Charles Hugh Smith

Self-reliance, invest in yourself, Degrowth, local solutions

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Here's the deal: for $3/month $36 a year, you'll get two exclusive Musings Reports per month on solutions (not just surviving  but thriving), and special patron-only discounts on my new books. It's insane to offer so much value for $3 a month, but I can't help myself. 

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Patrons at the $7/month level receive an exclusive subscribers-only Musings Report every week aimed of insights and tools for living well (self-reliantly) regardless of what the future holds. If even one of these 52-per-year extravaganzas adds value to your life, it's worth a gazillion. You also receive exclusive discounts on my new books.

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This is designed for patrons who 1) have retained youthful idealism for solutions and 2)  have made or control substantial wealth--patrons for whom $500/month is more signal noise than sacrifice. Those with this level of wealth don't need more stuff, so what I offer is intangible--acknowledgement of your support in my next book. This has no market value but it's something that is exceedingly scarce. I'm not sure you'll be able to brag about it in your circle of wealthy pals, but the moral satisfaction is off the charts.

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Charles Hugh Smith

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