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Icahn, Under Federal Investigation, Blasts Short Seller

Normally the instigator, activist investor was slow to respond to Hindenburg report that alleged inflated assets

Billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn.
Billionaire activist investor Carl Icahn. Photo: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg

Activist investor Carl Icahn disclosed that his investment company is under investigation by federal prosecutors and went on the attack against the short seller that likely spurred the inquiry, accusing it of “wantonly destroying property and harming innocent civilians.”

Icahn Enterprises IEP -0.89%decrease; red down pointing triangle, the publicly traded firm controlled by Mr. Icahn, was targeted by short seller Hindenburg Research early this month. The next day, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York contacted Icahn Enterprises asking for information about the value of its assets, corporate governance, dividends and other topics, the firm said in a securities filing Wednesday.

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