, and weakening the reactionary. Interesting recent article shows geographical distribution of source of Russian casualties, Moscow is near the lowest per capita. Already, China is eyeing swaths of eastern Russia.


  4. GloboCap is totalitarian fascism. Capitalism is fundamentally a simple economic construct. It is a political, social and cultural tabula rasa that has no inherent moderating mechanisms. It’s an economic tool that can be bolted on to a wide range of controlling political, social and cultural philosophies which can be used for good and misused for evil. Like human nature capitalism is neither good nor evil it comes down to how people and society apply it.


  5. Great article but I have a different view of the left. To me (American) liberalism is the opposite of leftism. Liberals derive their opinions from the capitalist liberal media and appear to generally align with its interests of big business. They also despise the proletariat. Sneering at the lower orders almost defines contemporary liberalism.

    I understand the value of the word “GloboCap” however I see it as the American empire. Multinational but fundamentally under the control of American gangster capitalism with its global reach military and intelligence services.

    In the 1980s I met a nice American doctor when I was hitchhiking in Paris. He complained that he was often verbally and physically abused simply for being an American. He said ‘we saved you from the Nazis and protect you from the Soviets’.

    No, American banks funded Hitler and American business supported the Nazis throughout WWII. IBM orchestrated the holocaust. Standard Oil literally kept the Luftwaffe flying (leaded fuel). The socialism in ‘national socialism’ was wiped out in the ‘Night of the Long Knives’

    Germans appear to be very obedient to authority (thanks for your brilliant Twitter posts from Germany) but to me Americans are the source of most international evil in the world.

    ‘If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged’ -Noam Chomsky

    Americans invaded Europe in 1944 and are still in power here today. They created the Marshall Plan to give American corporations a major advantage, CIA Operation Gladio controlled European governments. The CIA also created the anti democratic Common Market (now the EU) – source The Telegraph.

    European countries joined in American wars in the middle east not out of loyalty but fear. Merciless American savages Barack Obama and Hillary Kissinger destroyed a country (Libya) more civilised and progressive than America will ever be. Plus large parts of Syria and Iraq.

    Great reset creator Klaus Schwab, as well as having a Nazi father is also a fawning acolyte of American mega war criminal Henry Kissinger.

    A guy I knew in Singapore bought a multi million dollar British computer system. Later that day his boss got a phone call from the American ambassador telling him to buy IBM. That’s pure gangsterism.

    Best wishes.


    1. I’m American and I agree we are the source for much evil in the world. The too popular mindset that it is perfectly fine to storm a country and show them how to live is mindblowing… and at some time we will pay a terrible, awful price for it. We more than deserve it. I just hope it’s not soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I want add the observation that in the 1960s Britain created the more or less useless, elitist Concord while America created the incredibly successful Boeing 707 which revolutionised global air travel extending it to a much wider public.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I just now read this piece on OffGuardian and am writing to suggest you edit “They can’t align with the reactionaries, because a lot of them are” to “They can’t align with the reactionaries, because a lot of those are”. It’s a trip-up as it is now, as the reader tends to read “them” as referring to “They” at the beginning of the sentence and then has to stop, realize that you mean the reactionaries, and reread the sentence with the correct interpretation of “them”.


  8. There are going to be those shrieking about “the master race”. They simply use the term “transhuman”. As far as ground to mount an attack that is “outside”. That’s not necessary. All one need do is mount one’s attack from within their worldview. This is because it is completely idiotic!!! Take their position and begin to entertain where this is all going. As soon as you see their destination, it all makes perfect sense. Once you see this, you can plan your attack.

    The first thing you need to do is accept that not owning anything is actually going to make you extremely happy!!! Why? Because once you gather up all of your belongings, assets, investments, etc. and place them into a foreign LLC. which is then wrapped in an international trust, you no longer own ANYTHING! Best of all, there is nothing that ANYONE can take from you. You suddenly become persona non grata. No one will want anything from you because they see that you own nothing. You will suddenly fall from the elite’s radar.

    You will not need to be vaccinated or have papers because you can simply hire someone who has been vaccinated as your representative/gopher/etc.etc.


  9. Humanity is caught up in such a sorry state of affairs.

    There is great power in the hands of the un-elected.

    So-called sovereign governments controlled by WEF globalists and oligarchs, enslaving the people, working for the corporations, and the banks.

    The very people who should not be allowed to possess power.

    This combination of power, greed and ignorance is certain to end in disaster.

    Powerful people that want the whole world to remain divided into rich and poor.

    Their whole effort is to keep you as unintelligent as possible, so those who have power are never questioned, their intentions are never questioned.

    Oligarchs, banks and corporations cannot rule over the sovereign rights of the individual!

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, basically means that humanity still lives in many kinds of slavery.

    Otherwise, there would be no need for the Declaration.

    The very need indicates that people have been deceived for thousands of years.

    We has been deceived in such a cunning way that unless we rise above ourselves, we cannot see in what invisible chains we are living, in what bondage, in what invisible prisons we are confined.

    Freedom in all dimensions means that wherever we are born, we are part of one humanity.

    Nations should consciously dissolve, religions should dissolve, because they are all creating bondage.

    Our basic right is to be ourselves.

    Freedom is such a spiritual necessity that without it we can never attain to our full potential.

    Who am I?

    This question will become the way.

    The way is within you, the truth is within you.

    You have to realize who this consciousness inside you is?

    This is the only way.

    If you can understand what it is, what this consciousness is, what it consists of, you have found the way.

    If you can go into your consciousness, if you can feel, see, realize the nature of your consciousness, that is the way.

    Meditation is the way.

    Meditation has no object, no content; it is just an opening, an invitation.

    An Authentic Religiousness, needs no prophets, no saviors, no churches, no popes, no priests, because religiousness is the flowering of your heart.

    If religiousness spreads all over the world the religions will fade away.

    It will be a tremendous blessing to humanity when people are simply people.

    Coming to the ultimate awakening, coming to the ultimate experience of yourself and existence through meditation, you become so silent that your own intelligence is revealed to you.

    Yet, the religious experience is totally misunderstood, misinterpreted.

    The misinterpretation comes from the priest and the politician, those who try to convert religion into organizational, political strategies.

    Drop all religions, forget about all their religious beliefs.

    Are their interpretations right?

    You are collecting all kinds of religious information that seems to be important to you.

    Why does it seem important?

    It seems important because it covers your ignorance.

    It helps you to feel as if you know.

    Yet you have no criterion to judge the true from the false.

    It is mere hearsay, knowledge which is ignorance.

    Unfortunately, ninety-nine percent of humanity belongs to that category.

    You read religious books, but cannot even be sure if the person is talking from his personal experience or hearsay.

    Are you sure that the one whose words you are taking in, whose knowledge you are imbibing, is authentic?

    A belief is not a truth.

    Organized theistic religion does not have any approach towards truth,

    Because truth is intrinsic in your consciousness, beyond your mind.

    It is not a thought.

    It is not a question of philosophy, nor a question of theological discussions.

    It is a question of deep meditation that leads you beyond thinking, beyond mind.

    Come to your own realization.

    Truth is a search, not a faith.

    It is an inquiry, not a belief.

    Truth is eternal, and to find it means you also become part of eternity.

    Truth has no name, and truth is not confined in any system of thought.

    Truth is not a theory, a theology, a philosophy.

    Truth is not intellectual or emotional; truth is existential.

    Truth is the experience of that which is.

    You must change to know it and to be it.

    You have the truth.

    Your being is the truth.

    Revelation is not an answer but an existential no-mind experience.

    This whole existence is intelligent, caring, compassionate, loving, but it is not a person.

    It is not limited in any way, it is unlimited, infinite and eternal.

    There is no beginning, no end.

    Whatsoever exists can go out of existence.

    But existence itself cannot go out of existence.

    It is continuously evolving towards higher peaks and higher peaks.

    It is continuously fathoming depths beyond depths.

    There are skies beyond skies, there is no end to existence, it has no boundary.

    When you were not here, it was there.

    When you will not be here, it will be here.

    We come and go, we are just waves in this vast ocean of existence.

    We come and go, existence remains.

    Those priests, imams and rabbis, who have taken away your individuality, your freedom, your intelligence.

    In its place they have given you bogus beliefs, which mean nothing.

    Talking about every possible impossible thing they know nothing of,

    Their systems are purely creations of imagination.

    The end result of believing, of having faith in a truth that you have not realized yourself,

    It is hearsay.

    For the first time, humanity can be one, no divisions.

    What divides all the religions?

    Just small details, meaningless details, about their idea of god.

    But if there is no god, all those differences disappear.

    Accepting a personal god creates unnecessary problems which are insolvable.

    Any hypothesis which creates problems rather than solving them is useless.

    When I say there is no god.

    I am not saying that I disbelieve in god.

    Even for disbelief, god has to be.

    I am simply saying there is no god, has never been.

    All definitions are inventions.

    There is no language of intelligence.

    There cannot be by the very nature of the phenomenon.

    It happens beyond mind and language is part of the mind.

    One humanity is enough.

    And one religiousness is enough.

    Meditation, truth, love, authenticity, sincerity.

    A quality, not something organized.

    The moment organization comes in there is going to be violence,

    No-mind is the greatest rebellion that has ever happened.


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