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The Moodsters give kids the emotional building blocks to thrive!

The Moodsters' Children’s Foundation is dedicated to the emotional well-being and resilience of kids. Based on decades of scientific research on children’s health and emotional well-being, the award winning Moodsters leverage the skills and experience of our clinical experts who give kids the emotional building blocks to thrive at home, in school, on the playground and in life!

Helpful Resources

Denise Daniels and The Moodsters

For Denise Daniels, RN, MS a former pediatric oncology nurse, and grief specialist, the urgency was unmistakable: Young children experiencing pain, loneliness, loss, and grief desperately needed help understanding and managing their powerful emotions.

So Denise began her mission:

Children’s Emotions Are Universal

Rooted in Science, Reaching Young Children

Kids Relate to The Moodsters

The Moodsters Children’s Foundation: Our Guiding Principles

The Moodsters are dedicated to fostering the health and emotional well being of children everywhere!

Foster the emotional well-being of young children in the U.S. and around the world.
To support and nurture educators who do the invaluable work of creating an emotional and secure environment where children can thrive.
Create innovative learning tools that give children the emotional building blocks to understand their feelings, thinking, and behavior during challenging times.
Provide educational Moodsters resources for parents, caregivers, and professionals.
Use ‘best practices’ to help grieving children whose lives have been upended by war and displaced children seeking asylum with their families.

Grief Relief with The Moodsters

  • Engaging workbooks, activities, and resources for children.
  • Guidelines for Grown-ups™ resources
  • A first-of-its-kind live learning experience—created by experts in childhood bereavement, emotional intelligence, health care, education, and children’s entertainment—featuring life-size Moodsters characters who represent a child’s primary emotions.

The Moodsters Children’s Foundation: International Partnership for Children Displaced by War

Meet Our Team

  • A Peabody Award for the PBS children’s special “Kids Want to Know About a Rock” during the war in Iraq
  • An assignment from four-star General John Vessey, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to help prepare military families worldwide for deployment during the Gulf War
  • Authoring a workbook for military mothers deployed for the first time in American history, helping moms and their children prepare for deployment and separation
  • Dispatched internationally to provide emotional comfort and care to children living in refugee camps.
  • A groundbreaking partnership with Pfizer Pediatrics to create “First Aid for Feelings,” including Denise’s “Feelings Thermometer,” which dramatically improved the hospital experience for young children and their doctors 
  • A commission from the CEO of Toys R Us to create a workbook for children after 9/11—distributed to 15 million US schoolchildren through TRU and Pfizer Pediatrics
  • Becoming a trusted source of guidance throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, providing emotional support to grieving families and to educators returning to the classroom

The Moodsters Children’s Foundation is honored to share this article from our partner, David Schofield, MD, FAAP of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles® National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement titled, “Talking to Children and Teens About the Israel-Gaza War”, Guidance for parents/caregivers and other caring adults. Read More >

  • A developmental-behavioral pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the Keck School of Medicine of USC
  • The founder and director of the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement, which has helped hundreds of schools and communities in the U.S. and abroad by offering urgent assistance to foster recovery after crisis events such as school shootings, natural disasters, and the Covid-19 pandemic
  • The co-founder of the National Coalition to Support Grieving Students, focusing on school support for grieving students 
  • The author of more than 150 scholarly articles, book chapters, and books, including The Grieving Student: A Guide for Schools 2nd edition (Brookes Publishing)
  • Consultant and trainer on school crisis and pediatric bereavement in the aftermath of school shootings and natural disasters in the United States and abroad
  • Prominent researcher on children’s understanding of and adjustment to serious illness and death, as well as school-based interventions to promote adjustment and risk prevention.
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children and Disasters
  • Former Commissioner for the National Commission on Children and Disasters as well as the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission in Connecticut 
  • Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Children and Disasters

The Moodsters’ grief advisor, Dr. David Schonfeld, served as a consultant on grief for an episode of the Amazon series, “Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street.”

Meet The Moodsters

Our Worldwide Partners 

900 Million Media Impressions

Helpful Resources From The Moodsters!

Guidelines for Grown-Ups provides science-based content that will help adults teach children the fundamentals of feelings.

Guidelines for Grown-Ups helps to explain grief to a child and how to help a child cope with the death of a loved one.

Resilience is the ability to adapt well to life and its challenges. It’s a state of physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being that helps kids stay calm, learn from their mistakes, and remain optimistic. Resilient children are curious, courageous, and trust their own instincts.

Children’s most important and powerful experiences are saturated with emotions. The question is: What does that child do with those big feelings? The lessons that children learn about emotions at a young age can shape their mental and physical well-being throughout their lives, and the award-winning Moodsters are here to help with the release of their latest science-based workbook for children.

Bounce Forward with The Moodsters offers simple strategies to help children not just bounce back, but bounce forward during challenging times. The activities in this workbook will give children the emotional building blocks needed to thrive in an ever changing world.

The Moodsters  FIRST AID FOR FEELINGS: A Workbook to Help Kids Cope During the Coronavirus Pandemic was published by Scholastic Corporation and donated by The Moodsters Children’s Foundation to hundreds of thousands of students throughout the United States and in eight foreign countries experiencing high levels of COVID-19.

First Aid for Feelings/Guidelines for Grown-ups is a timeless guide to help caregivers and teachers use this workbook to start important conversations about feelings.

Moodsters Meter™️ — Available for Free Download

  • How are you feeling right now?
  • What does your face look like when you have that feeling?
  • What does it feel like in your body when you have that feeling?
  • Is there something happening right now that makes you feel that way?
  • What do you feel like doing when you feel this way?* 
  • Is there something we can do together to help you with this feeling?*

The Most Important Relationship

The Moodsters can help equip children with the necessary tools and resources needed for a happy, healthy, and successful life as productive, well-adjusted adults!

“Remember, children’s most important relationships are with parents and their caregivers. Strong relationships are the bedrock of a child’s sense of well-being and resilience. When they feel loved, safe, and secure, it gives them the confidence needed to explore their world and face the challenges of growing up.”

Denise Daniels, RN, MS

We want to hear from you!

Contact The Moodsters Children’s Foundation
